Showing posts with label Shreeyans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shreeyans. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 May 2022

The School Song - Rishona Chopra

A school song displays the school but do we really need a song to display our school? Isn't the love of the teachers quite enough? Isn't the hard work of teachers quite enough? We don't need a school song to realize that this is a perfect place, or do we? At Tomoe, we don't have a school song, but the headmaster's love is quite enough to describe his school.

Even if we have a school song, we should sing it with pride because going to a good school is a blessing as it is a haven of knowledge. At Gyanshree, we have a school song, and it goes like this:

We, the Shreeyans, are virtuous and strong
To this heavenly place, we belong
We see our future gleaming in the light
We vow to be prudent and upright
Seeking knowledge, resolute to attain
At Gyanshree, excellence and acclaim
We, the Shreeyans, we are proud to be
Radiant and blissful, wise and worthy
All the Shreeyans, sing out loud
With such a lovely school, we are endowed.

Isn't that a wonderful school song? Although I don't really know the tune, I love to sing it!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Friday, 25 February 2022

The Annual Day At School - Rishona Chopra

Every school has an annual day, the most memorable, exciting day. The Annual Day showcases the effort by the students (Shreeyans in Gyanshree School). 

We have numerous events on an annual day. Last time in 3rd grade, I was selected in theatre and the lead role! I was super nervous, but at the same time very happy. Due to lockdown, we could not celebrate Annual Day physically but did it online, but honestly, it wasn't that fun. When we dressed up for a dress rehearsal, all the girls were in the washroom showing each other's dresses and helping tie their hair. When teachers used their lipstick and put it on students, so much fun, although I am allergic to lipstick!

Now an Annual online day is not that fun! The excitement isn't that much, and the fun is definitely less.

An important part was mentioned in the book called 'self-esteem'. Even our Principal ma'am shared it in her assembly! 

Self-esteem is self-respect. How we feel for ourselves. When we ask our parents and teachers if they are proud of us when we achieve something, we should instead ask ourselves.

The Annual Day is also a time to show our skill and have some fun! At first, I was so nervous, even though I was voicing the leading role in the play, that I felt like not doing it! But then that was my area of interest, and I had so much fun after that.

I miss my school and want to go to school, be with my friends and teachers, and physically participate in the Sports Day and Annual Day.

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School