Showing posts with label attachment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label attachment. Show all posts

Sunday, 9 October 2022

Attachment - Rishona Chopra

If we continue to become attached to our specialities, personality, or role for most of our lives, then over time, we forget the authentic self, waiting to be recognized. Whenever I think I am one of the above, I become more and more disconnected from my authentic self, which will give me more self-esteem and, as a result, permanent happiness.

The personality skills, the sparkling education success and the way I dress up, these are all temporary. This is because don’t forget life is a roller coaster where success can quickly leave me within a short period. So, enjoy all of them because even if they are attainments and enjoying attainments is not being materialistic or non-spiritual. But don’t become dependent on them for your happiness. On the other hand, the source of all the specialities and personality – the real I is a sum total of the essential qualities of the soul – peace, love and joy. All that is good inside, which is eternal, and the relationship of the I or myself with a higher source - God, which is also imperishable (un-destroyable) is what I need to be dependent on because it will never leave me.

Don’t forget, in our earliest births, we were highly skilled, excellent and wealthy, so much so that everything good a human can have physically was with us. Yet we were wholly detached from all these attainments, enjoying them. That too at a time when these attainments were imperishable because that was the original world, a world of happiness. But, now, all these attainments in our life are no longer permanent and can very quickly go away from us in a split second because we live in an unpredictable world with many ups and downs. No skill or role has with it the assurance of being permanent.

On the other hand, it is the time when the imperishable I is the one who stands by us permanently. So, it is this I, the hand we need to hold tight consistently and connect the I with a permanent source – the Supreme Soul. As a result, enjoy every moment of life with complete security, surety and safety.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Love and Attachment- Rishona Chopra

Love is not staying with people forever, not giving them freedom saying that you love them. It is to care, not caring for the other person to know you love them. 

Like when our mother told us to sleep alone, I used to feel that she did not love me, but the truth is that she wanted us to be more independent and mature. She cares for us. When she tells us to do our work ourselves, I think we feel more comfortable when we have that space. On the other hand, if our mother stays with us all the time watching every move of ours, I think that's very uncomfortable. 

Staying with someone is attachment, caring for someone in love. When we say ' I love you, therefore, I want you to love me,' it is an attachment, but when we say ' I love you, therefore, I want you to be happy is love. We love them; it doesn't matter if they don't love us back. That is unconditional love. 

Even if we have no one who loves us, there will always be one who does, which is God. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

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