Showing posts with label desire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label desire. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Reflection Sunday 23rd February 2025

 Sunday School # 177
A workshop on goal setting with guest speaker Lina Ashar, followed by a book reading session and updates on My Good School activities. 

Key Takeaways
  • Lina Ashar presented on the importance of SMART goal setting and how to apply it effectively
  • The group read chapters from "The Hidden Life of Animals" on animal intelligence and goal-oriented behavior
  • Updates were shared on upcoming My Good School events, including a retreat in April and new weekday sessions

Session 1 of 3, scheduled for the third Sunday of the month, beginging February 2025.

Lina Ashar, founder of Dreamtime Learning, discussed the importance of goal setting using the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, Time-bound) framework. She emphasized the need for clear, realistic goals to achieve personal and academic success. Lina Ashar highlighted the reticular activating system (RAS) in the brain, which helps focus on specific goals. She also addressed common challenges like procrastination and stress, suggesting time-blocking and realistic goal setting. The session included practical exercises to transform vague goals into SMART ones and stressed the importance of inner mastery and personal growth. 

What we learnt with Lina Ashar

  • Explained the SMART goal framework: Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, Time-bound
  • Discussed the brain's reticular activating system (RAS) and its role in goal achievement
  • Emphasized the importance of setting realistic, incremental goals to avoid stress
  • Addressed questions on procrastination, parental pressure, and maintaining motivation

Book Reading: "The Hidden Life of Animals"

Chapters: Hidden Agendas & Simple Sums:

  • Read chapters on animal intelligence, focusing on crows, goats, and dogs
  • Discussed examples of animals demonstrating counting abilities and time awareness
  • Explored the concept of forward planning in animal behavior

Reflection questions

  1. How does Wohlleben challenge the traditional understanding of animal intelligence in this chapter? Reflect on examples he provides and consider whether they change your perspective on how animals think and solve problems.
  2. In what ways does the ability of animals to perform simple mathematical tasks impact our ethical responsibilities toward them? Do you think recognizing intelligence in animals should influence the way humans treat them?

  3. Wohlleben shares anecdotes about animals demonstrating basic arithmetic skills. How do these examples compare to the way young children or untrained humans approach similar tasks? What does this suggest about the cognitive abilities of animals in comparison to humans?

Planning for March 2025
The meeting discussed the upcoming schedule for various educational activities. Students will return from holidays on April 1st, and attendance is expected to improve. The calendar will include reading sessions on Sundays, watching the Episode 14 of Guru Nanak’s travels with Amardeep Singh and a workshop with Lina Ashar. The students of Sunbeam School Varuna are planning a presentation at My Good School. In addition, a poetry sessions are held on Thursdays at 5:15 PM, and a book reading sessions on Friday afternoon at 2:20 PM. 

The My Good School retreat is scheduled from April 11th to 14th. Art and music sessions are under consideration for the week, with a focus on engaging a broader audience. Finally, plans for the Art and Music Sessions on Monday and Tuesday respectively, with Wednesday as a weekly off.

You can email your reflections to or post them as comments below!

Monday, 5 August 2024

Dreams are the threads that weave our deepest desires with our waking reality - Tamreen

"Dreams are the threads that weave our deepest desires with our waking reality, revealing connections we never knew existed."

Dreams often serve as a bridge between our subconscious mind and our conscious experiences. They weave together fragments of our deepest desires, fears, and unresolved emotions, presenting them in a tapestry that can reveal insights we might not otherwise see. 

When we dream, we tap into a realm where our minds are free to explore connections and possibilities beyond the constraints of our daily lives. These dreams can reflect our inner aspirations and unresolved conflicts and offer guidance or inspiration. 

Examining and reflecting on our dreams can uncover patterns and insights that connect our inner world with our external reality. This helps us better understand ourselves and align our actions with our true desires. In this way, dreams act as a map that shows how our inner thoughts and emotions are intricately connected to the choices and experiences in our waking lives. 

Dreams often serve as a bridge between our subconscious mind and our conscious experiences. They weave together fragments of our deepest desires, fears, and unresolved emotions, presenting them in a tapestry that can reveal insights we might not otherwise see. 

When we dream, we tap into a realm where our minds are free to explore connections and possibilities beyond the constraints of our daily lives. These dreams can reflect our inner aspirations and unresolved conflicts and offer guidance or inspiration. Examining and reflecting on our dreams can uncover patterns and insights that connect our inner world with our external reality, helping us better understand ourselves and align our actions with our true desires. In this way, dreams act as a map that shows how our inner thoughts and emotions are intricately connected to the choices and experiences in our waking lives.
Grade -9
Doon Girls School

Sunday, 29 October 2023

How to find happiness in everything I do- TENZIN JAMBEY

Many of my friends say that hard work is the key to success, but I believe that hard work without happiness, peace of mind, love, and knowledge doesn't bring you success.
Happiness is the state of mind when we feel relief and are free from all the worries, and at that moment we feel satisfied. Human activities are never-ending, and they have no end point. Under this human desire is something that is unlimited and endless. The more you have, the more you want. Some people don't achieve what they want. How sad it is that in this short life we won't get what we want so desperately. Life becomes a burden if we do things we don't like; therefore, it is very important to find where our heart lies. Many people on this earth want to achieve everything, but we must understand that we can never achieve everything; we can only achieve the things where our hearts lie.

We will be able to achieve only those things that have a connection with your life and that you love. Therefore, we need to find a way, a medium, a sphere, or an environment where all the activities are to your liking. We would never find happiness in all the things we do.

Just an example of myself I never loved doing math, nor did I get happiness after solving any questions. In this case, how can one find happiness in things in which he has no interest? When I took environmental studies as my subject, I loved it, and I got both happiness and interest from learning it. Now, when I connect my life with this subject, I get happiness, as my life revolves only around the things that make me feel happy, not sad.
As our lives are so short, we should not waste our time doing things we dislike. We should always work hard, keeping in mind that we are putting hard work into things that give us happiness and satisfaction.

Pestalozzi Children's Village Society
Image Courtesy- Canva

Saturday, 20 May 2023

Mindful living is important in present time - Tenzin Jambey

With time everything is changing; we see development and new infrastructure set up. The living standard of people is also changing, and with the way of living standards, people's minds and the method of executing actions are too changing. We must be very mindful about our activities and words in today's world. 

Our one action can cause heavy destruction; with one step, our identity can change. With one step, we lose our trust, friends, and loved ones. Before doing any work or even speaking to somebody, we should ask ourselves whether we are doing the right thing. We should consider the effects and consequences, but many people still do something wrong even after knowing it is wrong. 

Humans get many emotions like greed, selfishness, and desire to possess. That's why it becomes difficult sometimes to have control over our actions. How strange we human beings are. Aren't we just for the sake of fun and enjoyment? We put everything, even studies, aside? This all originates in the mind, and we should adopt good habits so that lousy thought can die at the place where it was created. 

Good thinking leads to the execution of good actions, and good actions would lead you to a happy life. Indeed, we don't have control over our emotions but can control our actions.

Teenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's India Village

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

How Can We Develop Self-Control? - Aati Pema

During our day-to-day life, we plan to do many things, but when we are faced with doing them, most of the time, we see that it's more challenging, and the funny thing is it requires more effort to actually start compared to doing the work itself. 

The thought of practicality and the actual work is separated by this large gap, and overcoming it requires willpower. 

A person goes through the most pain and discomfort while taking the few steps, like igniting the spark plug of a vehicle requires the most energy, so to have that desire, commitment along with dedication and fire in our bellies to do what's needed are the most important things that we can have. 

Aati Pema
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Monday, 21 November 2022

Striving So Hard - Reveda Bhatt

Okay, hold up for a moment, sitting and typing as I do here. Now, ask yourself - “Why do I strive so hard?”

It’s like the human mind constantly strives for something or the other. We set a bull’s eye to aim at, but once we reach there, it’s the end of one manly desire but the start of another; we may call it the endless cycle of desire. 

Some strive too hard to earn “enough” money, but once they earn it, it never seems enough. As we keep on progressing, so make our desires progress. Some work hard round the clock to gain respect, that too by their power, but bet you knew that even the greatest people around the world have some people who praise them continuously upfront but stab them behind their backs!

So, my friends, why? Why do we strive to prove ourselves in front of such toxic people?

The moments that pass are precious, and, to be honest, when I am here, I just do what I wish - study only when I want, and write only when I feel like there’s a need to. You know, living in the moment. Well, that’s damn true because otherwise, the world is superficial, and the people are superficial, but the least I can do is make sure I am true to myself! 

This is because if everyone, as a matter of fact, everything in this world loses its originality, we’ll all be fake, and that’s a nightmare.

Okay, I agree, it went way off-so. Coming back, just take a deep breath and search for your originality before it’s too late and it’s dumped under your foolish pile of personalities. 

A chameleon is made to change colours, not humans! Just move along your way truly and see what the future holds.

Reveda Bhatt

Grade 9

The Aryan School

Sunday, 4 September 2022

Endless Cycles Of Desire - Rishona Chopra


We all have so many wishes in life. We want so much more, but it is through natural materialism that our greed grows. Like Mahatma Gandhi said - There is enough for everyone's needs but not for everyone's greed.

Greed is this emotion that is never endless and will continue forever, desire leads to sorrow and the end of desire is the ned of sorrow. The more we want, the more our ego increases; if we don't get it, we are unhappy. These are endless cycles of desire and sorrow. If only we realize that we have everything in the world and we don't need it anymore.

Don't we feel the want when we see someone has something that we don't, and it's all about material possessions. It's never about noticing that we made mistakes in life or never did good deeds and the want to be a better person but we think that being big doesn't lie in the heart but in what we possess.  

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School  

Monday, 11 July 2022

Love - Reveda Bhatt

 “Love is a broken thing,

And it makes a fiery ring.

Bound by wild desire,

I fell into a burning ring of fire.”

-Johnny Cash in the Ring of Fire

First, let’s consider love is not life; life is to be loved!

When you are emotionally attached to someone, and it’s unconditional, it is love! This means that you love them through thick and thin; you love them because of how they are, not what they are.

Otherwise, we’ve got to agree that no one, other than our family, truly loves us, and it comes from within, giving roses and chocolates to prove it; I personally feel like it’s all crap and, oh, don’t even make me open my mouth about Valentine’s week. LOL!

So, let’s live, love and laugh at the moment!

Reveda Bhatt
Grade 9
The Aryan School

Thursday, 16 June 2022

Ignorance - Rishona Chopra

Ignorance is when we ignore the law of nature.

When we think life will never end and we are immortal and will live forever is ignorance. When we forget that things change, we and ignorant.

 If you think you have come out of the world of ignorance and have achieved something great, and now you are more extraordinary, this thought simply displays that you are in the world of ignorance.

Ignorance is thinking that you are greater or your success will never end. Once you achieve something big and instead of being greedy for more, you cherish it: being free from ignorance. When the thought does not come to your mind that your success will never end, you are free.

The most prominent example is Lord Buddha. Did he ever show off his success and strength? No, because he was free from ignorance. And as he rightly said, desire is the cause of pain. This doesn't mean we shouldn't have ambitions and dreams. There is a simple difference between the desire of want and need. If you desire to be selfless and humble, then be it but then don't be too proud over that because once you link want and greed with need, all the pain begins.

Ignorance leads to ego, and ego leads to anger and greed. To stop this connection, we need to be humble.

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VI 
Gyanshree School

Reflections Since 2021