Showing posts with label chnage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chnage. Show all posts

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

What is peer pressure and how can we deal with it? - Rishona Chopra

Peer pressure is the pressure we face from our peers to do something. It indirectly or directly affects us. Often we find ourselves pretending to fit in the crowd, so we start doing things and becoming people we are not. We lose our own identity just to make 'friends'. But friends who force you to do something or friends who you cannot be yourself around aren't really friends, are they?

Each of us has our own identity, which we are given for a reason because we all are unique, we put on a different persona, and it affects no one but us.  

Being with the right company matters a lot. One ripe apple kept with ten other rotten apples will soon rot too. It is better to be alone than with bad friends. 

Dealing with peer pressure, though, is quite a challenge. Often people try to bully us by telling us that we are 'not cool' and 'boring'. But we must remember that the right path is often alone, but being alone doesn't mean we must be lonely. Ignoring people like that is the best way. We need to have a calm and composed mind that knows what is right and wrong. We do what we do, and pressuring someone needs to be corrected. 

When we start ignoring all of this, people start bothering us because peer pressure that makes you do bad things is just to trouble you or force you towards the wrong path. 

While dealing with peer pressure, we might think, "everyone is doing this", or "what could be wrong with this?" but something correct is not what the majority does. People around us may TRY to have a strong influence on us but we have to be that one person who stands on the right path, whether alone or not. Their TRY must be a left a try only and be in vain. 

Because of peer pressure, we start feeling insecure about our own selves and doubting ourselves. All our choices and decisions seem to be made by others and their opinions, but it is OUR life, OUR choices, and they cannot be changed. People may give us good advice that we should always lend an ear to, but then again, there has to be a straight line between right and wrong, people you trust and don't. 

We may need friends at this age, even if that means pretending to do things they don't. It feels terrible when you have no one to sit with you, talk to you and a person you can share your thoughts with, but it's hard to find someone like that, with who you can be yourself ( apart from your parents, of course)!

Sometimes, I am in the impact of my peers. I know what they might be doing is wrong, but I just pretend to do what they do just so I can get along with them, but then you have to remember that you have higher goals in life. You have higher aspirations than pretending or changing yourself to make friends. 

Instead of finding company outside, we can be our own friends! No one knows us better than we do, and no one ever can! 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 26 March 2023

Opening our Wings - Rishona Chopra

Sometimes in life, things don't go your way, 
You feel disheartened and tend to go away. 
 But changes are constant, 
If you don't embrace them, you feel distant. 
The wind's direction changes, 
The sea's waves change,
Day and night change, 
With each passing day, there is a change. 
I rather go along with it than against it,
It's for our own benefit. 
I say, dear change,
Is it essential for you to play your game?
It says,
Yes, it's just a little quiz,
Do you go along or want separation?
Change is a wonderful yet a difficult thing,
It simply helps us to open our wings.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 22 January 2023

Wabi Sabi: The art of imperfection - Rishona Chopra

Nature is imperfect, people are imperfect, and you and I are imperfect, which is why we are beautiful and unique. 

Many of us aim to be perfect and flawless. We fail to understand that our flaws make us unique. Our mistakes give us more experience and learning. As said by Genard Way, "Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond imperfections." There is beauty in imperfection. Trees shed their leaves, flowers rot, animals die, and seasons change, which is the beauty of nature. If trees didn't shed their leaves, they would grow huge and cover up the buildings and roads. Many people's income is on cleaning the fallen dry leaves. They would, too, lose their job. 

To talk practically, many young people start during facial surgeries at a young age to look "perfect", unable to realise they were born simply perfectly. Why do we long to change yourselves for others? Hardly anyone changes for themselves; we all change for others. So that people like us, they become our friends, but when we do that, we lose our true joy and beauty. 

We all are beautiful and pretty, and no one can change that!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

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