Showing posts with label choice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label choice. Show all posts

Sunday, 1 September 2024

Reflections - Sunday School 1st September 2024

- From My Guide Inside

1. What was your takeaway from the session today? 

2. What were the words discussed today and how do they reverberate with you? 

3. I used to believe, that I am. 

4. I used to believe… But, now I understand…

Note: MGI Online is a school well-being curriculum which aligns with, the work we do at My Good School and helps us focus on Life-skills.

-From My Name Is Cinnamon-     

1. Don't you think math was invented to torture us?

2. What are UAO (Unattractive Academic Objects) according to you?

3. What are nicknames you use for someone and why?

4. Did you read any detective novels or know some famous detectives?  

5. Solve the following problem,' said Kadubole. 'Shashat has Rs 400. He spends 3/4 on sardines and 1/4 on prawns. 1 kg of prawns cost Rs 150 and 1 kg of sardines cost Rs 50. How many kgs of prawns and sardines does he buy? 

6. Does Cinnamon's life anecdotes resonate with you and how?

These are some suggestions you can choose from. We are looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!     


You can email your reflections to

We will read Chapter 28 - Burnout, from The Hidden Life Of Trees, next week.

Monday, 29 April 2024

What makes us Human - Rishona Chopra

 What really makes humans human?

To me, it's the power to choose that makes us human.

Animals have a fixed way of living. They have a limited variety of foods, have the same schedule every day, and live the simplest of lives. Humans, on the other hand, have many options, different paths to choose and choices to make. A question then arises, is the power to choose a good one? 

Animals live simple yet organised lives. Humans on the other hand have made a mess of their lives. So many things to do and lack simplicity. But, the power to choose is a great one if used correctly. In life, we have two paths, one of spirituality and goodness and one of wrong choices. We all get distracted between these paths because everyone is not on one path. There are many on the path of wrongdoings and it's okay because once we realize what the right choice is, we make it. 

The power to choose shows us all the ways life can turn out and allows us to live it to the fullest. The one challenge is choosing the right path. 

The confusing thing about these paths is that both give us happiness but one gives us pleasure only for a short while whereas the other ensures long-term happiness and success. 

There is no "right" way to identify and choose the correct path because inside all of us, we know the right choice, and as life unfolds itself, so do our decisions. Life is like a book, every page turned, directs towards a new beginning and different ending. 

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VIII
Gyanshree School

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Questions I ask - Rishona Chopra

Photo from
ature is so perfect,
But why are we so wrecked? Why are we with flaws? Why do humans have the habit of going against the laws? Why aren’t all of us patient and kind? Pure and with a clean mind.

Why do people steal?
Why do people not feel?
Why do we lie and cheat?
Why are people poor and on the street?

When I ask these questions, I realize,
I don't have to look for the answer up in the skies.
The answer is within me,
I am the holder of the key.

God is the fuel of the car,
Helps the car move like a bright star.
But it's the driver’s fault that the car has met an accident,
The fuel isn’t responsible for the mistakes and accidents.

God has given us this body and mind,
Given endless freedom to humankind.
Gave us materials so we have enough food,
But we’re the ones who wrongly viewed.
We made alcohol and tobacco,
We blamed god for our troubles although,
We were the ones to blame,
We were lost in making money and fame.

God gave us the mind,
We had an option to be kind.
But we’re the ones who made the other choice.
And lost the pureness in our voice.

Rishona Chopra
Gyanshree School
Grade VIII

Monday, 17 April 2023

Are you in a dilemma? - Tenzin Kunsel

The dilemma word that we all are familiar with is a situation we all face daily. But when we think we are facing a dilemma, it's just a game that our mind plays. We all are already aware of the choice which we want to go with but create another choice just to confuse ourselves. When we debate which option to go with, we should always choose the brain's advice though hard to follow but better for us than the heart's advice which is easier. The brain's choice is better and more practical than the heart's.

Tenzin Kunsel
Pestalozzi Children's India Village

Saturday, 15 April 2023

Heart Vs Mind, a dilemma

The dilemma is a word that we all are familiar with, a situation we all face daily. But when we think we are facing a dilemma, it's just a game that our mind plays. We all know the choice we want to make but create another choice just to confuse ourselves.

When we debate which choice to go with, we should always choose the brain's advice though hard to follow, but better for us than the heart's easier advice. The brain's choice is better and more practical than the heart's.

Author unknown; received via Sonam Lhamo's email ID!

Friday, 14 April 2023

Have you ever experienced the dilemma between the heart and mind?

A situation in which we have to make a difficult choice between two or more things is a dilemma. Everyone
 has to face such situations in their life.

When I was in Grade 3, a child who was really fond of playing games rather than studying, but I had never failed any examination as I used to study the day before the test. Once examinations were approaching, and my father told me to start studying instead of playing every day. I didn't bother as my heart told me to go out and play. At the same time, my mind continuously reminded me about my examination and to study as I may fail my upcoming examination. I listened to my heart rather than my mind, not thinking about the outcome. At the time of the test, I could not remember what I had learned the day before the exam; thus, I failed the exam.

Later on I regretted making the wrong choice, from that day onwards, I decided to listen to mind rather than my 

Jeni Sherpa
Pestalozzi Children’s Village India

Reading The Art Of Focus by Gauranga Das with Jugjiv Sir at the Sunday School

Thursday, 13 April 2023

Did you ever experience the dilemma between the heart and mind? - Smriti Rai

A dilemma means when you have to make a different choice between two things. This situation is something which we all face in our daily life. We have to face a dilemma when we have two options.

The dilemma between the heart and mind is a common experience in our daily life. The brain always wins, even if it gives more challenging and complicated options. It takes a more extended period to believe as the heart is always soft, so it provides more accessibility, making us regret it later.

Recently I experienced a situation where I faced a dilemma. Before my exams started, my brain told me to study from the beginning and complete the syllabus before the exam, but my heart said to go out and play and enjoy. It told me that there was still more time to study and even I could learn a month before the examination, then I chose my heart's advice, then later, even when I looked till late at night, I could not finish the syllabus, and I regretted the choice which I made.

Smriti Rai
Pestalozzi Children's Village India
We are reading the book with Jugjiv Sir at The Sunday School.

Reflecting on the dilemma between the heart and the mind - Nishan Karki

Dilemmas occur daily when we make decisions regarding our various problems. One of these dilemmas is the dilemma between the heart and the mind. This dilemma is recurring and unending in nature. It is like hunger which occurs many times. Our want or need is satisfied once, but after some hours, it again occurs. The same is true with the dilemma between the heart and the mind.

The heart and the mind are very much crucial for our survival. We may get many suggestions from our minds and heart while making decisions. We need to specify the wise, convenient and prominent decision.
I have experienced such a dilemma several times in my life. This dilemma makes me think more than I usually do. I investigate the problem and identify the most prominent and convenient decision.

When I have some money, I want to use it wisely. I want to spend the money on the items which are beneficial to me. Many things revolve around my mind, and the dilemma occurs between the heart and the mind. My mind tells different items, and so does my heart. I thought for a long time and decided to buy the items.

Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Childres's Village India

Monday, 10 April 2023

Brain VS Heart - Arfa Khan

Image source:

We have all been in such a dilemma in which our brain says something, but our heart says something else at least once in our lifetime. It can happen in small decisions like whether I should do my homework now or later? Should I buy this or not? And also in big ones like career choices. Such situations are intimidating. And the big question is; who should we listen to, the brain or the heart? 

When you are in a situation where you must act upon one or the other, are you really thinking about balancing your emotions and logic, or are you just pretending? Usually, when faced with a decision, we do not suspend the two options but act upon one or the other. While making such decisions, we shouldn't be biased and always stick to one side.

The brain nor the heart is always correct. We need to pick the right side if there is one. Sometimes there are no right or wrong answers to questions. We should carefully think and ponder before choosing a side.

Our heart makes decisions while considering feelings, which are often reckless. Our brain has a logical and rational approach but tends to overthink much and doesn't want us to take any risks when sometimes, depending on the situation, it can be worth it. 

In conclusion, we should take our time, consider both sides' consequences, and be circumspect while making decisions. You do you because whatever you choose, it will happen for good 😊.

       -Arfa Khan


Ahlcon Public School

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Today Is The Day When You Define For Yourself - Arav Agarwal

Reflection of the chapter Today Is The Day When You Define For Yourself from the book My Good School ~ Where Passion Meets Education by Sandeep Dutt.

I was really inspired after reading the chapter - Today Is the Day When You Define for Yourself. The chapter is about decision making, and every day we have a choice to choose the wisest option for ourselves. The line with which I connected deeply was that whenever you make decisions listen to your inner voice to make the right decision. Also, the counsellor we need for counselling is our inner self, which helps us act as a counsellor; we only have to start listening to it.

There have been many times when I also had to make decisions and choose for myself. As I reflect back, I think it has helped me become better and more confident. What I have learned is that when we make choices, we should be kind enough to think about ourselves and others. And this will keep us happy.

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane

Sunday, 2 January 2022

Find Your Calling - Rishona Chopra

Based on the chapter Find Your Calling from Is your child ready to face the world by Dr Anupam Sibal.

We all are here to play our part. We are born to discover, create and learn. We are born to dream, but

we must not choose it under pressure to turn to our profession. We must stick to our true calling.

People might say even our parents might say, “ Be a doctor.” But you actually want to be an engineer. 

When people don’t do what they want to do, they are not happy and might fail too! 

Everybody takes time to decide some at high school others at a very young age, but we must choose

our true calling...

Now I’d like to present a story..(not a true story but can be)

                                        Choosing my calling  

I was pressured to be an engineer as the growing technology amazed people as a child. 

I wasn’t really interested in technology. I wanted to save lives and be a doctor. Although this made

people impressed, my parents said, “ For years, people have been engineers in the family, and we need

this to continue.”

I knew being an engineer would not make me happy at all, and that was not my calling. 

That night, I told my parents that I genuinely wanted to be a doctor that helps people more; screens damage

eyes and I could cure that. Listening to that, I thought my parents felt proud and disappointed

at the same time, but they supported me!

Now I am a successful neurosurgeon! Imagine if I didn’t choose my calling would I be happy? 
I don’t think so.

Although we might be pressured, we must choose what really makes us happy.

Rishona Chopra

Grade V

Gyanshree School