Showing posts with label Soothing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soothing. Show all posts

Monday, 11 November 2024

JDS School Reflections Sunday 11th November 2024

Life from the eyes of trees
Through the eyes of trees, life is slow and timeless. They witness seasons, creatures, and changes in the world around them, feeling each sunrise and sunset. Rooted in place, they grow steadily, adapting quietly, watching humans rush by. Trees endure, connected to the earth, resilient, and part of a story far beyond a single lifetime.

Name- Anjali Bishnoi
Grade- 9th Rose
Jhamkudevi Sen Sec School

How would Cinnamon feel if he meet his birth parents?
At the time of meeting his birth parents, Cinnamon would have been filled with a lot of emotions and at the same time having a lot of questions about their identities. This would have been a very emotional meeting. Also Cinnamon will start feeling a sense of completion after meeting his birth parents as he will get the answers to all the questions he has had within him for a long time and the feeling of loneliness and depression he was tolerating may also diminished by meeting his birth parents and may start feeling soothing.
Name - Nancy 
Grade- 9th Rose
Jhamkudevi Sen Sec School

Sunday, 15 October 2023

Rainy day from my window- Saikiran Sahu

Rain is a boon; without rain, there is no life. We don't understand its importance until it is taken away. I understood this during my summer holidays. That one day taught me a lot. I was watching the dark clouds hovering over our house, blocking the skin-burning rays of the mighty Sun, giving a great sense of relief after the days of torture that I bleared. 

With a flash of loud, boisterous lightning, the clouds started to pour their precious beads of water with the gush of a cold breeze that slightly touched my face as if wanting to convey a message. 

The soothing tingles and pitter-patter of the rain made my eyes shut, putting me to sleep just like my mother used to when I was an infant. Even the trees were dancing to the beats of the rain as if in a dance party. The smell of the fresh mud gave me a homely feeling and eventually sent me down memory lane!

This was my experience of a rainy day from my window.

Saikiran Sahu

Grade- IX 

Gyanshree School

Image courtesy- Unsplash

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