Showing posts with label Totto-Chan's Mother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Totto-Chan's Mother. Show all posts

Monday, 15 August 2022

Sayonara Totto-chan! - Anvesha Rana

Yasuaki-chan left Totto-chan, and now Rocky also vanished. Everyone whom Totto-chan loved seemed to disappear one after the other. Tai-chan no longer spoke to her, Rocky could no longer be heard, and Yasuaki-chan no longer stayed with her. It was as if her little world of love was tumbling down and she was walking alone on a broken road with the rain constantly thumping over her head. Her near and dear ones had gone far away in sight but not in mind, for love is what remains even after you are gone. The little Totto-chan had learnt lessons that made her stronger and bolder in a world full of strangers. She now knew that she had to live up to her limited time in this race on earth, but Totto-Chan remembered to always run with happiness and happiness that makes others happy. 

I have often heard a story of a woman who lost her son but was so desperate to get him back that she went to Lord Buddha to bring her son to life again. In listening to her story, Lord Buddha said he would bring her son to life again only if she could get a fist full of mustard seeds from a house where no one had died. So the woman had set out on her task, she had gone to every home in each locality, but there was not a single house where someone had not died, be it the grandfather, father, mother, child, someone or other had always passed away. Lost and depressed when the woman returned to Lord Buddha, he had simply told her that human lives are like flickering lights. They light for a long time, but suddenly they extinguish. We need to learn to accept the loss and let the ones gone be always loved in our hearts. Just like Totto-Chan will always love Rocky and Yasuaki Chan.

When Ryo-chan, the janitor at Tomoe, had to leave for the War, all the students had organized a special Tea Party just for him. Everyone drank saké and shared something or the other for Ryo-chan. It was a fun time and the children continued the tradition of the Tea Party even after Ryo-chan was on the war ground. It was the last time they had ever gathered at Tomoe. 

Whenever I have to drop someone at the station and bid goodbye, I feel as if they could have stayed just a little longer; no matter how many days we spent together or how much fun we had, at that point, all that matters is whether they can be here for just a bit more time because no amount of time feels enough when you are with your loved ones. 

Sayonara, Sayonara is a Japanese goodbye, but it literally means 'if that's the way it is'. We have learned so much from Totto-chan, the Headmaster and Tomoe. It is even so unique that a young girl, simply through the means of her actions, has taught us friendship, responsibility, coping with loss, freedom and most importantly, love. So all we can say is Thank You and Sayonara, Totto-chan! 

Anvesha Rana,

Grade 10-B, 

Gyanshree School

Monday, 8 August 2022

Just the Way you are! - Anvesha Rana

There is so much happening with Totto-chan. Her friend, Yasuaki Chan, dies, and all she is left with is a longing to see him again. Her heart broke down on his passing, but she did not let that show, for she knew they would meet again soon. Their lives might have been entangled once, but they had broken free. 

Totto-chan was still an optimistic, cheerful girl. She let her ambitions cross limits and did live up to them. Her dream of a spy might have been full of zeal, but it crashed as Tai-chan pointed out the reality, yet Totto-chan gathered her courage and awaited the bright, new future. Twisted, they both were in their own lives, simply finding the correct path to walk up. 

No wonder Totto-chan is Totto-chan only because of her parents; the values that Totto-chan’s mother and father have instilled in her, not through sermons but through examples, have led her to be the same person. Another man who has contributed massively to the becoming of Totto-Chan is her headmaster, who not only made Totto-Chan realize her worth but also made her learn the art of respect and helping others. 


Be just the way you are, 

For you are perfect 

And you are pretty. 

You are strong, 

And agile enough. 

You are a tree, 

That will never fall. 

Everyone in Tomoe, 

Should be just the way 

They are, because I can’t

Imagine it to be better. 

Let it be Tai-Chan, 

Or be it her mother, 

Let it be the young teacher, 

Or the Headmaster. 

I wouldn’t want anything

Different at all, 

Because it is perfect, 

Just the Way you are ! 

Anvesha Rana,
Grade 10-B,
Gyanshree School

Monday, 1 August 2022

Totto-chan's World - Anvesha Rana

Totto-chan was oozing with inquisitiveness; she always wanted to know this or that; she squeaked at the sight of anything new and liked it immediately. Similarly, when she saw the Health Bark, Tottochan wanted it for herself and her family, and after taking money from the Headmaster, she bought the health bark. The man selling the Health Bark was a fraudster who used tricks to sell the simple, ordinary bark by claiming it to have magical properties. Still, little Totto-Chan couldn't see the reality for the only thing that mattered to her was that her family, rocky and all her friends were fit as a fiddle, thanks to the miraculous bark. 

Another time a new student joined Tomoe; he was from America and hardly knew anything about Japan; he was Miyazaki. All the children at Tomoe helped Miyazaki to learn the Japanese way of life, and in turn, Miyazaki became like an English tutor for all of them. The amount of learning that can take place between people from diverse cultures is portrayed through the means of a few words.

Once Totto-Chan was also going to be a part of the school amateur drama, she was supposed to play Yoshitsune, but Totto-Chan didn't like her character very much because Yoshitsune was only supposed to be beaten. Still, Totto-Chan couldn't wait to retaliate when someone hit her, even if it was for a play! So, Totto-Chan was not a part of the first, and the last time an amateur drama took place at Tomoe Gakuen. 

Each year on an annual day at my school, I am part of the dance; since an early time, dance has been an art that attracted me the most, and I immensely enjoy it. My favourite dance was when we performed a classical item. 

The best part about Tomoe is that the students are let free; they are allowed free of discipline, stringent rules, and free of strict teachers. Sternness can only kill the imagination, but freeness can ignite it further. The Headmaster lets the students write music notes with chalk on the polished floor by keeping in mind that they will be the ones scouring the floor after their musical transition. This way, everyone learns to take responsibility for their actions. 

This was so far from Life at Tomoe Gakuen, a small school blended with love and values, making Totto-chan's small world complete. 

Anvesha Rana,
Grade 10-B,
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 3 July 2022

Totto-chan and Us - Anvesha Rana

School, a place to learn and grow, a garden to walk and stroll and land to meet and greet. We go to School every day, but what does School mean? School comes from the Greek word skholē which means leisure. In ancient times, labour was challenging, so going to School was fun since children could simply meet their friends, ponder on diverse topics and completely unwind when from School. The School was meant to be a place for fun and learning. I go to School to learn new things and meet my friends and teachers. Going to School is fun because I get to do a lot of extra activities like sports, dance, music, theatre and art. I even learn some of my favourite subjects, like English or science. But the best part is that when I return home from School, my sister and I get to exchange all our learnings for the day. Discussing School with my parents is also something that I love. Mr.Kobayashi, the headmaster at Tomoe Gakuen had a right hand man as Mr.Maruyama. A Right-hand man is someone who supports and helps us in all our tasks. The children could often associate the smell of incense sticks with Mr Maruyama since he was the one who introduced them to the Rehei Amanoya. Similarly, a scent that I sense is of a ball of yarn. Whenever I see wool or a ball of yarn, I remember my Grandmother. She sat on her rocking chair and would continue to sew woollen sweaters for all of us. That image is still strong in my mind; whenever I recall it, it always fills me with nostalgia. Totto-Chan was called Korean by a boy Masow-Chan, but she couldn’t understand it until her mother explained this. It is true that behind every unique child is an even more radiant mother. We all love Totto-chan, but it’s only because of her mother that she is so curious yet so calm, mischievous and yet so sublime. Totto-chan’s mother has inculcated every possible value in the young girl. Be it equality, love, patience, humility, appreciation or compassion, perhaps Totto-chan has it all! We all should be a little more like her; we all should learn to master our two hawks, our two bears, our two rabbits, our stubborn donkey and the most vicious snake. Let us flow with this rivulet of love!

Anvesha Rana, Grade 10-B, Gyanshree School.

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Totto-chan's Mother - Amaira Bhati


Totto-chan’s mother is kind, gentle and calm. Totto Chan had been expelled from her old school, but her mother had not scolded her, and she did not even tell her about the suspension so as to not upset her daughter. Instead, she made Totto Chan go to a new school. 

The teacher of Totto-chan’s old school was disappointed and annoyed by her but mother always stood by Totto-chan’s side and let Totto Chan be the cheerful and chirpy girl she was; mother kept Totto-chan’s expulsion a secret. 

It was the first day of Totto-chan’s new school, Tomoe Gakuen. It was a school with railroad cars as classrooms, and it deeply excited the jovial Totto Chan. Her mother played a crucial role in all this; she encouraged Totto-chan to share what she liked at the school that day and listened to all her tales with amusement. 

Even when Totto-chan ran to her mother and told her she wanted to be a ticket collector, her mother coolly reminded her that she wanted to be a spy instead. Totto-chan is very lucky to have a Mother so encouraging. Deep down, Totto-chan’s Mother knew all about her daughter’s potential even when she concealed her feelings most of the time. That’s the power of a mother.

Amaira Bhati,
Grade 3-F,
Gyanshree School