Showing posts with label boredom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boredom. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 January 2024

Myths Of Retirement - Rishona Chopra
Retirement; Young people often look forward to it and middle-aged ones dread it. To young ones, retirement seems to be about relaxation, peace, joy, television, vacation and all you ever wanted to do but couldn't. To middle-aged and working people, retirement seems to be synonymous with boredom, no work at all, loneliness, approaching death and the end of a career. 
Being a young minor, I would definitely say that retirement seems to be relaxation and enjoyment but this perspective is quite unlikely for the ones who are in dire need of it. 

Often people get rather upset, bored, and sad during retirement and invite problems for themselves and you can't blame them! They have been through a lot of changes in their life and change has never been easy to deal with. 

Most people need a change of perspective and that's why it's important to know a few myths of retirement that may change one's perspective about it. 

1st Myth: Retirement means the End of Work

Of course not! There is no age barrier to work! In fact, it's the perfect time to try out new things and explore your areas of interest! Create a new passion for yourself! And even if you don't find work to do instantly, it's always good to take a little rest. Relaxation may help you more and after years of work, you do deserve some!

2nd Myth: New Career Ambitions are for Young People

Nearly three out of five retirees launch into a new line of work after retirement! It's not because they need money but to stay mentally and physically active and more importantly do something they want to do. Age can never be a barrier and nothing else can if what you're doing is your true passion!
And something that happens after retirement is that you can just do things for yourself. Yes, we always feel the need to show others what we did but that's when we are free to do anything for our own happiness.

3rd Myth: Retirement Is A Time Of Decline

Well yes, you're growing old and ageing but you've still got a life to spend so live life happily and do things you never could. Yes indeed, you are approaching the end soon but this is the time to turn to spirituality if you already haven't. To actually regain yourself and know your true purpose. Not only will it help one embrace the "dreadful" time of death but also feel happy knowing that you have lived your life in crescendo. In a way, it's actually a sign that you need to do all the things in your life that you never did, relax and most importantly cherish these times! 

Retirement is a phase of life like any other and it's a beautiful phase. A unique one. 

" When you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else"

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Saturday, 20 May 2023

Enjoy the essence of boredom! - Rishona Chopra

Being bored is something which many of us consider something which should not happen. As my mother fondly says- "An empty mind is a naughty one. " 

Being bored is quite good, and utilising that time of boredom well is a talent. 

The first thing that most of us do when we are bored is either pick up the phone or a book. Which is better? None. 

Just doing nothing boosts our creativity for many things. I was just lying on my bed doing absolutely nothing, and this really humourous idea came to my mind for a novel. 

This doesn't mean we should never do anything, but it simply means that we should take a break sometimes just do nothing. 

Therefore, we must take a break and learn to get bored without actually being bored!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School 

Saturday, 1 October 2022

Quality - Rishona Chopra

"If a judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid."
- Albert Einstein 

We all have a beautiful quality about us. Something that makes us happy and makes us feel alive. There may be 1 bad thing about us, but there are 10 good things about us too. We all have a quality that we can never get tired of. Writing makes me feel alive, and I believe it is my quality that refreshes my mind. 

Today let us close our eyes and think, what do we wish to do that we could do all day? Reading, writing, playing an instrument, drawing, painting, or even doing nothing is a quality. I have noticed that most people can't stay still and want to do something, even if I can't. So if you can stay still doing nothing for even 15 minutes. I say that's beautiful quality!

Take out a day to do whatever you want without any hesitation!

Apart from these hobbies, it is essential to have God's seven qualities in us:
Wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.

Begin Your Day With A Close Meeting With God - During the early morning hours, when nature is silent and pure and human beings are quiet and detached from their physical existence, experience yourself as a soul and enter the soul world and float in it, touching and absorbing the pure vibrations of God. These vibrations will fill you with God's 7 qualities.

Rishona Chopra
Grade 6
Gyanshree School