Showing posts with label ability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ability. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

JDS School Reflections - Sunday 8th December 2024

                          Wisdom, proper knowledge and intellect. How can we connect with that?

To connect with wisdom, reflect on experiences and seek diverse perspectives. To obtain the proper knowledge, pursue learning and discern the truth through critical thinking. To develop intellect, practice curiosity, logical reasoning, and problem-solving regularly.

                           Are animals sensitive? How are humans different from animals?

Animals are sensitive to physical sensations, emotions, and environmental changes. Humans differ in their advanced reasoning, abstract thought, complex emotions, and the ability to create culture and language.

Name - Anjali
Grade - 9th
School - Jhamkudevi Sen Sec School 

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Self-realization - Rishona Chopra

Do you know yourself?
When we are asked about our weaknesses and strengths, don't we take quite a long time to understand ourselves? We try so hard to understand others but do we honestly appreciate ourselves? 
The human brain is full of complexities and thoughts that we, too, fail to understand. We need to understand our passion, our capability and to what extent can we reach.

I was asked who I was,
And there was a pause,
A long stretch of silence,
I was thinking as if it was science.
I realised I fail to understand who I am,
Did I have the ability to pass a challenging exam?
I needed to understand by ability,
Years pass by,
I still don't appreciate my being.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 30 January 2022

Specially Abled- Aanya Kumar

Many people perceive disability if someone is -

  • blind
  • deaf
  • handicap etc.
But is this true? Obviously no! Many times, it has been proved that the disabled do amazing work, which probably an average person can't. One such example is Linda Riveros. She is an amazing painter and paints using her legs, and she has been doing so since she was 7. Also, our current prime minister has titled them as 'specially abled'. I feel the same because even if a person is differently-abled, they are no less than average. Our values teach us to have mutual respect towards each other, and following the same will lead us to a better and more hopeful tomorrow.

Aanya Kumar
Gyanshree School
Grade 5

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Courage - Abhilasha Mansion

Abhilasha Mansion
Courage is the mental and emotional preparedness and ability to deal with difficulties and challenges. Each person possesses this value, and his or her life must deal with various life challenges.

I recall an incident that took place a few days ago at the Vangani station in Mumbai. A person named Mayur Shelkar saved a baby's life in front of the train. The baby was playing at the station, and his mother was blind. While playing, he fell on the track. As his mother was blind, she knew nothing about it. The train got too close to the baby. Mayur Shelkar saw this and ran to save the baby without thinking about his own life. And he picked the baby safely from the front of the train and saved his life. This is true courage.

Abhilasha Mansion 
Class VIII A
The Fabindia School

Good Schools Of India