Showing posts with label ambitions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ambitions. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Goals - Trusha Sarkar

If we want to succeed in life, set a goal that commands our thoughts, liberates our energy and inspires our hopes.

Setting a goal is the first step that helps us turn the invisible into the visible; in other words, it motivates us to realize our dreams. 

Why is it necessary to set goals? My fellow mates' answer to this question is that realistic goals with time boundaries act as road maps that would guide us to show what we can achieve with the skills we possess and our real potential.

I would like to share with my readers - one tiny baby step that I have taken lately is that every morning when I wake up, the first thing that I do is to scribble in my dairy- a 'things-to-do' list. This helps me in prioritizing my tasks for the day. It has definitely helped me act in a little organized manner.

The Japanese believe everyone has an Ikigai- a reason to jump out of bed every morning.

Rightly said, 'A goal is a dream with a deadline.' I firmly believe that we should dream significant and, more importantly, follow it with sincere and consistent efforts. I am confident that we will be more focused and attain our objectives more smoothly with our goals rightly set.

To wrap up, let me expand the acronym GOALS:

G- Grow; O- One-step; A- At a time; L- Little by little, your; S- Steps will add up.

Grade 7
Trisha Sarkar 
The Doon Girls' School

Monday, 7 February 2022

Determination - Prarthna Rastogi


I believe that ordinary people achieve success with extraordinary determination... -Zig Ziglar.

Determination is the way to success. It is the way to our happiness. If a person is determined about their aim and has hope, then nobody can stop them from achieving anything in life. It is the tendency that we have within us and the strength to overcome any sort of hurdle in life. Someone who is determined is immensely self-motivated and motivates others too. The determination may even help us improvise as it does not let us give up in any situation. It’s an important quality which everyone should possess. A determined person has self-confidence, which never lets them down and is the key to success.

Prarthna Rastogi

Grade VIII

The Doon Girls School

Sunday, 30 January 2022

Determination - Anvesha Rana

"Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting."

Life is about success, failure and more success. The key to facing all of it is the determination to rise after one falls and start right from square one. We may receive awards or we may not, but definitely at some point in life we will receive failure and when we do, we all should remember to embrace it. Failure is not the opposite of success, it is a part of success. Only after you fail, you succeed and only after you succeed, you fail but what matters most is that you continue your quest of accomplishing your dreams. 50 years down the lane you will be more disappointed about the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do and when you start fulfilling your ambitions, you may even realize that life is too short for everything. 

An ordinary person who demonstrated extraordinary determination was Steve Jobs. He dropped out of college and started Apple Computer, Inc. with Steve Wozniak in his parent's garage. At twenty-five, Steve was worth USD 100 million. Seven years after this John Sculley became the CEO of Apple, due to the difference in the work styles of Jobs and Sculley, Jobs was fired from his own company. This was one of the most creative periods in the life of Apple's creator, during this time he started a company NeXT and also bought a computer animation studio named Pixar, he played a hand in the success of Toy Story, Ratatouille, The Incredibles and Cars. Jobs was then approached to rejoin Apple, he made radical changes at the company and hired Tim Cook. This was very different from a younger Jobs. The employees were now excited and they felt a sense of pride in their daily work. The results were a host of innovative products and Apple not just being a company, but a legacy.

We all respond to failure negatively but in reality it is an awful tasting medicine that the patient needs. Rather than regretting failure, we should assess what went wrong and improve our chances the next time. No matter how many times we lose, we should not let loss undermine our strength or our determination in fact, failure should only make our will stronger.

Anvesha Rana,
Gyanshree School.

Sunday, 26 December 2021

Be a Dreamer - Rishona Chopra

Based on the chapter Be a dreamer by Dr Anupam Sibal from Is Your Child Ready to face the world.

Having dreams is something we all must-have. I don't mean dreams that you get while sleeping; I am 
talking about ambitions that we must have. We have come to Earth to play our part to be something that can help Earth and others' lives. 

Take the example of Abraham Lincon -
Abraham Lincon had a dream to put an end to slavery. He had that dream which many of us thought impossible, but Lincon made it possible. Even though he had to face many problems, he didn't give up on his dream and look what he did, he banned slavery in most places!!

So that was something he did. He played his part.
Of Course, it is essential to have a dream, but we must work hard for a dream to come true.

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

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