Showing posts with label believe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label believe. Show all posts

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Does believing help escape the person out of negativism? - Tenzin Nyesel

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Does believing in one help escape the person out of their negative thoughts?

I believe that. 

Sometimes trusting or having faith in one helps to come out of that difficult situation in our mind. It might even free your mind when you have someone beside you to give you that positive vibe. 

I have been through this situation many times - where you feel that you don't have self-love, self-confidence and self-respect towards yourself. 

But having someone with whom you can share all your innermost fears and ideas can heal those negative thoughts. It frees you from thoughts which have been bugging you in daily life. 

Tenzin Nyesel
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Your Hypothetical Me - Reveda Bhatt

Who am I? Reveda

Well, you knew that.

But seriously, if you think you know who I am, just read forward and believe me, in the end, you wouldn’t be sure.

Okay, let’s talk about the ME in your perspective.

To those who think I am very sweet and all that, see, you’ve never seen my darker side.

To those who think I am the one who always wilts the corner of her lip, being sad, well, maybe you didn’t give me a chance to smile.

To those who think I’m the obedient one, sorry but you’ve not seen my mischiefs.

To those who think I’m as hard as a rock, maybe you’ve never seen me break down.

So, all I am saying is DON’T CREATE AN OPINION ABOUT ME because I’m not the bird who’ll be happy and fulfilling in that particular cage of yours, I am the one which flies high in the limitless sky owing no boundaries. Either way, if I come out of that cage, which I will, it’ll hurt you and make you think, reframing-believe, that what you knew was only a bit of my soul. Please know that if I’m acting distinctly with you than before, it’s not because of the change in my nature but because of the change in yours. Maybe there’s something in you that made me change, change as in care a little less or not care at all. 

If you don’t like the way I am,

I don’t give a damn.

If I like myself,

You are no one in the heck to change me,

In fact, you can’t even try to.

If you like the way I am,

Please stop yourself from that,

Because when I change my colour, I don’t want anyone to tell me that it was better before.

It’s my life, so if you want to come into it in the dark, keep in mind that the torch is in my hand and you are nobody to turn it around or switch it off!

Reveda Bhatt
Grade IX
The Aryan School, Dehradun

Saturday, 7 May 2022

How sports has helped me to build hope - Arav Agarwal

Playing sports has helped me to build hope. Whenever we are standing on the ground, we have that ray of hope which inspires us to believe and never give up. In life and sports, anything can change at any moment, so hope helps us to keep on going.

I was bowling the last over in one of the practice cricket matches, and the other team needed only 1 run to win in 4 balls. But still, we kept hope and stretched the match to 1 run to win in 1 ball. Though we lost, it was a great learning for my team members about the power of hope and me.

As rightly said that hope means hoping even when things seem hopeless. Sports have taught me to keep hope alive in any situation and have faith and trust. 

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 6A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Poem on Hope - Arav Agarwal


Poem On Hope

Hope is the light in the dark
It always gives us the motivation to shine our spark.

Never lose hope and belief.
In any challenging situation, hope is needed to conceive.

Hope is the faith when we need one
It tells you that with me, you have always won

So remember that hope is the key.
It assures that I am always there whenever you need me.

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 6A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Monday, 7 February 2022

Positivity - Anusha Jain


It was a fantastic day for Amit. He received his German test paper justice and was the only one to secure full marks. Amit was feeling very proud. At 4'o clock, he received news that turned his world upside down the same evening. He could not control his emotions, and there was a flood of tears everywhere. The family was devastated to receive the news of Hari's accident.

Hari is Amit's cousin brother. The two of them were so close to each other that they could comfortably share all their secrets together, and their bond of love set an example for everyone. As soon as Amit received the shocking news, he argued to go to the hospital and see Hari. However, as it was his science test the day after tomorrow, his parents denied his plea. Amit was shaken to the core. He was in great disbelief. His brother was hospitalized, and his parents wanted him to give an exam. His tears did not have any effect on his family. They firmly believe that Hari will be healthy and fine and that Amit shouldn't miss his test. Eventually, when everyone left for hospital and Amit had to study, he couldn't concentrate. He then called his uncle for help and explained the situation. His uncle, who was a kind and wise man, said to Amit that by being sad like this, he is harming himself and showing that he doesn't trust the doctors, which is not good. After half an hour, Amit finally got relief, and the conversation proved to be a stressbuster for him. He was now able to concentrate on his studies and started afresh. 

The day of examination came. It was the day that would decide which would give fruits for Amit's hard work and dedication. 

Days passed by. Hari got better and started recovering fast. Amit received his exam result and was delighted that he had passed with flying colours and that his hard work paid off. Everyone was happy once again.

Anusha Jain, IX, Ahlcon Public School
I am very fond of reading. Harry Potter is my favourite series. I want to explore my culture and heritage. I love helping others.

Monday, 31 January 2022

Courage - Vinki Srivastava

Vinki Shrivastava, VI,
Ahlcon Public School
Courage is an innate superpower that lives inside us and that feeds on "I can and I will ". We are born out of courage. All throughout our lives, we are led to believe how certain things are made or work.

People believe women are weak and vulnerable. Women also start thinking that they are soft and tolerate a lot. But one day, when a woman stands up for herself and says it loud and clear that 'No, I am not weak'. It's the hidden power of courage inside her, which wakes her up, and she believes that she can and she will.

We all take birth, but we are born as humans the day we show courage to change the world.

I like to read quotes of great leaders as it gives shape to my thoughts. I have fun playing games from Skating and Swimming to Hopscotch and Ludo as they are full of fun. I think little things in life give us the most joy. I also love learning about computer languages. Acting is my goal.

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Courage - Arav Agarwal

Courage, the value of Values, celebrating 22 Values. #JoyOfLearning, My Good School - Life  Skills Program.

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” This quote is by Maya Angelou and tells us that courage is the first step to achieve anything. We all have courage within us; we need to connect with it and take the first step. Whenever I need courage in any situation, I take deep breaths and say positive affirmations and words and I get the courage to face the situation.

For gaining courage inside us we can make some positive affirmation cards which have words like – “Believe”, “Awesome”, “I have the power to make an impact”. These cards encourage us and tell us that we are good and we should try more new things with courage and confidence. Whenever we feel fearful, we can look and read these affirmation cards. It will help us to boost our confidence and gain courage. 

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane

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