Showing posts with label best friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best friends. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Swami and Friends - Anvesha Rana

Swami is back with Rajam and Mani, but this time he endures an adventure, so tormenting. It is the 15th of August, Independence day, and the celebrations in Malgudi are wild. People are celebrating Independence with heavy zeal, jubilance and violence. The youngsters are so overflown with this wave of unprecedented patriotism that they don't think about what is essential. 

Swaminathan is gullible; he does what he believes others will feel is correct, not caring about his conscience or opinion. He simply flung his Khaddar cap, considered a foreign cloth, when someone doubted him about it. On being caught by the peon, Swaminathan could not sustain being beaten, and henceforth Swami ran away from the school. 

Independence means being free from the mind, body, and soul, for we are only in harmony with ourselves and others. Selflessness is also a part of being independent, and my mother is the most selfless person I know. She is softhearted yet strong-willed, she is compassionate yet unwavering in principle, she is a loving mother, yet she risks everything; she suffers due to conflict but never blames anyone; she has done everything for us and has never asked for anything in return. 

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 28 August 2022

Swami and Friends - Anvesha Rana

However badly Mani would have despised Rajam, he cannot bring the cruelty in his heart to hurt him. On being face-to-face, they apologize to each other and end up being great friends. What scared Mani the most was that if he hurt Rajam, Rajams' spirit would haunt and torture him, so it was best to be friends rather than foes. 

I am not afraid of ghosts or spirits, except at night, whenever I sleep and even if the door is slightly open, I feel as if someone is peeping in, so I permanently close my door before sleeping. Also, I find it really hard to sleep alone after watching a horror movie since the scenes are living in my mind, and I just can't bear to think that there will be a ghost standing there when I turn around!

Swami talks about odds and ends, ups and downs, to his one-of-a-kind grandmother, who just wants to tell him how wonderful his grandfather was. The constant bickering between the two is very usual to others. For me, a conversation with my grandmother is fun. We talk about her times, like how school was then, how the uniform was and how strict the teachers were. She loves to talk about knitting, which is also her favourite activity and then my grandmother likes to ask me about myself. Also, she always cooks my favourite meals whenever I visit her. 

Swami, Rajam and Mani are good friends, but they were impertinent to a fellow helper, and this also ended up in Rajam being offended, but that was alright as it was Rajams' fault in the first place since he was trying to show off. There is a mark difference between show, and show-off; we show everything from our books to clothes to gifts, but we also show off a colossal amount of things like a new watch or some expensive clothes. To show off is to exaggerate the object more than its actual value, and to show is to make others see what you have in its truest and purest form. 

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School

Thursday, 28 July 2022

My enriching world of books - Anusha Jain

 ''A reader liver a thousand lives before he dies'.'

"A book a day keeps the stupidity away".

Books are our companions and friend of all times. They entertain us, teach us, make us knowledgeable, improve our vocabulary and, most importantly, help shape our lives. 
Today, I want to share my small world of books with you. Hope you like it! Happy learning! :)

My Library

Anusha Jain
Class 10th, Ahlcon Public School

Sunday, 17 April 2022

Real World Learning - Anvesha Rana


Real-World Learning and Reel World Learning are the sides of the same coin. Real Learning is necessary, but Reel Learning is what seems necessary. We cannot be aware of our education unless and until we are put in a situation to test our learning. Exams are the only way to test understanding these days, but there are numerous other ways to check our education. School Trips are an excellent way to assess students' global perspectives and core values.

Gathering in one place and deciding what to bring. The memories of dancing on the bus, eating on one plate and being friends with teachers are the recreations of my school trip. Schools trips may be educational, but they truly make learning fun!

Some trips are just unforgettable because they are lived full-heartedly with the best ones, and the best thing is that while coming back from these trips, we have an extra-large suitcase full of all the memories in our Hearts.

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School

Saturday, 19 February 2022

Friendship - Rananjay Rajput

Friendship is Fun and Glory!

In friendship, there is no thank you, no sorry, 

There is only fun and glory. 

I called my friend, 

And told him to come down,

 But he gave me a frown.

 Said he was making a video on the new trend!

 I messaged another buddy,

 Who I thought was always ready.

 I told him to come and play,

 He replied that his face had turned grey!

 I then ringed my best friend,

 Who used to always study.

 But surprisingly he said, “ok I'm ready buddy!”

 He asked me, “what are you going to play?”

 I said “football”, 

And he said, “sorry it's not my day”.

 I was very angry with all my friends.

 The inquisitive, the sick and the one who always tries trends,

 But tomorrow again, I realized that,

 In friendship, there is no thank you, no sorry,

 There is only fun and glory! 

Dedicated to all my friends!! 

Name: Rananjay Rajput

Grade: 5A

Billabong High International School, Thane

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

A day at school - Shlok Rastogi


It was my first day at formal school; I was nervous because I didn’t have any old friends. As I entered my school, it was quite nice. After that, I sat at my desk. When I opened my bag, I noticed that I had left my pencil box at home. I felt like crying. Suddenly I heard a whispering sound from somewhere. I looked back and saw a boy who smiled and offered me a pencil. I was thrilled and thankful.

The next day in the dance class I learnt that he didn’t know the dance, so I explained to him some dance steps. 
That smiling and caring boy, Vihaan, gradually became my best friend. It has been three years now, and we are still perfect friends; we support and encourage each other. I love to be with him. It is rightly said that a friend is one with whom “We laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and smile a lot more”.

Shlok Rastogi
Grade III
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Friendship - Janya Mathur

My best friends are trees. My friend the tree helps me in many things, such as giving me oxygen, food, furniture and shelters for my other friends - the animals. 

One day I went on a trip with my family. As it was very sunny, I found a tree and told my father to take a rest under the tree, but suddenly I saw my animal friends! I saw monkeys and birds, so we gave them some food. 

I have two more friends; they are Aryama and Aarohi. One day I went for a picnic with my friends and family, including Aryama and Aarohi. I was walking on the path, and suddenly a stone appeared, but I didn't see it, and I slipped off. Aryama turned, picked me up and then she called my mother. 

Aarohi, on the other hand, had helped me when I was in school. Three years ago, I couldn't tie my shoe, so Aarohi came and said, 'let me help you, then she helped me. These two friends of mine are beautiful, strong, brave, truthful and sincere. 

Friendship is lovely, so tell your friends that you are precious!


Thank you!!!

Janya Mathur

Grade 3  Gyanshree School