Showing posts with label bad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bad. Show all posts

Monday, 29 April 2024

What makes us Human - Rishona Chopra

 What really makes humans human?

To me, it's the power to choose that makes us human.

Animals have a fixed way of living. They have a limited variety of foods, have the same schedule every day, and live the simplest of lives. Humans, on the other hand, have many options, different paths to choose and choices to make. A question then arises, is the power to choose a good one? 

Animals live simple yet organised lives. Humans on the other hand have made a mess of their lives. So many things to do and lack simplicity. But, the power to choose is a great one if used correctly. In life, we have two paths, one of spirituality and goodness and one of wrong choices. We all get distracted between these paths because everyone is not on one path. There are many on the path of wrongdoings and it's okay because once we realize what the right choice is, we make it. 

The power to choose shows us all the ways life can turn out and allows us to live it to the fullest. The one challenge is choosing the right path. 

The confusing thing about these paths is that both give us happiness but one gives us pleasure only for a short while whereas the other ensures long-term happiness and success. 

There is no "right" way to identify and choose the correct path because inside all of us, we know the right choice, and as life unfolds itself, so do our decisions. Life is like a book, every page turned, directs towards a new beginning and different ending. 

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VIII
Gyanshree School

Thursday, 30 March 2023

What is peer pressure and how can we deal with it? - Tenzin Nyesel

Generally, everyone has a circle of peers with whom they are comfortable talking and sharing things. But sometimes the circle you are in might not have the people with whom you are meant.

Sometimes, the people in our circle pressure us to do the work they demand, which might need to be corrected. When our peers give orders instead of advice, it leads us on the wrong path and makes us do bad things; that’s when we go through peer pressure. 

Peer pressure affects us not only physically but also mentally. Due to this, many people of young age get spoiled physically and mentally. They lose their concentration power. It decreases self-confidence and self-worth. Also, distances us from our family members and friends.

Tenzin Nyesel
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Wednesday, 11 January 2023

How am I preparing to face the world? - Januka Basnet

Life is short; we were gifted this life only once to face it optimistically. No one should regret that they have not lived their life to the fullest.

Let's do something worthy; let's do something which will leave a mark on your existence. Let's face your life with a coy smile and let the world remember you as a warrior.

There may be some bad times and good times. Remember the good ones and learn from the bad ones. Try to have a good companion who will remain till the last breath.🖤☺️

Januka Basnet  
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Friday, 29 July 2022

Jealousy- ‘ The necessary evil’ - Gaurangi Rastogi

J-e-a-l-o-u-s-y is the word we experience and notice everything. Elderly people say that Jealousy can ruin everything, and it's true. Jealousy can be good or even harmful. Even when I speak that Jealousy can be beneficial, they ask how. Let me tell you an example of my story. 

When I was in grade V, my parents would talk about my cousin, that she is good at that, this... It would make me so sad that I fought with my parents saying I don't have my identity or what. When they said, "Beta! You are more than them; you can achieve anything, so I started working hard towards academics, curricular activities, and sports. After I worked hard on my achievements, nobody told me I was inferior to others. This is the good side; the wrong side is more than the opposite of this example. 

If we always get jealous of others, we never achieve the achievements we deserve, like- becoming a vice president of one of your school's leading clubs, the dancer, singer, speaker or anything you say.  

Jealousy always made me depressed, aggressive, or emotional. Life has competition, but there is always a competitor with whom you will fight forever, and that's yourself. 

Gaurangi Rastogi,
Grade 7,
The Doon girl's school