Showing posts with label complex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label complex. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

JDS School Reflections - Sunday 8th December 2024

                          Wisdom, proper knowledge and intellect. How can we connect with that?

To connect with wisdom, reflect on experiences and seek diverse perspectives. To obtain the proper knowledge, pursue learning and discern the truth through critical thinking. To develop intellect, practice curiosity, logical reasoning, and problem-solving regularly.

                           Are animals sensitive? How are humans different from animals?

Animals are sensitive to physical sensations, emotions, and environmental changes. Humans differ in their advanced reasoning, abstract thought, complex emotions, and the ability to create culture and language.

Name - Anjali
Grade - 9th
School - Jhamkudevi Sen Sec School 

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Reflection Sunday 8th December 2024

 Guru Nanak Docuseries-
1. What was your takeaway from the session today? 
2. What were the key points in the episode? 
3. Wisdom, Right Knowledge, and Intellect- How can you connect with these?
4. Guru Nanak emphasized humility as the key to true wisdom. Think about a time when setting aside your ego helped you learn or understand something better. How can practising humility help you grow as a person?
5. Guru Nanak said words can bring others happiness or sadness. Can you recall a time when someone's kind words made a difference to you? How can you use your words to make people around you feel happy and supported?
6. Guru Nanak taught that the Divine exists in everything and everyone, and we are all part of one big family. How can this idea help you connect with people from different cultures, religions, or backgrounds? 
7. How can understanding this oneness improve your relationships and the way you view the world?

 From Inner Life Of Animals -
1. Did the story connect with you today, and why?
2. Find out about-
a. limbic system
b. Fear in animals 
c. A mindless animal in its true sense
3. What is instinct according to you?
4. How can we compare animal emotions with human emotions?
5. Are the animals sensitive? How are humans different from animals?


Meeting Purpose
To discuss Episode 12 of the documentary series on Guru Nanak's travels and explore the emotional lives of animals through a book chapter.

Key Takeaways
  • Episode 12 covers Guru Nanak's journey to Orissa, emphasizing themes of diversity, inclusivity, and universal spirituality.
  • The chapter on animal emotions presents scientific evidence that many animals likely experience emotions, challenging previous assumptions.
  • Amandeep Singh emphasized the importance of shedding ego to connect with universal consciousness and energy.


Guru Nanak Documentary Series Discussion
Episode 12 covers Guru Nanak's travels to Orissa, including Cuttack and Puri.
Key themes: diversity, inclusivity, universal spirituality transcending religious boundaries
Highlighted Guru Nanak's message at Jagannath temple about respecting nature over ritualistic practices
Amandeep Singh emphasized shedding ego to connect with universal consciousness.

Inner Life of Animal Emotions Chapter Review
Scientific evidence suggests many animals likely experience emotions
Brain structures for emotions (limbic system) present in mammals, birds, and fish
Studies on pain receptors and fear responses in fish challenge previous assumptions
Debate on consciousness in animals remains open, with some evidence even in fruit flies
The slime mould example demonstrates complex problem-solving without a brain

My Good School Updates
  • Sandeep Dutt outlined plans for 2025, including a focus on The Teacher's Academy and expanding partnerships.
  • Commitment to maintaining an 80-20 ratio of the mainstream to supported schools in the alliance
Next Steps
Schedule dates for January episodes with Amandeep Singh
Post-reflection questions for participants to respond to
Continue monthly format with guest speakers and documentary discussions

These are some suggestions you can choose from. I'm looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections! You can email your reflections to or post them as comments below!

Monday, 13 September 2021

Happiness - Vedvee Solanki

Happiness seems to be the thing that everyone searches for and desires.

These days there are so many different things that can make a person happy. Happiness to me is a sort of inner contentment that deep down. I desire just as much as any other person. The word happiness is a complex one and comes in many definitions for every different person. Happiness is not just a word. Instead, it is related to one's whole life or feeling. It is difficult to describe happiness in words; it can only be felt.
Vedvee Solanki 
Class - VI
The Fabindia School

Good Schools Of India