Showing posts with label colors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label colors. Show all posts

Monday, 21 October 2024

Colors In Nature - Simrat Kaur

Colours in nature often serve specific functions that have evolved. For example, the vibrant colours of flowers attract pollinators such as bees, birds, and butterflies, ensuring the reproductive success of plant species. Similarly, some trees change colour in autumn as part of a process that helps them conserve energy for the winter months. Trees and plants may use colour to signal various states or conditions. For example, the changing colours of leaves can indicate nutrient shifts within the tree or environmental changes. 

Wohlleben discusses how trees "communicate" with each other through their root systems and even via their outward appearance, like changing leaf colour in response to stress. Colours can also serve as a means of protection. For example, certain trees and plants have evolved colours that help them blend into their environment, avoiding herbivores. Conversely, bright colours in some plants may warn potential predators that they are toxic or inedible. 

The book's broader message is that colours are not merely aesthetic but have evolved to fulfil ecological functions that maintain the balance and harmony of nature. The natural world's vibrancy reflects life's complexity and the interdependence of all living things.

Simrat Kaur
Class 9th
Sunbeam English School Bhagwanpur

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Into the Fabric Buzz - Anvesha Rana

As I enter the fabric buzz, 

I look here and there, 

Nothing seems to be

Right enough to wear. 

The colours are strong.

But they do not stand out, 

The lines are long, 

But they only wait for a shout. 

The clothes at the start

Are overflowing with jewels, 

Their colours do not blend, 

Their design is awful, 

Their pattern makes me feel bad

But what can I do?

Yet People look over them. 

As if precious diamonds, 

Yet the mass buys them 

As if a lost treasure, 

And yet all wear them 

As their prized possessions. 

I can’t manage to look.

At such faces, 

Not because I am jealous, 

But it just makes me feel devastated. 

So, I enter deeper into the market, 

Where there is less racket, 

And for the first time, 

I see something I like. 

The clothes at the end

Do not stand out, 

But they make me feel welcome. 

They have just the right. 

Blend of colours yet 

No one there for them, 

They have just the 

Perfect pattern yet 

No one sees them, 

They have just the 

Best design yet 

No one buys them, 

They have just the 

Good inside yet 

No one understands them. 

I like it better here, 

In the end, 

The start is too crowded and painful, 

But the end has no one yet it is oozing 

With Love. 

The Way we see Beauty, 

Is no different from this, 

We like the ones with pretty faces, 

But not the ones with untied laces. 

We seek perfection in looks, 

Not in books. 

Beauty lies within, 

And there is no beauty out, 

When there is no beauty in. 

Anvesha Rana, 

Grade 10-B, 

Gyanshree School. 

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Colors Of Life - Rishona Chopra

Painting by Rishona Chopra

Colour - It is the deep mysterious language of dreams

It is a power which directly influences the soul.

Splash colours on a paper, put a stroke of brush and water, and let them flow like rivers of hope and shine through the form!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI 
Gyanshree School

Good Schools Of India