Showing posts with label colour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label colour. Show all posts

Monday, 19 December 2022

The Diary Of A Paper - Rishona Chopra

Dear Diary,  

I hope you have a day full of colours and joy because I do not have one! I was being made in the factory just yesterday, enjoying my life and relaxing until they put me in the suffocating packing of plastic. Goodness, it is so difficult to breathe; I think I might die!! I can't wait for someone to buy and get me out of the suffocating packing. Oh, there goes a customer! Yes, you please do pick me up!! And yes, that little girl achieved quite a difficult task, didn't she? 


Dear Diary,

I am out of that plastic packaging, finally!! It's a day to celebrate and enjoy. That young girl is so lovely. She even threw that plastic packaging in the dustbin! I bet she understood my pain and threw him as punishment. I can't wait to draw and paint with those bright colours. 


Dear Diary,

It's been two days, and the girl hasn't put a single stroke of colour on me. She just comes to look at me, draws a little and goes away. At least, she should place me in front of a mirror so I can see what she is making on me. I learned a few things about her - She has a family, one sister and two brothers. The girl's name is Lily, and her brothers' names are John and Alvin, just like Alvin and the chipmunks! The brothers are naughty but cute. Her sister's name is Sara, and she is truly a sweetheart! Seeing her just makes my day. I hope Lily is creating a masterpiece for me; I am missing the beauty of those colours!


Dear Diary,

It's been about 6 days, and she has finally put a little colour on me. Her painting should be good after all that waiting I did. I pray every day that she puts me in front of a mirror. I really want to see myself!


Dear Diary,

Sorry, I haven't written to you in a while; I have been swamped. Turns out, the girl did make a masterpiece. I am in the museum of arts, and several people look at me and embrace my beauty. I am famous now! This was quite a journey from plain paper to a masterpiece. One thing I learnt on the trip was that patience is always beneficial. Life is a journey. Every day has a different beat to it. Life unfolds itself. It's a journey we can't force.


Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Good Schools Of India