Showing posts with label belief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label belief. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

God & Belief - Samriddhi Banerjee

Guru Nanak Ji believes in one God but I believe that God provides a framework for understanding the world and our place within it. It provides a sense of purpose and meaning in life. The belief in one God can teach a person to believe in your own self and make a better world for themselves. 

Samridhhi Banerjee
Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara

Monday, 8 January 2024

"Oneness" to Me: Tenzin Chonzom

Oneness shows us the meaning of connection, in every sense of the word. Oneness is a feeling of interconnectedness. It is usually experienced as an intense heart-opening and awareness of the goodness in all beings

Once Guru Nanak said, "God is neither Hindu nor Muslim”. He emphasized that there is only One God who has created the entire universe, including human beings. According to me oneness means unity of thought, feeling, belief, aim, etc.; a strong feeling of closeness and union.

Oneness is a usual attitude towards life, and it's the belief that everything is connected in the natural world.

Tenzin Chonzom, Grade 9
Pestalozzi Children Village Society, India  

Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Importance of bedrock mentoring - Shilpika Pandey

There is too much or too little of so many things in this world that we wish to catch in life. Our dreams, aspirations and wants make us put our hands into a jar full of innumerable  options but when we get stuck at what to really pick, we falter and are unable to choose and thus come at a precise decision. 

The road ahead seems blurry and one wonders if at all to walk on it until someone out there clears, not the road but the vision to see it clearly and helps us walk on it with a confident gait that we realize the importance and effectiveness of that guiding hand, advisor, counsellor or a bedrock MENTOR! 

A Mentor is what each one of us needs to take the best decision, pick the right option and stay focused. But how do we know our mentors? How do we recognize them? The answer is very unadulterated.. When the student is ready, the Guru or mentor appears!

One recognizes a mentor in a kind, empathetic, non judgmental ,helpful, supporting, encouraging, motivating, positive and a wise human. A mentor is a gateway to a mentee's world of opportunities becoming correct and lifelong decisions and facilitating a successful place in life! A true mentor plants a belief, nurtures trust and backs a skill in the right direction. A mentee is forever looking for that mentor who exists but justifies his/her presence when the former is open to welcome one.

A mentor can help one find himself ,change lives and help build a nation and so MENTORING MATTERS!

Monday, 16 January 2023

What I Value The Most In Life - Shilpika Pandey


Having come across most of what life offers us in terms of personal, social, economic, and spiritual, I value the most in life respect! It is easier to love and pamper than give someone Respect. Respecting others comes from respecting yourself first, for what you are and wish to be, and valuing your existence. 

Devoid of cultural, professional, spiritual, and economic differences, one must learn to respect humans for actually being human . Respect provides a sense of security to all and connects beautifully with co-existence. One becomes literate to exist on this planet, but one must be educated on Respect to co-exist. 

An idea appreciated, an opinion heard, a belief secured, and a preference valued is what conforms to Respect. Everyone can speak but to be a good, patient listener, one needs to use the virtue of Respect. Respect is irrespective of gender, age and profile.

Respect is earned, not demanded!

Image credit:

Shilpika Pandey
My Good School

Saturday, 7 January 2023

What You Believe Is What You Achieve - Rishona Chopra

Our lifestyle relies on it – the quality of our thoughts, feelings, attitude, habits, personality and finally, our destiny. This means what we believe has a dominating influence on our future. We cannot afford to hold a single wrong belief. Society spreads limiting beliefs like Anger is necessary, Happiness is in achievements, Stress is natural, People and situations decide how I feel, and so on. Believing "anger is necessary", we used anger repeatedly. Although we set such a belief in our mindset, does our destiny know about this belief? It is simply influenced by our thoughts. Each thought of yours affects us, what we think we do. My thoughts full of anger come out in words; my words can influence my actions.

For example -
Due to some reason, I was angry at someone, and I started shouting at them. The situation didn't calm down, so I started hitting them. Without thinking, my thought became my words, and they became my actions. I began to respect it again and again. Soon, getting angry about the most minor things became my habit. Slowly, it became my character, and then my destiny followed along through karma. It becomes too late when we realise it has become our character because, at that stage, you simply can't reverse yourself without karma following along. You could change, there is a possibility, but your past actions won't. Therefore, start with your thoughts. Improve your thinking, and soon your positive thoughts will become your destiny.

Rishona Chopra       
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Goals - Trusha Sarkar

If we want to succeed in life, set a goal that commands our thoughts, liberates our energy and inspires our hopes.

Setting a goal is the first step that helps us turn the invisible into the visible; in other words, it motivates us to realize our dreams. 

Why is it necessary to set goals? My fellow mates' answer to this question is that realistic goals with time boundaries act as road maps that would guide us to show what we can achieve with the skills we possess and our real potential.

I would like to share with my readers - one tiny baby step that I have taken lately is that every morning when I wake up, the first thing that I do is to scribble in my dairy- a 'things-to-do' list. This helps me in prioritizing my tasks for the day. It has definitely helped me act in a little organized manner.

The Japanese believe everyone has an Ikigai- a reason to jump out of bed every morning.

Rightly said, 'A goal is a dream with a deadline.' I firmly believe that we should dream significant and, more importantly, follow it with sincere and consistent efforts. I am confident that we will be more focused and attain our objectives more smoothly with our goals rightly set.

To wrap up, let me expand the acronym GOALS:

G- Grow; O- One-step; A- At a time; L- Little by little, your; S- Steps will add up.

Grade 7
Trisha Sarkar 
The Doon Girls' School

Honesty - Anvesha Rana

"Integrity is telling ourselves the truth, and Honesty is telling the truth to others."

Honesty is probably one of those values we have talked about since childhood. Our parents and teachers often remind us to be honest. There may also be many situations through which we all have demonstrated honesty, but in the long term, challenging situations might suppress us to dishonesty. These are the circumstances that test our character, even if hope keeps us going, one has to be realistic and absolutely honest. Just because it is challenging does not mean taking an easier route. 

Some of the ordinary men and women who have displayed extraordinary honesty are Lal Bahadur Shastri, Abraham Lincoln, Bobby Jones and Ivan Fernandez Anaya. They did not let the society determine their choices but took their decisions as per their own judgements. Their choices exemplified them and inspired others to take on similar steps. 

Another instance of honesty are the Nghah Lou Dawr shops, this word literally means Shops Without Shopkeepers. At the Nghah Lou Dawr shops there are no shopkeepers, the only things present are the goods along with a rate list and deposit box. The customers take whatever items they have to buy, calculate the amount and leave the money in a deposit box. For many years these shops have worked upon the virtue of honesty, trust and faith and continue to do so. It is tough to discover a place blossoming with belief in a world filled with duplicity and dishonesty. 

We all need to be honest before we have integrity for there can be honesty without virtue, but no integrity without honesty. Honesty is one of the core values required in any person, it shapes us into a better human being. Honesty makes others believe in us so that we can also put our faith in them because of honesty we have friends, we have brothers and we have sisters. Without honesty there is no one for us and we are no one for them. 

If you want to be trusted, be honest. 

Anvesha Rana
Grade 10-B
Gyanshree School 

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Freedom - Ushita Saxena

What is Freedom? Have you ever wondered about that? Generally, Freedom can act or change without constraint. The power or right to speak, act or think the way one wants to. To do something without someone controlling you. It is essential in life. There are many types of Freedom such as:

1)Freedom of belief: the right to hold any belief.
2)Freedom of speech: The right of an individual or a community to say their opinions and ideas without fear.
We should have the right to seek and receive information and ideas of one’s choice.
Why is Freedom the essence of life? It is because it helps us express ourselves, allowing us to become what we want to become. We should have the Freedom to think and make our own decisions.
“ Freedom is being you without anyone’s permission”.

Ushita Saxena
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 5 December 2021

Courage - Rishona Chopra

Based on the chapter It’s never too late, from Is Your Child Ready to face the world by
Dr Anupam Sibal

Sometimes when we have fear or are in a situation where we have options, one risky and the other an easy one. Here we have to display courage. Courage is being fearless, showing an end to fear and bringing in bravery. Of course, it is difficult, but that is what life is about. Taking risks and having new experiences.

Take the example of Dr Christiaan Barnard- a cardiac surgeon Dr Christiaan Barnard was an ambitious cardiac surgeon who started performing and studying cardiac surgeries. He started performing heart and lung transplants. He had a few cases where he could just make joy with his first successful surgery or put everything at stake. Here he took the risk and performed a successful surgery!

So to have courage, you just need to believe in yourself.

Rishona Chopra
Grade V 
Gyanshree School 

Good Schools Of India