Showing posts with label activity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label activity. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 December 2022

Responsibility - Rishona Chopra

Responsibility is vital in a classroom, not only for students but for teachers too. Responsibility is taking ownership of one's actions. It is to accept your mistake, help around and work hard. Responsibility assumes that you are the cause and the solution to the problem. When we take responsibility, we should take it with total commitment and honesty. We shouldn't have a responsibility to others but to ourselves too.

At my earlier school, we did an activity, not a movement but a daily exercise. Every day, after lunch, we had to clean the class. We got duties of dusting, sweeping and mopping. Whoever finished their commitment would get to play outside. This taught us responsibility; my favourite task was to mop the floor. If you try it once, you'll realize it's fun to mop the floor, unlike sweeping. Even cleaning the bathroom is an excellent duty, well, only if it's a small one!

An important part is responsible for our actions. We all make mistakes and some wrongdoings, and instead of covering them up with thousands of lies, we should make it easy with one truth and take responsibility for our actions.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Hobby - Devanshi Ojha

My name is Devanshi Ojha. I study in Second Class. I have made happy and sad faces using colourful clay. I have many colours of clay. 

First, I made a circle and then used a bowl to cut it into the proper shape. I used black clay to make eyes and hair. Then I used red clay to make a smile and a sad face. 

I can make many other toys like cars, dolls, huts, apples, or other fruits and vegetables. 

I enjoyed doing this activity, and by this, I have learnt that all the colours are so beautiful and we can use them to make different things. 

Devanshi Ojha
Class II
The Fabindia School

Good Schools Of India