Tuesday, 19 November 2024
Sunbeam Lahartara- My Good School Retreat 2024
Monday, 29 April 2024
The Art Of Orignality - Rishona Chopra
In today's fast-paced world, we have lost the art of originality and have forgotten its value. Today, books, songs, music, and poems can easily be written with the help of AI. It can write flawless articles, with perfect grammar but what we need to understand is that the flaws are what make the work so real and beautiful.
When we write things ourselves, it has our thoughts put into it and our feelings which are a thousand times better than anything AI can create. Yes, we make mistakes and our work may have flaws but those flaws are what show us what we can improve on and make it better. The power of the mind is the greatest and if we don't put that power to use, it gets dull. It's like a knife, If not used, it eventually gets blunt and loses its sharpness just like we can lose our creativity wit.
Let us take songwriting, for example, something that AI creates may be quite nice but when the mind creates that, there is a uniqueness to it and your creative touch can be felt. Originality is not doing something first, it's doing it with the power of the mind and by yourself.
To me, reading an article with broken English and grammar yet beautiful with feelings and creativity is always better than one with flawless language and a lack of feelings.
If we turn to AI to do our tasks, then it just shows the lack of confidence we have in ourselves. The Art Of Originality is to not fall into the trap of betraying your mind, it is to follow through and follow the mind.
Shakespeare didn't use ChatGPT to write "Comedy Of Errors" and look what a classic it is! We don't need AI to be successful in our work, what the mind can create is far more powerful because you can feel it.
Tuesday, 23 January 2024
Sylvan Reverie: A Soul’s Unveiling
Which was full of green,
With the colossal trees-
They were so tall they couldn’t be seen.
With animals so enigmatic,
The mist was so dramatic.
I came across a forest-
Where lay the river’s poetic grace.
I saw a reflection that seemed honest,
The reflection told me what was seen but unknown,
Heard but ignored.
I came across a forest-
Where the water showed me a reflection true,
A tale untold that became a mystery to pursue.
The one I saw in the reflection-
Was it me or a girl in the past?
At thirteen, a memory that couldn’t last.
I came across a forest-
It was just another forest,
But it was the place where I found myself.
I came across a forest,
But the forest was just my dream.
-Aarika Banka
Grade IX, Gyanshree School, Noida
Tuesday, 19 December 2023
Reading For Pleasure and more from Sunbeam School Lahartara
We say that books are our best friends.
to become their friends, we have to read them.
Reading gives us the
opportunity to build ourselves; it helps us stand in front of people
People say that
real life is not similar to books; it is all rubbish. Books prepare us for our lives. I also prefer to read books because they help
me to be more creative, confident, and charismatic from within.
Life is no "brief candle" for me. It is a
sort of "suffering torch," which I have a hold of for the moment, and
I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before passing it on to future
I am also exploring as much as I can.
Teachers are those who make children knowledgeable and cultured. A teacher is a beautiful gift given by God, as God is the creator of the whole world and a teacher is the creator of an entire nation. A teacher is such an important creature in the life of a student, who, through his knowledge, patience, and love, gives a strong shape to a student’s whole life. A teacher shares academic knowledge and ethical values and assimilates moral values that help us shape our personalities as better human beings. Teachers play a major role in shaping students' lives and futures.
Tuesday, 18 July 2023
My First 'Venture' to 'My Good School'...- Unnati Dabral
Did I call it a 'venture'?
Indeed yes.
You might be thinking, "Why I wrote venture instead of putting 'visit'?" Of course, to make my readers wonder why? And to make them curious.
I was a creative and rough-tough kid since I first started schooling. But that doesn't mean I was confident back then. When it comes to vivas, although my 'Know it All' attitude used to kick in, I used to get nervous. I still do.
So, the first fellow to join 'My Good School' happened to be my friend, Geetankshi. She told me about this opportunity at 'The English Book Depot'. She told me to write about 'What it takes to spread the joy of learning at schools?', mail it, and then wait for the reply. At first, I procrastinated on the task for a few days. My friend told me to visit the place and meet the founder. I thought it was a good idea. I wrote a mail to the head body before leaving for the visit.
The moment I reached there, I fell in love with the place.
I pondered, "What a wonder it would be to work in such a peaceful and calming environment!"
I went straight ahead towards our founder to greet him. With the intention of an intellectual chit-chat as I go. Alas! I end up giving an interview for the post. I was in bewilderment. Sandeep Sir asked me about learning; how do children learn?; what is the joy of learning; what can we do to spread it in our schools?
Amidst answering a few of them, I went blank for a few minutes. Firstly, I had no clue that I would be at the trigger point for the interview. Geetankshi told me otherwise. Secondly, It was an interview. Jeez, my heart was palpating. I was feeling so nervous. One could have seen my arm-hair twitch.
The interview was over. I felt the sluggishness under my skin. Sir told me about 'My Good School', its vision, Learning Forward India, etc. And soon after, I found my heartbeats slowing down and healing. It was Sandeep Sir, and what he said at the end, "So, this is what we do. Now you are a Fellow at My Good School. Welcome. अब तो मुझसे डर नहीं लग रहा, ना?"
I called the visit 'A Venture'.
And what a venture it was!
Have you ever 'Bungee Jumped'?
The nervousness and the feeling of hollowness in your stomach you get before jumping off the cliff is what I felt during the interview. And the power you have felt in your gut after accomplishing the task, that same power I felt after his words. And thus, I felt at home at that moment. The acceptance I got as an individual on my own was so pure. I was so happy, felt so content and thankful to god. The feeling was unforgettable.
I have always thought of being a part of such a generous vision. And getting an opportunity to work for 'Joy Of Learning' at 'My Good School' with such a fabulous team is the most 'beatific feeling' I had in so long.
I feel I am in the right place.
Thank you so much, Sir. 🙏
~Unnati Dabral 🌻
(Fellow at My Good School)
Sunday, 3 July 2022
Why should I go to School - Arav Agarwal
A school is a place which helps in our social and mental development. It helps to develop our thinking abilities and our creative skills. My school is like a second home, which has helped me develop and grow confident. School life is full of happy moments and memories. What we learn at school builds the foundation for our life.
S – Social Development
C – Creative
H – Happy memories
O – Our
second home
O – Offering
education and values
L – Lifelong foundation is built here.
Grade: 6A
Billabong High International School, Thane
Monday, 13 June 2022
The Sunday School
Why should you join My Good School?
A week full of the joy of learning only at My Good School, your Sunday School, for Rs 1800 per year. #MyGoodSchool #HappyTeachers #JoyOfLearning With Creative thinking, collaboration, and citizenship, you will be ready for the world. https://t.co/uRGtUDMuZv EASY TO SIGN UP. pic.twitter.com/Tfg9L2prTD
— Sandeep Dutt (@MyGoodSchool) June 13, 2022
Wednesday, 16 February 2022
Friendship - Archita Saxena
Friendship is the basic essence of our lives. Friends make our lives better and more magical. I have many friends, but my best friend is my mother.
My mom is kind, cheerful, bright and very creative. She is always there for me, no matter whatever mistake I make. She cooks my favourite food. Once she cooked an egg, put the bread on it and again egg on top of the bread which made it so tasty that I ate entirely even though I had never consumed eggs. She helps me even if she is busy. Every day, she multitasks, like cooking, helping my sister and me, and finishing daily chores simultaneously. I am always surprised how she does that! She prepares food every day and never stops working till all of her work finishes. She is my best friend as I can share anything with her, and she always helps me without me doing something for her because a friend helps their friend without that person doing something for them.
My mom is smart because she helps me in maths and her answer is always correct. She is cheerful by her supportive spirit. She is kind and never stops helping me until I can do any difficult thing. She never stops believing and caring. She is my hero. I am ending my words with this beautiful quote by Bill Watterson: “Things are not too scary when you get a friend.”
Archita SaxenaGrade III
Gyanshree School
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