Showing posts with label calm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label calm. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 April 2023

How To Develop Self-Control - Tenzin Jambey

In life, we will encounter many situations that can make us lose self-control; we also become rough, nasty, and rude with others. When we lose self-control, we lose our identity and become an evil version of ourselves with bad attitudes and deviant minds. 

What leads us to lose our "self-control"? Firstly, self-control means the ability or the power to control yourself and your mind from performing any actions or work, we often come across some circumstances it situations that make us feel angry, hateful, and annoyed, and we also think like inflicting others, this all feelings and emotions are the effects of losing self-control. People say "calm down" and "cool down" when we get angry, but their words don't reflect upon us. It is always us who can cool the anger of our self but, but for this, we need to develop extreme self-control.

There are various ways through which we can develop and make our "self-control" strong. For me, the best practices are as follows:

I was also once an insulting boy who often ignored others and hardly obeyed my teacher's instructions. It was all because of anger and the developed urges within me. One day one of my friends suggested I practice meditation, but I was surprised to find out how it worked. He told me I just have to relax and forget about all images and memories for a while. I found a change in myself after a few days, and now I am better at controlling my anger; whenever I feel angry, I simply try to forget the cause. Therefore, one should mediate to develop self-control.

This one is very effective when you are struggling to develop self-control. We feel diffident, nervous and frightened regarding social activities like public speaking and debates. We get these emotions as we are not used to them, as in the case of writing. When we are about to perform or participate in any social activities, we need to relax for a few minutes by closing our eyes, taking deep breaths, and always making ourselves comfortable before doing any new things,  curriculum,  activities, work, etc.

These two methods are instrumental, like the word "very" itself, if they are practised well, and these methods can make a person's life look even more beautiful.

- Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Reflections from the book we are reading

Friday, 7 April 2023

How can you build self-control? - Shristi Khulal

When it comes to self-control, I think of controlling one's actions and behaviour between right and wrong about oneself. A person with self-control is a sagacious, disciplined and focused one. To accomplish our dreams and goals is one of the most important things. A successful person always has self-control in himself.

Self-control can be in anything like emotions, habits, and many others which are not suitable or appropriate. There may be different ways for different people to build up self-control. I have many things that I try to control, especially my emotions l get too excited, nervous, excited and angry very quickly. Sometimes, I try to prevent these things by telling myself or my heart about the consequence of doing that thing. Being calm and relaxed helps with self-control in most situations. 

- Shristi Khulal

Reflections from reading
The Art of Focus.

Sunday, 2 October 2022

Peace, as I see it - Tenzin Jambey

It is tough to understand the mentality and mindset of people. All the people are not the same, and there are only rare ones, and some people rarely have the mentality.

When I think about Peace, Peace only thing that comes to my mind is having satisfaction from the work that you have done. We only get peace Peacewe to do the things and actions that make us feel good. Some people do good work and help others to have a feeling of kindness; after all, it's the work from within that gets them peace.

Whereas some people are so foolish that they commit many crimes, harassment and even murder, this and other such acts get them the feeling of peace; I have seen many times in the movies, and other TV shows a person crying, he says that " ap jukai chant mila", which means I get peace after doing the work. But, we wouldn't know they are always wrong at some point, as they have the mentality and habits developed from childhood. It is just that people see a child doing a crime; they say many things about them but never try to make them understand what they are doing. They have a mentality that committing crimes will only cost you a few days in jail.

For me, I actually do not know now what or how peace can be defined. A few days back when I was at my home for vacation, I was very, very happy there with my parents and family and also the environment of the village was very calm and beautiful, I felt thrilled with them there, and I guess that peace means when you are with your loved ones and that also at your favourite place.

The reading session of Sunday, the 2nd of October 2022.
I share my joy of learning  with a drawing:

Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Mind Over Matter - Rishona Chopra

Controlling over feelings is quite essential. We often get irritated over the most minor things. Like on the dog barking a lot or on the printer that wasn't working. We all get annoyed at the smallest of things and shout, scream and even start to do physical fighting! But, when you look back and think about that problem, you realise it wasn't worth it.  

Scientifically we say - the mind controls us, but spiritually, we say - We control the mind. Controlling the mind is listening to what is correct. Our mind knows what is wrong and right but even knowing that we listen to what our mind says, even if it is wrong. 

Mind over matter is simply about controlling your feelings and not letting them get the better of you.

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VI 
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 23 January 2022

Never Giving Up Hope - Yashraj Sharma

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope”. - Martin Luther King Jr.

Hope. What is hope? How should we not lose hope? Why are we told to never give up hope?

The answer is simple: hope is a feeling or a presence of mind in which you are still firm in doing a task despite constant failures. If we have hope, the sense of continuous determination stays alive. 

For example- If, unfortunately, a person gets infected by an illness, they should not lose hope because, as per psychological research, when a patient is given medicine, if they have a gloomy and negative mindset, the therapy is less likely to be effective than it is supposed to.

Hope keeps us optimistic and gives us the willpower to do our best even in hard times, and also, if we are full of hope, it helps us remain committed to our work and our goals and motivated to take action towards achieving. Hope gives people to be consistent in their work with zeal and enthusiasm.

So, in the end, I would like to say that hope should not be just a feeling that we’d experience in a problematic situation. Instead, it should be a presence of mind that we stay in throughout any situation, be it cool or calm to very challenging.

Yashraj Sharma
Gyanshree School
Grade VII

Friday, 19 November 2021

Art: My Passion My Life - Ushita Saxena


Art is very important. It helps in anxiety, stress and keeps you calm. It makes life more manageable, tolerable and enjoyable. It also enhances your drawing skills. Art in any form, whether while creating or observing, makes you feel good. By letting you enjoy a sense of fulfilment, it turns you into a more positive person. Here is my personal experience-

Once I was stressed because I was worried that I wouldn’t submit an essential assignment in time. So my Mom suggested doing some drawing. I doubted her but then started to do it. I looked it up and saw something to draw. As I drew, I felt calmer, and my nerves began to settle. After an hour, I had finished my drawing. It looked pretty good! Soon, I completed my assignment correctly and beautifully and submitted it. My Mom was very happy.

Art is my meditation. It helps me express myself, and it makes me feel more confident.

Ushita Saxena, Gyanshree School, 5A

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Tolerance - Diksha Choudhary

Tolerance is the ability to remain calm in every situation. It is a value that includes many values that a person should have like happiness,  respect,  patience,  humanity and many more, which will help to unite the people. 

We all live in a society, and society is formed by a group of people who have different elements or thoughts that make them different from one another. And if we don't have tolerance in us, society will lead to inner-violence, i.e. people will stop presenting what they want or stop talking to each other. To stop this, we need the skill to live together peacefully, again referred to as "Tolerance".

To be tolerant means accepting other people's opinions and preferences even when they are not that you agree with. Be tolerant is to be someone's support that will make him or her happy, giving him or her happiness. It also stops us, the young generation, from getting a feeling of hatred for others. It also increases curiosity for having new ideas. It will also give us the strength to accept others' values, and it is also to appreciate someone who will help him or her move forward in life.
We are living in a world where people of different backgrounds, cultures and religions are living together. To create patience and have peace between us, tolerance has become crucial and important to everyone, especially in a country like India, where people start fighting on the topic related to religion.
I want to give a real-life example of tolerance which I've seen myself. I met a girl who had been tolerant of her friend. They used to make fun of her, they always do taunting and are always humiliating her, but still, she didn't even speak against them.  Can you answer this? Obviously, the answer is that she respects her friendship, and she wants her friends to be happy, so she did this.
Finally, I would like to end my article with a beautiful quote ‘Life is just like painting draw the lines with hope, erase the errors with tolerance, dip the brush with lots of patience and coloured with love.'

Diksha Choudhary
Class XII Science
The Fabindia School