Showing posts with label action. Show all posts
Showing posts with label action. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

The Jai Hind Project's objective and vision - Anmol Kashyap

*The Jai Hind Project aims to introduce more heroes and role models to our youth, inspiring action in their lives.

Success would be a natural outcome when we pursue excellence and feel far more fulfilled in every endeavour.

*One must forever strive for excellence and also for perfection.

-By Anmol Kashyap
Sunbeam School Lahartara

Monday, 27 November 2023

Being always grateful is what Gratitude means - Tenzin Jambey

Gautam Buddha was born into a royal family, but unlike other princes, he didn't like being a prince or wanting to become a king or rule a kingdom. He was greatly affected and unfortunate after finding out that human life is a misery; therefore, he attained "Nirvana" after meditating for years to free himself from the world of sorrow and sadness. Sometimes, religious texts and stories make me wonder whether they occurred in reality.

The flying chariot of Ravana, the superpower monkey God like Hanumanji, etc., are all myths that few people in the world don't believe, and some people like me are in a dilemma. Some people believe that praying to God and offering sacrifices brings peace into one's life, but we must understand that we bring happiness and sadness to ourselves.

Now, the question arises: What does gratitude do with all this?

Gratitude is an art that can bring about a significant change in our lives. When gratitude becomes part of our lives, we stop blaming gods for our sadness and sorrow. First, we must understand that it is a natural process that, after giving birth, everyone has to die. A flower that is blooming today won't stay blooming forever. At the same time, we have to learn to accept sadness, sorrow, failure, hate, death, and misery. Because of all such emotions, we know what happiness, joy, birth, and pleasure feel like.

"Every action has an opposite reaction and an equal reaction." Newton's law is implied in everything around us, even our emotions. Now that we know that sadness and sorrow will come into our lives, why mourn for a long time? Why do you have to cry and shed tears for the sad moment that happened years ago when you didn't laugh at the joke from last year?

People are like a maze, and it's our nature to look for sadness until we change it ourselves. To overcome this, "gratitude" serves as a hearing medicine. We should always accept that whatever happens, it happens for the best. Always be grateful for everything that happens around you. Even if you fail or someone takes away your privilege, be happy and grateful, as there is always a learning part and learning and lessons are far better than winning. "Be grateful for your house," "Be grateful for the food you eat," and "Be grateful for your body organs," as there are some who don't have a home, have body parts, or get one meal a day. A boy was sitting on the bench, and he was barefoot. We wished for a show and became sad, but his desire for a shoe vanished when he saw another guy with no legs. This is how gratitude works.
Having gratitude will protect you from being affected by others; feelings of jealousy and hate will never arise if you follow the art of gratitude in your daily life. "BEING ALWAYS GRATEFUL IS WHAT GRATITUDE MEANS."

Pestalozzi Children's Village Society

Monday, 14 August 2023

One kind word can warm three winter months - Tenzin Jambey

Picture Courtesy:

The proverb- 'One kind word can warm three winter months' means that one kind word can make people feel good in their sufferings. In other words, our kind words and works have had a good effect on people for a very long time.

Doing kind work is neither easy nor difficult. It's just a simple act everyone must practice to promote peace among the living beings on earth. All people have their definition of the word - 'kindness', and therefore I have my definition of it too.

According to me, 'Kindness doesn't mean donating and helping poor and needy people'. If this act was to be called an act of kindness, then some people do these things to win the vote during the election. And after being elected, their words, kind work and promises to vanish into the air like the air itself. 

I also want to bring up the act of some rich people who donate money to charity unwillingly to reduce the tax from the government. Therefore, I believe that the act of kindness must come, and it must come from deep within your heart by forgetting about your wealth and asset.

I remember a line in the poem, 'The Heart Of Tree', where it tells that a kind man plants a tree to serve future generations. He knows that he won't be able to enjoy the fruits of that tree, but still, he will have the satisfaction - that someday this tree will be helping people improve fresh air to breathe.

Many people speak about peace and kindness, but a few follow it. And I agree that only speaking is not enough. We must act upon our saying as we all know that - 'Action speaks louder than words'.

Some people don't understand the words of love to whom we refer as 'Rod is the only logic of fools'. If all the people were to follow the saying, there would have been no jail or prison. It indicates that saying alone is not stable enough to bring up a change. 

It's the truth, which I will highlight since now we remember the people who speak well about us and praise us only for a few days. But the people who show their kindness and help us to make our life better and more peaceful are remembered for years and years. It's so true that the praise and lovely, heartful words vanish into the air like changing seasons, but the kind act shows its effect for a very long time, like the climate.

Most people forget kind words, but kind work can last for years. And people remember you for your contribution like we remember Mahatma Gandhi for his act of promoting peace. We Pestalozzians remember Sir Johan Henrich Pestalozzi every year for his kindness and loving act that he practised till his last breath.

'A kind word can warm three winter months, but an act of kindness can give warmth for centuries'.

Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.

Saturday, 24 June 2023

A cause that is dear to me - Veda Varshita Marrivada

Reading the book with Jugjiv Sir

There can be many causes that can be important to us. A cause is a reason which affects an action. Everything in this world has a cause which can be good or bad. Especially humans have one or more causes in life. Grounds are compelling because they give us the power to question something and change our way of life.

I have many causes in life. It can relate to my family, work, academics, and being a good human. But there are three primary reasons in my life to live. They are:

1. My family
It is because of them that I am living. They make great sacrifices for us and help us in complicated situations. They guide us correctly and are ready to do anything for our happiness. They sometimes scold us, which makes us upset, but it's for our own good.
2. My work
I get easily engaged once it comes to work. It allows me to acquire loads of knowledge and increase my creativity. Also, it gives me peace of mind and the feeling that I am a busy adult.
3. To know "THE VALUE OF LIFE"
If we don't understand the value of life, we spend our entire life never enjoying and being happy. If we once experience life as a whole and understand the importance of life, we can spend it wisely and happily.

These were my causes to live, but a human will have a cause/reason for everything.

In conclusion, we should find causes, analyse, think, and act on them daily. We shall indeed observe a change. Therefore, think of reasons every day. 

Veda Varishta Marrivada
Grade 5 Hyderabad Public School Begumpet

Please listen to my blog post.

Saturday, 20 May 2023

Mindful living is important in present time - Tenzin Jambey

With time everything is changing; we see development and new infrastructure set up. The living standard of people is also changing, and with the way of living standards, people's minds and the method of executing actions are too changing. We must be very mindful about our activities and words in today's world. 

Our one action can cause heavy destruction; with one step, our identity can change. With one step, we lose our trust, friends, and loved ones. Before doing any work or even speaking to somebody, we should ask ourselves whether we are doing the right thing. We should consider the effects and consequences, but many people still do something wrong even after knowing it is wrong. 

Humans get many emotions like greed, selfishness, and desire to possess. That's why it becomes difficult sometimes to have control over our actions. How strange we human beings are. Aren't we just for the sake of fun and enjoyment? We put everything, even studies, aside? This all originates in the mind, and we should adopt good habits so that lousy thought can die at the place where it was created. 

Good thinking leads to the execution of good actions, and good actions would lead you to a happy life. Indeed, we don't have control over our emotions but can control our actions.

Teenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's India Village

Monday, 2 January 2023

What I Fear The Most... Gaurangi Rastogi


At The Sunday School, we read the book The Art Of Focus by Gauranga Das on the 1st of Jan, 2023. Reading Chapter 32 - Human Quality: Preparedness, we set out to discover the fears within. Gaurangi Rastogi shares her reflections in her maiden podcast. You must listen to her and prepare to overcome your fears. She studies at The Doon Girls' School Dehradun and works as an Intern at My Good School. We meet her often at The Sunday School - reading, writing and speaking. #JoyOfLearning

Thursday, 24 November 2022

Respect - Tenzin Jambey

Respect means having inspiration, admiration, and high regard for someone because of their action, work, and achievement. In today's world, if we want to be respected by people, then our actions should awaken a feeling of motivation in them.

Respect is something that needs to be earned, but we should always be first to give respect to others. Then only we will be respected back.

As the world is changing, people's mindsets and ways of thinking are changing and transforming into a devil's mind. Nowadays, if we even respect someone, they don't respect us back. People only respect you for your position. In school, I see "once in a blue moon" students giving respect to the workers like sweepers, carpenters, guards, gatekeepers, etc.

In school, I have seen some students who don't even respect their teachers, who are like gods to us and always try to teach us good things. I have also noticed during assembly that the seniors don't listen to what the Principal sir is saying; they all seem lost in their own world.

Some people find it very difficult to learn and adopt good things, but they find it exciting and joyful to know the bad words, cursing words, wrong languages, and bad qualities.

We might think that the person who is beautiful and handsome or very attractive and good-looking is the one who is always respected, but, actually, only they are respected who work day and night to be a good person and always have a pure heart.

As students, we should always try to be calm children in the class. Although we are good students, our actions might be disrespectful to the teachers, which we don't get to know.

In today's world, even if we do our best to be respected by the people, it really doesn't matter to them. They only appreciate you if you have a  position. Millions of people say, "there should be equality, " but they don't do it. We should always respect someone not for their job but by thinking they are also human beings.

Tenzin Jambey

Shelja Thakur
Pestalozzi World Local Alumni Coordinator and Senior Student Liaison Officer

Friday, 3 December 2021

It's Never Too Late - Rishona Chopra

Based on the chapter It’s never too late, from Is Your Child Ready to face the world by
Dr Anupam Sibal.

We often come in situations where we tend to make a wrong decision or even have the right intentions for something, but we use it in the wrong way. Sometimes we come across situations where we do the right thing, but others seem to get it in the wrong way or assume us wrong when what we do is the right thing.

Take the example of Alfred Nobel, a famous scientist. Alfred Nobel made many inventions, one of them being dynamite. He made it for people’s safety and mining purposes of mining but little did he know that people were going to use it for wars. People saw him as an enemy and a person who would kill people for money. This had an effect on Nobel. Despite being disheartened, he brought courage in himself and thought that it was never too late to set things right. He made the invention of Nobel Prizes, which helped people see him for his good acts.  

Rishona Chopra
Grade V -A 
Gyanshree School

Good Schools Of India