Showing posts with label dear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dear. Show all posts

Saturday, 24 June 2023

A Cause That Is Dear To Me - Tenzin Jambey

Royalty Free Image from Pixabay.Com

Mahatma Gandhi had a cause because of which he started Quit India Moment, 

Mohammad Ali, the legend of boxing, also had a cause to become a boxer, and Mary Kom, a female boxer from India, also had a cause which led her to become a women's boxing champion. Every person has their own ambition and path created due to a cause. 

I don't know about the opinion of others on the cause which is important to them, but whatever happens to me in life, including both bad and happy times, is interconnected. One cause can bring a change upon oneself, and one cause is enough to create another cause. When I think of the journey from my childhood till the present age, all the causes are important and meaningful. 

My causes for something always bring goodness in me, therefore. I want to become a good person in life, and I want to become successful in future. I have a cause to achieve what I want, my causes will lead to finding my way, and the most important causes which always motivate me are my family, the Pestalozzi family and the My Good School family.

Tenzin Jambey 
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

A Cause That Is Dear To Me - Keyura Rao Cheeti

Reflection from reading the book.

Everyone is connected and moved by what is happening around them. They must decide if they need to take up a cause and bring about change. They are reasons for action to be taken or action to happen. For something good to happen, the cause needs to be good too. It gives us a reason to live. I have thought about this since a very young age. My heart aches to see poor people begging on the road. Older people are beggars too. They have a right to live happily, too. I would like to set up a charity for them when I get older. In the charity, people will donate money, clothes, food etc. We will provide them with good education and ensure they get a job to live independently. We will set a small goal first, and if we achieve that, we move on to completing something bigger, thereby trying and making sure that they have a good life. They need to live as peacefully as we do. We must take care of them as our responsibility as good citizens. We can educate others on how to help them.

Keyura Rao Cheeti
Class VI
The Hyderabad Public School

Monday, 19 June 2023

A cause that is dear to me - Rishona Chopra

I often wonder what the purpose of life is. Why are we alive in the first place? 

I do believe that we all are here to do good and that is our cause and reason to live but I think that there is something more to that. We all have our unique qualities and talents that perhaps have something to do with it. 

People who have the gift of writing and are masters at it perhaps were sent to write stories and tales and make the world a better place. People with singing as their passion were sent to write beautiful songs that touch hearts with their deep enriching meaning. 

For me, the cause to live that is dear to me is my family. They are the ones that keep me going. Career talents are important to make the world a better place but to make it better we need to be strong and get by with hope and happiness. 

My family is that cause that never lets me lose hope and it is very dear to me. 

As said, not attending a meeting, not going for a business trip, missing out a conference are things we won't regret but not spending time with our family is one thing we will definitely regret. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 15 January 2023

Dear Life - Rishona Chopra

Dear Life,
Is your path too difficult to drive?
Does it hold happiness?
Or sadness?
Is it full of bundles of joy?
Is it fun, like a playing toy?
Does it hold success for me?
Or will it be full of glee?
I ask these questions to dear Life,
I hope it helps me decide.
It answers,
You could suffer from Cancer.
You could be successful,
You could be distressful.
You may find a lot of joy,
The path may be destroyed.
Neither do I, Neither do you,
Know if you might fall through.
It is in your hands, she says,
It depends on the way I sway.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Left So Soon - Reveda Bhatt

The year 2019 gave me a new life (Let’s not get to that), but the following ones, 2020-21, took many of my beloved ones’ lives away!

I’ll roll back the rim of my life to the year 2021. Someone really close to us all was my grandmother’s niece, Kanchan, my aunt, just a young girl with dreams and hopes for a bright future like any other.

One odd day, she got her hand fractured, went to the hospital, and surgery was to be performed for implantation of K-wire in her hand. After that, tests were conducted, and the results diagnosed her with MEN1(Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Link Type 1 syndrome, a rare genetic disorder mainly affecting the endocrine glands). The message spread virtually on WhatsApp to us in our family group, and after reading it, all of our hearts sank in. But, not losing hope, we wished her a speedy recovery and gave her mom, and her brother hope for her stay! 

Surgery after surgery, treatment after treatment, our prayers and everyone else’s, and meanwhile she was stable, with all of us crying out our mixed emotions, I sat there, scrolling through her Instagram profile-her smile, her sweet voice, and her charm-all faded behind the beeping of machines. Even though her, being in Noida, and me in Dehradun, it hurt, you know, in such situations, the gap does not matter; it’s the prayers from the bottom of hearts that do! But God plans a bummer for everyone’s lives, and his plan for hers was different. The disease could not be cured, maybe controlled, but not cured.

 Stable…Stable… Deteriorating …Survival hard…

 I remember the last time I talked to her was the previous phone call we ever had, the night she passed away. My dad spoke to her when I requested to have a word and hear her voice-her feeble voice saying my name THE LAST Time, and I reassured her to stay strong and not lose hope. That was it!

The next evening, her brother called and cried out that she was no more; our hearts sank more profoundly, and we moaned. Like that, her dreams, future and her smile in photos evaporated against the garland over it.

Her Instagram account remains a remnant of her existence in our hearts and this world. `

Reveda Bhatt
Grade 9
The Aryan School