"This Children's Day of the year 2023, we are most delighted to bring you the first issue of our monthly newsletter, and we look forward to the middle of every month to get into the middle of your heart and mind with #JoyOfLearning".
Rishona Chopra, School Captain
Tuesday, 14 November 2023
JOL Diaries November 23
Saturday, 15 July 2023
A Business With A Purpose - Rishona Chopra
One such business is the Tata Group. It has shaped the India we live in today. Their business has been serving India for so many years, and all of them have been a success.
1969 – Entered the National Centre for the Performing Arts.
1982– The Taj Group accelerated its international expansion.
1983– Tata Salt became the country's first iodized branded salt.
Their businesses were firm in their values and had a clear purpose.
There is no one person behind a business. It is a team of hundreds of people. Their strong values of cooperation and humility make a strong and concrete business.
If the co-founder of a business is jealous of the founder and tries to belittle him, then won't the business be at risk. While working in a team, will a business work out if people don't respect each other's ideas? If people don't appreciate each other's efforts, will they be motivated enough to strive for more?
Cooperation is when you adjust with someone, whether you like it or not. It is when you help someone not caring about yourself and putting their needs before yours.
While doing business, our core values have to be strong for the business to grow without any inner conflicts between people.
Grade VII
Gyanshree School
Monday, 27 June 2022
Totto-chan's Life - Anvesha Rana
Totto-chan has taught me many things, from selflessness to compassion, curiosity to care, pity to love. She has taught us innumerable life lessons just through her mischievous nature and jovial personality.
Totto-chan had participated in a sports event and that single event had the most profound effect on her. Similarly, even the sports day at my school is not only a day full of fun but also a day submerged in learning.
The sports day taught me acceptance, that even though I did not win anything, I needed to accept that fact. It also encourages appreciation for others, I learn to acknowledge the rewards of my mates even when I don't have any. It teaches me to care for those who might have hurt themselves while playing, but the most important lesson on the sports day is cooperation, understanding and following your team and leading them in the right direction. The sports day is a day oozing with fun, learning, sports and values.
Totto-chan had a fun pet, Rocky, who was a German shepherd. Rocky and Totto-chan are best friends, but their favourite pastime together was to play the game 'Wolf'. In wolf, you had to roll down on the mat and face each other only to make the scariest, wolf-alike face possible. Rocky and Totto-chan were simply playing this game, but Rocky, a German shepherd, raised its animal instinct and bit Totto-chan on her ear. It was awful, the ear was dangling down but the only thing that mattered to Totto-chan, while at hospital to get her ear mended, was that her parents should not scold Rocky. This incident demonstrated the pure form of love that Totto-chan and Rocky share. It showed how deeply they cared for each other but after all Rocky was her pet, only Totto-chan considered him a friend.
We all want to have a pet, even I want one but I think we should not keep these animals caged in our homes, far away from their families. Moreover, owning a pet requires time, honesty, humility, love, care, patience, cooperation, appreciation and quality, and if we want to have a pet then, we should take full responsibility for it. It should not be that we got a dog home and then just got stuck in our everyday life only to forget our pet. We should respect our desires, and if we want to have a pet, then we should also acknowledge our pet.
Totto-chan is indeed a unique girl. Her enthusiasm is contagious and full of love and passion, and her inquisitiveness is simply enchanting. She found a great interest in creating haikus. A Haiku is a kind of a Japanese poem where 5-7-5 syllables are applied to express daily situations with a unique twist.
Here's a Haiku I tried to create:
The Joy is found,
Love is spread at the MGS,
Meet us now at 11:00!
Anvesha Rana,
Grade 10-B,
Gyanshree School
Wednesday, 8 June 2022
The 22 Values - Rishona Chopra
Joy Of Learning (JOL) is based on The Little Book of Values: Educating Children to Become Thinking, Responsible and Caring Citizens. Learning happens through these values.
The future of education will be built on these values alone:
Appreciation, Caring, Cooperation, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Happiness, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Love, Patience, Peace, Quality, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Understanding & Unity.
These values make up our life. We don't have to do anything significant to master these. Just opening a door for someone, bringing a smile to someone's face, making friends with someone, trusting someone, understanding someone, and other little acts can do it all.
Why don't we promise ourselves that we will try our best to inculcate these values?
Grade VI
Gyanshree School
Saturday, 5 February 2022
Unity - Rishona Chopra
To be able to work in a team, united is unity. To be united, you first need to learn to cooperate and have a good relationship with them, so you don't get in too many fights. I am not so good at teamwork, but I am trying to improve by being more cooperative.
As you might have heard,' unity is power. When the British attacked India, all Indians came together and fought with them, and because of us being a team, we were able to defeat the British.
Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School
Sunday, 5 December 2021
Cooperation - Krishnadeep Madhav
Saturday, 4 December 2021
Cooperation - Dakshita Sirvi
Cooperation and competition both play an important role in our life. Competition forces us to improve our services and products hence benefiting us. But cooperation makes us work together and faster, it increases our patience and makes us compatible with our partners.
We all know that one plus one is two hence greater than one this means working in a group makes your work greater and complete it faster. Eg. If I have to find a book in a library alone it would take me a long time but if I along with my friends find it together then it would be found in less time. However, in comparison cooperation is more effective than competition. It benefits not only a single person but the whole society. So everyone should be taught to co-operate not to compete.
Cooperation - Arav Agarwal
Hello everyone!
We all know how cooperation is important in our everyday life and how it helps
us to achieve our goals. Today I am going to share about amazing cooperation
between our mind and our body.
The mind and
body are not separate. What affects the one, affects the other. We all know that
two or more people cooperate with each other to perform a particular task. In
a similar way, our mind and body also cooperate and work together to perform a
Our mind thinks of a way in which the task should be performed and our
body executes the task. For example, when we are solving a mathematics problem
our mind quickly thinks of the solution or the way to solve the sum and our body(hands)
start writing the solution. Our mind and body are able to cooperate with each
other so well as they listen to each other. In a similar way, we should also
listen to other people so that we are able to cooperate well.
It is very
necessary for our mind and body to cooperate with each other because when they
cooperate with each other we are able to achieve whatever we want. So let us
keep our mind and body healthy by meditating, sitting in silence, exercising,
eating healthy food so that our mind and body balance and cooperate with each
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane
Sunday, 28 November 2021
Cooperation - Anishka Nanda
What does the word "cooperation "actually mean? It's not just working in a team but working together positively and healthily and uniting and collaborating with others. I learned to cooperate when I was 3 years old. I used to share my toys with my siblings and friends. Soon it developed the attitude of caring and sharing, give and take. It improved my friendship, and I started being understanding towards others. Most importantly, cooperation helped me a lot to learn how to overcome challenges together. It helped me in building better learning, emotional maturity and strong personal identity. Cooperation is essential because it allows people and groups to work together to achieve a common goal. "Alone, we can do so little, but together we can do so much."
Name: Anishka Nanda Grade: 5C Billabong High International School, Thane
Tuesday, 23 November 2021
Cooperation - Bhumika Nimbark
Cooperation - Tiya Sompura

Saturday, 20 November 2021
Cooperation - Anushri Palnitkar
Real life experience of cooperation by Anushri Palnitkar.
Hello everyone, today I am going to be sharing my storywhen my mom cooperated with me. Once my class was going onand my teacher gave me a homework and told me to submit it till4:00 p.m. When the class ended, I started doing my homework, andthe battery of my laptop drained out. In the other room my mom wasworking. My laptop was getting charged but I had to wait, when Iwent to my mom, she asked me what happened? I said “ My laptopis getting charged ’’. I was sad because I was not able to dohomework. So, my mom gave her laptop to me and said “ I will domy work later, you do your homework now”. And this is how mymom cooperated with me. Hope you liked my experience. Thank you!Name: Anushri PalnitkarGrade: 5ABillabong High International School, Thane
Friday, 19 November 2021
Cooperation - Avni Karmarkar
Reflections Since 2021
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