Showing posts with label Utilize. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Utilize. Show all posts

Saturday, 4 November 2023

Thinking for oneself - Nishan Karki

Thinking for oneself

"Its starting point has always been a willingness to think for oneself, a feeling of respect and concern for our fellow creatures, and a refusal to be complicit in abuse, and people of such conviction come from everywhere." —Matthew Scully
Thinking for oneself is one of the most important parts of life. It plays a crucial role in one's life. One should also think about his own motives instead of those of others. Well, it is also important to think for others, but before that, thinking for oneself is more crucial.
Arthur Schopenhauer, a German philosopher, said that:
A library may be very large, but if it is in disorder, it is less useful than one that is small but well-arranged. In the same way, a man may have a great mass of knowledge, but if he has yet to work it up by thinking it over for himself, it has much less value than a far smaller amount that he has thoroughly pondered.

So, one may have a great deal of knowledge, but if he does not use it wisely and in a fruitful manner by thinking it over for himself, his knowledge is worthless. He should utilize his knowledge to do good for himself and, thus, for others. He should not let it go to waste and always try to gain from it. If only he gains from his knowledge by thinking it over for himself, his knowledge will be valuable.

Nishan Karki
Class 10
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society
Image Courtesy- wikiHow

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