Showing posts with label childhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label childhood. Show all posts

Monday, 21 October 2024

Little Arfa at The Railway Museum

Throughout my childhood, my parents used to take me to different exquisite places every Sunday. I have visited several museums in my life, but the most memorable one was The Railway Museum. I remember going to the railway museum twice or thrice in my life. It was that time before puberty when the world seemed bright and merry.

My first memory was riding the Jolly train with my parents, wearing my favorite pink sunglasses while enjoying a Lottie choco pie. I was obsessed with Lottie choco pie then, and it was a great coincidence that we both came into being in 2010. After the ride, we went to see the control station of a train. I was fascinated by the amount of levers and buttons there. 

Being a train driver must have been so cool! Then, we went to see the exhibits that were inside. On the way there, we came across a snake charmer with his dancing cobra. When the charmer played his pungi the snake slithered out of its jute bag and began dancing in a back-and-forth motion like it would attack us at any moment. I was so scared that we quickly moved on, so we couldn’t witness the whole performance. When we reached the exhibits, I saw all the parts of the trains and the different types of trains that ran in India. There were so many that I could easily say there were over a hundred. There were also miniature models of some trains. I looked at those tiny dummy trains wondering what the miniature people must be thinking seeing a giant with big, curious eyes spectating them in awe. 

Finally, it was time to leave. I remember that while leaving, I bought a big Shaka lakaboom-boom pencil which, I think, has a special place. It resides in every Indian’s heart
and has been a part of many people’s childhood.

Arfa Khan
Grade 9
Ahlcon Public School

Thursday, 22 August 2024

My Name Is Cinnamon - Vikas Prakash Joshi

Meet the author on Sunday the 25th of August 2024

Both a captivating chronicle and an endeavour of remarkable depth and ambition, My Name Is Cinnamon provides a richly textured narrative of a boy trying to find his roots and place in the world. On each part of his journey, he encounters new people, new cuisines, and new adventures as he learns a lot about himself and the world around him.

While being a light-hearted and heart-warming read, the book also covers some difficult themes that are rarely explored in ­children’s and young adult literature. It is a deeply moving testament to the unceasing desire to know oneself, the unrelenting pull of familial bonds, and the power of hope, sacrifice, and love.

With his perceptive observations, vivid descriptions, and an authentic voice, the author, Vikas Prakash Joshi, weaves an immersive plot with fully realised environments and characters that are sure to stay with you for a long time. Above all, My Name Is Cinnamon is about finding your own people and accepting who you are.

My Name Is Cinnamon, Vikas Joshi brings to life the lively tale of Cinnamon, a young boy living with his adoptive parents, who sets out to meet his birth parents in an impoverished tribal area. This emotionally sensitive topic is explored with felicity and humour, reminding us of the immense joys and painful travails of childhood. It’s a moving and uplifting book, and I wish Vikas Prakash Joshi all the best for his future writing success.’
―Dr Shashi Tharoor, Politician, writer, and former international diplomat

Kindle and Paperback editions available.

Vikas Prakash Joshi is an-award winning writer, editor, translator, podcaster, public speaker, novelist, amateur cook and occasional journalist in Pune, India. His first book for children, My Name Is Cinnamon (Hay House India), was published in November 2022 , and it has been lauded all over the world, in over 30+ countries, endorsed by many top Indian writers, and received 7 publishing offers. Story Ink, a Mumbai-based production company, has also acquired the book for screen adaptation. It was illustrated by the well known and award winning illustrator for children's books Niloufer Wadia. It has received 5 recognitions already: A3F Literary Award for Fiction 2023, Asian Literary Society Award for Best Debut Fiction,Asian Literary Society Certificate of Excellence in Fiction, Skipping Stones Magazine Honour List for International Books 2023, Longlisted and Shortlisted for Valley of Words Awards for Young Adult Fiction 2023. It was also chosen among 60 selected books by Indian authors for kids and YA by Hyderabad-based Beyond the Box organization, an organisation working in the field of literature.

We will read aloud from next week; please get your copy and join us at My Good School.

Saturday, 4 November 2023

Forgiveness - Tenzin Jambey

In the journey of our lives, we come across many situations that result in the destruction of our peace of mind. Sometimes, we mistakenly hurt someone. It really feels bad when others don't accept your apology and when you are not forgiven for the mistake you made.

We humans are not perfect; we make mistakes as we take every step in our lives. Sometimes, our actions hurt the sentiments of others, which results in the birth of hate in others for us. When we ask for forgiveness from others, some accept it, but some people don't forgive the mistakes made by children. A few days ago, my football went on the roof of the neighbour's house. I went to get it and called out the uncle. He came outside, and I quickly greeted him and said sorry in a polite manner. Still, I ended up getting terribly scolded by him. If I look from one side, what he did was right, as I should have cared for him while playing, as it could have broken the things in his house, but if I were in his place, I would have given the child advice rather than scolding him. When we get scolding from others, it makes us feel a bit restricted, and from now on, we feel a bit scared and down to do things again, like playing. If we don't forgive the mistakes of the younger ones, they will never be able to enjoy their childhood, and they will feel that they have made the biggest mistake, which will affect their minds.
Forgiveness is essential, especially when it comes to children. Through this reflection, we are smart enough to know when to forgive and when not. Forgiveness depends on the situation and dimensions. We know which things should be ignored and which are to be punished. Even though forgiveness stands higher than punishment, humans still follow this practice as we don't have any options, and there are no such questions for forgiveness for the people who willingly indulge in activities like crimes, murders, and rape. Therefore, forgiveness is essential, depending on the situation and people's actions. We should know when and where to forgive and when not.
In the case of children, we must forgive as they will make thousands of mistakes, and they will not do what is right and wrong. They like a mountain lake that is pure and calm, but sometimes, they take the form of hurricanes and irritate others a lot. But this act of theirs makes us feel happy and reminds us of our old days in the future. Someday, forgiveness binds us together. Suppose the neighbour's uncle forgives the kid who broke his window twice or three times and still possesses a sense of forgiveness. In that case, it makes the uncle a hero in the eyes of the kid, and who knows, in the future, the kid will become a famous person and come to visit you with gifts and old-time memories.
The art of forgiveness works differently for different ages of people. The easiest, simplest, and most effective one is forgiving children. I still remember the uncle who returned my football whenever it went into his house. He never got angry, and he did forgive me when I broke his house's window. He used to give me advice, "Child, this is the right time to enjoy and create trouble for others, as in the future you will never get to experience it." His words really reflected upon me. As I take each step daily, I am expected to do well and make the fewest mistakes.

Tenzin Jambey
Pestallozi Children's Village Society
Image Courtesy- Dreamstime

Monday, 16 October 2023

How your relationship with your parents has evolved with time ? - Saikiran Sahu


"A father's goodness is higher than a mountain. A mother's goodness deeper than a sea."
-Japanese Proverb

Every child has an extraordinary bond with his/her parents. Even if they scold, punish, or even sometimes ignore you for teaching you a lesson, they do this for our betterment. I have loving parents, who I sometimes want to get away from, but I know they will always be in my heart and soul.

When I was a baby or even when I was a toddler, what I could remember, they used to get me a lot of gifts and toys for me to play with. They used to coddle me a lot, and even now, as circumstances have changed as I have grown up and have a lot of burden for my studies, they have always given me what I want and shown support for every decision I made. I have many loving relationships, like with my mother and my grandparents, but the one I have an extraordinary place in my heart is of me and my father's relationship. My bond with my father is very unique. We are called a fantastic duo in our family. His opinions have always mattered to me a lot. My father rarely scolds me, and if he does, it is basically due to my academics, but if he has told me to do something, I make it my mission to improve it and make him proud. After all, even if a child becomes an adult, he/she will still be their parents' small children.

Saikiran Sahu

Class-IX, Gyanshree School

Sunday, 17 July 2022

My Aspirations - Gaurangi Rastogi

Childhood has been miserable,

Because you have to learn something basic,

When we grow up as a teen 

I got pressured to top the boards 

I got pressured to become a doctor 

Will the world still accept if I am something else?

I feel like running away from home, 

I think I am not safe in my home sweet home, 

I want to speak to this world, 

I have my aspirations,

To change the mindset of the people 

Who judges me based on occupation,

Who are you to control me? 

I am a phoenix who takes the rebirth from its ashes

Which is from its failures.

If you control me, 

I will control you every time,

As you made my life miserable

I will make yours, 

At the end of the story 

I have my aspirations! 

Gaurangi Rastogi 

Class VII 

The Doon Girls’ School 

Sunday, 19 June 2022

Their Worst Clothes - Rishona Chopra

Not every school allows their children to wear their dirtiest clothes to school, but as usual, Tomoe does! 

Wearing the dirtiest clothes to school so that there is no worry about the student's clothes getting torn or soiled is a very good idea. At my earlier school, they used to allow us to dance in the rain, play in the mud, jump over fences and do many more fun things. The idea of letting children play is all about letting them enjoy and cherish the fun of childhood.

At my earlier school, wheat used to grow in the gardens, so my friend and I used to go into the gardens and pluck the grain and eat it as it was so that nobody would take them. We used to hide them under our tables on the floor and, without washing them, eat them again.

Childhood is the best time to enjoy this fun, so why not cherish our time and make the best of it!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 12 June 2022

My Tantrums As A Child - Gaurangi Rastogi

 My childhood was a colourful one. Full of life, fun and tantrums. Whenever I talk about my childhood to my family, they say, “Beta, you were so fussy about anything you wanted.” 

I still remember one of them: a fuss about a dress! 

Really on a dress! 

I was 5 and very passionate about Disney princesses; my favourite was Cinderella. I wanted a dress like hers, which was unavailable in my hometown. So, I told my Papa to ask my aunt and bring it whenever she visited me. I did not eat anything for weeks when she got the dress. I rejoiced and kept it for my next birthday. For years, I just kept procrastinating about wearing the dress. It’s just kept in my closet and has fungus on it. 

There are many stories like this in my life, but this story made me realise that there is a reason behind our parent’s deeds. 

Gaurangi Rastogi 
The Doon Girls School 

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Totto-chan's Mother - Anvesha Rana

Totto-chan's mother is a unique parent. She understands her daughter like a mother, treats her like a friend and protects her like a soldier. Totto-chan is lucky to have such a benevolent mother who supports her in all her decisions. She is a calm and composed lady and has brought up her daughter similarly.

The best part about Totto-chan's mother and Totto-chan is the comfort level that the mother and daughter share, so much so that Totto-chan shares everything with her mother. Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believes first. Totto-chan is an open minded and free spirited child only because she has a mother who doesn't want her to walk in her footsteps, but she wishes for Totto-chan to imprint her own feet on a new field.

Totto-Chan's mother is just like my mother,

She is soft hearted yet strong willed, 

She is compassionate yet unwavering in principle, 

She is a loving mother, yet she wants her to go beyond the horizons, 

She worries about her daughter, yet she pushes her into the waters, 

In short, simply a SUPER MOM.

Anvesha Rana,
Grade 10-B,
Gyanshree School.

Sunday, 27 March 2022

School Bell: The First Lesson in Management - Anvesha Rana


The School Bell

Tringgg goes the bell,
Casting the gleeful spell
  As children dash out, 
  some to the classes they like, 
  others to the ones they dislike, 
  Everyone suddenly has a new thereabout. 

Faces shine with mirth 
when the Sports period comes 
and turn into sulks
as Math hums.
The bell is uncanny yet beautiful, 
Galling at 8 but melodious at 3.

What may come our way?
The bell will always be the shimmering ray.
Be it a school, or a temple, 
or perhaps a rooster's cock-a-doodle,
All These are Bells, 
Reminders that Time Flows. 

  Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School

Thursday, 6 January 2022

Freedom - Hiyaan Shah

For me, absolute freedom is to be yourself. Childhood days are an essential part of life. But at this stage, parents keep the kids so occupied that we lose our freedom. But I am thrilled that my parents have balanced all my likes and the freedom to play and get down and run, which is my favourite. I make my friends run so much, and all get so tired that they sleep early at night on that particular day, and I will never forget this. One Freedom experience is I have shops below my house and whenever I am tempted or wish to buy something I ask my parents, and then I take little money from my savings and go and buy myself and show them. I permanently save cash and coins, which I find here and there in my wallet. You should enjoy your freedom and never hesitate to express your feelings as those who understand will never judge you, and those who believe will understand.

Name: Hiyaan Ishan Shah
Grade: 1
Billabong High International School, Thane