Showing posts with label destiny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label destiny. Show all posts

Friday, 13 September 2024

Krishna and Karna - Doon Girls’ School

The chapter reveals the contrast between Krishna’s divine wisdom and Karna’s complex, often misunderstood nature. Krishna, who symbolizes righteousness and strategic insight, offers guidance and philosophical reflections. Karna, on the other hand, embodies the tragic hero with a deep sense of honor and loyalty but is entangled in personal and moral dilemmas.

Through their interaction, the chapter explores themes of fate, destiny, and the nature of true justice. It highlights how Krishna’s teachings challenge Karna’s choices, shedding light on the deeper moral questions faced by both characters. This encounter serves as a pivotal moment in the story, providing insight into the characters’ inner conflicts and advancing the philosophical undertones of the book.
Grade 9th

In the chapter ‘Krishna and Karna,’ Kiran Desai delves deeply into issues like identity, fate, and the consequences of moral decisions in her book My Name is Cinnamon. The chapter explains how the mythological tales of Krishna and Karna from the Mahabharata still have an impact on people’s lives today by intricately weaving them into the contemporary setting of the book. The two main characters in the book are the tragic hero Karna and the divine advisor Krishna. 

The Historical and mythological figures provide insights into the struggles and dilemmas that individuals face on a personal level. The purpose of this analysis of such personalities is only to show how Traditional knowledge can help us better comprehend modern human experience, especially when it comes to personal experience. The chapter elucidates how the mythological stories of Krishna and Karna from the Mahabharata still have an impact on people’s lives today by intricately weaving them into the contemporary setting of the book.

The two main characters in the book are the tragic hero Karna and the divine advisor Krishna. 
The Historical and mythological figures provide insights into the struggles and dilemmas that individuals face on a personal level. The purpose of this analysis of such personalities is only to show how Traditional knowledge can help us better comprehend modern human experience, especially when it comes to personal knowledge.
Grade 9th

In most ancient texts and tales, Krishna and Karna have major roles with complicated associations with one another and with moral dilemmas. Herein is a quick rundown of their roles:

Krishna was the most important character in the Mahabharata. Being a god, Krishna was an adviser. He was very wise and an astute strategist. He helped the Pandavas, especially Arjuna, during the Kurukshetra War. His teachings, especially in the Bhagavad Gita, are very fascinating philosophically.

Karna: In the major characters of the Mahabharata, Karna is famous for his loyalty, generosity, and sad fate. Though he is one of the most powerful warriors of the Kauravas and a very close friend of Duryodhana, throughout his life, he is beset with personal and moral problems, including confusion over who he is and where his allegiance is supposed to lie.

While Chapter 3 Cinnamon deals with Krishna and Karna, some topics that could be covered are duty, righteousness, or personal conflict. It might explain how Krishna’s wisdom works in contrast to Karna’s challenges or how differing paths and choices between them illustrate larger moral or philosophical points
                                                                                                                          Sanskriti Mehrotra
                                                                                                                          Grade 6th

A character study in chapter three of "Krishna and Karna" has gone ahead to evoke curiosity and empathy. It is assumed that emotional confrontations in this chapter will strike a chord in readers' hearts, reflecting various friendship bonds, struggles, and understanding in general. Krishna's character is wrought with complexities, inner fights, and determination. Karna in the novel conveys his personality and struggles. Specific themes that might be insinuated in the chapter include friendship, conflict, and personal growth. The theme, drawn from the interaction between Krishna and Karna, contributes to broader themes of human contact, resilience, and personal growth. This personal level of connection in the chapter promotes better understanding and offers broader lessons that one can learn from one's journey.
                                                                                                                                                   Saumya Jha
Grade 8th

Sunday, 22 October 2023

We are not the master of our fate, we can only make our future better - Tenzin Jambey

Some people say that we are the masters of our fate, and we can create our future however we want it to be. I'll believe that I am the master of my fate, but I can only contribute my efforts and good deeds to make my future better. I strongly believe that our destiny and fate are things that no one can evaluate or change. Sometimes I feel like God has control over our future and destiny; therefore, some people don't get success or achieve the things they want, and even those who love each other don't get to spend their lives together. 

Now, shall I say that we are masters of our fate? If we were masters of our fate, why don't some people get things they want. "Your future is in your hands," my teacher said, and I thought, If my future is in my hands, then what will happen if I die suddenly? In this case, shall I say I am master of my fate? Our future is unknown; we people can only guess the future but never calculate it. Time is the medium that breaks the law. "I am master of my fate". It is so well said by someone that "time is a changer of seasons." With time, losers can become winners and winners can become losers. As said, we cannot evaluate our future but only guess what it will look like. 

Time and the future are just perfect, full of excitement, adventure, journey, battle, sad and happy events, and many, many more. If I were to choose between becoming a master of fate or staying without the ability to control fate, I would choose to be an ordinary person without any powers to control fate. I love the journey of life, which with full of adventure, challenges, new experiences, and facing and overcoming things that I never dreamed about. I feel so delighted, and it gives me huge happiness and satisfaction when I think about what my friends and I will become in the coming future. As I said, we can only guess about the future; similarly, sometimes I give a shot at guessing what my friends will become. I wonder if some of them might become YouTubers, engineers, doctors, nurses, footballers, scientists, social workers, and other things that I had never heard of. 

The best thing about our lives is that the future is unknown, which makes everyone treat the other person equally. Who knows, someday the other might become the most respected person in the whole world.

Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society
Image courtesy- iCreateDaily

Monday, 24 July 2023

"APPRECIATION" - Geetankshi Tamta

Small word, huh? Sure is, but it holds a tremendous meaning.

Appreciation- A feeling or expression of admiration or gratitude. 

Is that it? I don't think so. 

We often describe 'appreciation' as a core value. When in reality, it's a habit.

Yup! You read it right. Appreciation is not a value. It's a habit which you have to practice daily. 

Now You must be wondering why you should practice appreciation? Shouldn't it come from the heart?

Well, yes, my wonderful readers, you are right. It should come from the heart. But for that too, you must be conscious enough to realize the good things happening around you. In a world full of negativity, consciously and willingly choosing to look at the bright side of everything is what makes appreciation a habit.  

To appreciate something, you should take the time and patience to realize its value, whether it's an opportunity, a thing, or even a person. You can't appreciate a three-course meal you get each day unless you stop complaining about the taste of the food or about how much you hate potatoes. And take time to realize how blessed you are to receive that meal. You won't be able to appreciate your friend's efforts if you won't stop complaining about their bad jokes or loud laugh. Take time and appreciate them for their companionship and support. Instead of being upset with your mother for not buying you that colour box, try appreciating her for her kindness and love for you.

The world can be a whole different place if everyone starts appreciating each other for all the good things they do instead of complaining about their faults; we have to be conscious of actions to make appreciation a habit.

And as Mahatma Gandhi said- 

Your beliefs become your thoughts,

Your thoughts become your words,

Your words become your actions,

Your actions become your habits,

Your habits become your values,

Your values become your destiny. 

So, let's start it today. From now on, each day take a few minutes from your day to sit alone. And with a deep breath, think of all the amazing things and people you can appreciate in your life. Trust me. It will make a huge difference [in a wonderful way]. 

P.S.- It is my first-ever blog.

Written by-

Geetankshi Tamta

(Brand, PR & Marketing Agent at My Good School)

Saturday, 7 January 2023

What You Believe Is What You Achieve - Rishona Chopra

Our lifestyle relies on it – the quality of our thoughts, feelings, attitude, habits, personality and finally, our destiny. This means what we believe has a dominating influence on our future. We cannot afford to hold a single wrong belief. Society spreads limiting beliefs like Anger is necessary, Happiness is in achievements, Stress is natural, People and situations decide how I feel, and so on. Believing "anger is necessary", we used anger repeatedly. Although we set such a belief in our mindset, does our destiny know about this belief? It is simply influenced by our thoughts. Each thought of yours affects us, what we think we do. My thoughts full of anger come out in words; my words can influence my actions.

For example -
Due to some reason, I was angry at someone, and I started shouting at them. The situation didn't calm down, so I started hitting them. Without thinking, my thought became my words, and they became my actions. I began to respect it again and again. Soon, getting angry about the most minor things became my habit. Slowly, it became my character, and then my destiny followed along through karma. It becomes too late when we realise it has become our character because, at that stage, you simply can't reverse yourself without karma following along. You could change, there is a possibility, but your past actions won't. Therefore, start with your thoughts. Improve your thinking, and soon your positive thoughts will become your destiny.

Rishona Chopra       
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 27 November 2022

The Spooky Indian History - Oshi Singh

Image courtesy, used by Oshi Singh for representation only.

It all started on a fine day when the English men made their first visit to India. When we welcomed them to our land, our fields and our culture, unknown what lies ahead. Gradually the visits became more frequent. It was about when they started collecting taxes from peasants and got their Farman issued from Aurangzeb, and in no time, they were writing our destiny, dictating what to do and what not to do. 

The focus of children who went to pathshalas to gain knowledge shifted to scoring. The children who were taught on their pace and capability to grasp a concept now just had a year to understand and do a test on it without knowing or learning the practical usage. Not only that, they were now dealing with India's religious, economic and political matters. The country that invented zero made the first university in the world and already knew that the Earth was round before the world was now called "uncivilized". It was the darkest hour of all Indian's lives but don't you worry because Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Rani Lakshmi Bai and many more heroes were now to rescue! 

The Revolt of 1857, The national movement and the Dandi March were some events that changed Indian history. How can we forget 26 November 1949, the day when the Indian Constitution's draft was finally ready, and precisely within 2 months, we had our Constitution ready. Although we lost some of our brothers and sisters on the way. We were now an independent and free nation. 

We have come a long way. About 72 years ago, people discussed giving everyone equality, uplifting minorities and universal adult franchise but look around you now. What do you see? The misuse of all these rights granted to us. The rights which people who might have no relation with you were fighting just so you and the future generations don't need to struggle like them. So that everybody can express their true selves but what we see nowadays is people telling or instead yelling at each other and claiming that they have the right to free speech, so they can speak pretty much everything that comes to their mind. 

Now, why don't you it some time and thought? Is it really fair? Fair to those who fought and put their lives and family at stake on a hanging cliff just for us. No right? So why don't we promise to cherish and respect these noble souls for all they have done for us and never misuse these rights given to us, all thanks to them. As the saying goes... 

"Always respect what you  have before life teaches you to love what you have."

Oshi Singh
Gyanshree School 

Thursday, 6 October 2022

We Survived! - Reveda Bhatt

Exactly three years back, on the same date in 2019, my Mom and I met in an accident, as I have mentioned in many of my writings earlier. It was totally unexpected for us but expected in the pages of our destiny, so it happened.

After we were hit and left unconscious on the road, a crowd gathered and out of nowhere came a lady who asked the spectators to put me in her car and hurriedly drove me to the hospital. My Mom was brought to the same hospital by someone else. It is supposed that I was much more hurt and had lost a lot of blood.

My family came to know after a call from my Aunt in the U.S., which somebody else picked up and informed them. My Mom’s and Dad’s families rushed there to find my Mom conscious, but I was not.

My medical stats- State- COMA

Injuries- Diffuse axonal injury (grade IV)

                Temporal lobe fractured

                Skull fractured

                Spine fractured (L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5)

                Pelvis fractured

                The right hand’s radius fractured

                The right leg’s tibia fractured

                Left leg’s tibia crushed.


A Doctor even said,” We don’t know when she’ll wake up, it could be 1 day, 1 month or 1 year, but she’ll not be the same.”

Technically, he wasn’t wrong because I’m not the same anymore.

I came back ALIVE braver, more robust and better!

Today, we call it my second birthday for this new birth and cut a cake.

Lastly, I do not feel that- it was a curse that we met with an accident on this date,

but as a blessing, we came back alive!

Reveda Bhatt

Grade IX
The Aryan School, Dehradun

Saturday, 5 March 2022

Someone to share - Shaurya Buchade

I came to this world alone
I will go to my destiny alone
But in the long run of life, sure, I need someone to share.
Someone who may decorate my life
Someone who may console my emotions
Someone whom I can trust upon
Someone who will be just mine.
I wish of having a friend
Whose friendship may sparkle and shine
Who will be in thoughts all-day
And fill the dreams worthwhile.
Whose silent thought may bring great joy 
Whose cheerful smile may give deep pleasure
Whose every moment may make my life fragment and calm like the evening breeze.
I need someone to share
And not to make me despair 
A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Name: Shaurya Buchade
Grade: 2A
Billabong High International School, Thane