Showing posts with label attitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label attitude. Show all posts

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Gratitude makes our Attitude - Sunbeam Varuna

Ismat - "If you concentrate on what you have, you'll always have more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you'll never have enough." - Lewis Howes

Astha - Maintaining an attitude of gratitude holds significant importance as it transforms our mindset. By redirecting our attention from ourselves towards appreciating people or things, we open doors to express gratitude for every facet of our lives.

Ismat - Cultivating this attitude involves consciously appreciating both major and minor aspects regularly-be it relationships, health, business, possessions, basic necessities like food and water, or our general sense of wellness.

Astha - Embracing an attitude of gratitude lets us engage from a standpoint of abundance. Nurturing this mindset cultivates greater happiness, positivity, and compassion towards ourselves and those in our circles.

Ismat- Centering on what brings us gratitude helps build stronger habits of appreciating the significant individuals and elements in our lives. Gratitude, fundamentally, involves appreciating what we possess rather than fixating on what we might lack.

This is our maiden effort, we hope you like it.

Brought to you by Sunbeam Varuna School & Hostel Varanasi

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Sunday, 5 November 2023

The author of my story; the master of my fate - Rishona Chopra

I have always believed that we are the author of our tale. We are the ones that create our story and decide how it shall conclude. The pen is in our hands and it is our wish to decide how things shall go. 

We are the master of our fate and we can decide which path we choose and go on. Yes, there will be numerous challenges on our way. Yes, there shall be a few earthquakes and floods and things that bring us down. But, its the way one soars after being pulled down each time that matters. 

There are lot of people or rather characters that influence our story. They may influence our decisions or bring about a plot twist or setback in our story but again the pen is in our hands. We are the captain. The final decision is in our hands.  We have the power to control our thought. We have the power to control our attitude.

A thought that comes to my mind is that what about instances when something bad happens? Lets say one gets fired from their job. That may not be one's destiny. This is just another flood in our life; something influencing our story. Some people may go down and drown with the flood and some may swim through it an survive. It's all about the attitude and thought in life. Someone may come across a serious injury and accept it and happily pass away to heaven abode; nothing bad in it at all, they wrote their ending and it was what they wanted,that was one's happy ending. Some may try and try to survive this earthquake and yet fail but I'd say that's not failure; giving up because you think its too tough is failure because nothing is impossible. 

Another thing is death. People don't want to die but eventually they have to. Its just the way it works. You may live as long as 400 years but it has to end. One day it has to. That is the all eternal end but fate here is how you live your live. The future of all the small events in our life. 

There are a few lines from a song I would quote:
"He said,One day, you'll leave this world behindSo live a life you will remember"

What matters is how we live our lives. With happiness and glory or sadness and misery.

We all can surely make our fate better. Better and happier. We have the power to do that. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 9 October 2022

Gratitude - Oshi Singh

You may know the meaning of this nine-letter word, but do you practice it daily? 

The feeling of Gratitude or thankfulness. Do you recall when we were little children constantly reminded to say thank you? Why was that? The answer seems pretty simple at the moment, to show that we care and appreciate what we have. 

Why, then, does this change when we get older? Why does our habit of expressing gratitude fade away with time? Why do we think whatever is happening & whatever someone is doing for us is bound to happen. Why can't it be out of love and compassion? Gratitude is a valuable life lesson and, if practised, can teach us to have a significant and positive attitude towards life. It changes our overall perspective towards life and helps make us and others around us happier. 

We never thank our mom enough for setting up our rooms. We never thank our dad for teaching us something new every time. We never thank our siblings sufficient for teaching us the art of sharing and caring. We never thank the sun and the fine moon for lightening our days and nights. We never thank God enough for giving us the gift of life. So why don't we promise to cherish all these bundles of joy for the rest of our lives? 

So let's practice these small acts of kindness by saying a simple "thank you", "I appreciate what you do", and "I am grateful to have you in my life". All these small acts of selflessness can later be your contribution to making sure future generations live in a better and positive world. 

Oshi Singh
Gyanshree School 

Saturday, 11 June 2022

Poem on Humility - Arav Agarwal

Humility comes from simplicity;
It teaches us equality. 

Humility strengthens connectivity;
Fills our life with positivity.
Kindness, Compassion, Gratitude
Are humble person’s attitude.
Treat each other with respect and dignity
And always practice the value of humility.

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 6A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Monday, 7 March 2022

Gratitude - Miraya Bhatia

You might think gratitude and attitude are the same coincidentally, they even rhyme but they both are extremely different. Attitude is the opposite of gratitude.

Gratitude means to be grateful whereas attitude means to be rude. I have gratitude but I also show attitude when I am upset. A lot of people show an attitude when they are angry and even when they are happy as they want to make other people jealous but I will always be grateful and show gratitude to my friends. I don’t care if anyone is showing me attitude and trying to make me jealous and we must always remember that life is a cycle. You might have heard, “What goes comes back to you” and it is right if you show attitude to your friends they will show you the attitude that you gave them and the same for gratitude.

Miraya Bhatia
Grade IV
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 28 November 2021

Cooperation - Anishka Nanda

What does the word "cooperation "actually mean? It's not just working in a team but working together positively and healthily and uniting and collaborating with others. I learned to cooperate when I was 3 years old. I used to share my toys with my siblings and friends. Soon it developed the attitude of caring and sharing, give and take. It improved my friendship, and I started being understanding towards others. Most importantly, cooperation helped me a lot to learn how to overcome challenges together. It helped me in building better learning, emotional maturity and strong personal identity. Cooperation is essential because it allows people and groups to work together to achieve a common goal. "Alone, we can do so little, but together we can do so much."
Name: Anishka Nanda Grade: 5C Billabong High International School, Thane