Showing posts with label diary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diary. Show all posts

Monday, 29 April 2024

The Diary Of A Girl Who Is Definitely Not Anne Frank - Rishona Chopra

Date: 2nd December 2024

Diary Diary,

What an exciting and adventurous day it was today! Let me tell you all about it.
It was day two today of camping in the rainforest. I had expected it to be a plain and boring day with no events to look forward to but today something really surprising and unusual happened.

I was strolling in the forest wearing my white high-neck sweater as it was freezing which was in fact a bit odd for the rainforest we went to but either way, I was not enjoying myself. I just wanted to go home soon. While strolling through the forest, I was lost in my own world, gathering my thoughts together, thinking about how I would pass time with absolutely nothing to do as all the books I had got were nearly finished and since I had no access to the internet, reading online was no option either or watching television.

I desperately needed some form of entertainment. I did have my parents of course but they are not really the best form of entertainment. So all these thoughts were just rushing through my head and suddenly I tripped on a rock and fell flat to my face. I wasn’t hurt in case you were wondering but I definitely was very annoyed and frustrated. I looked back to look at the rock I had tripped on and realised that it was actually a very pretty one.

Rocks are usually black or brown and have the most ugly shapes (sorry Mr. Rock!) but this rock was really pretty. It was pure white with no spots on it and it looked less of a rock and more of a furball! I touched it expecting it to be hard but instead, it was as soft as snow. I thought it would be a snowball but for a rainforest like this one, it was quite unlikely. I held it in my hand and kept it safe in my jeans to show it to my parents later.

As I headed home, I could sense some sort of movement in my pocket. I took out the rock/snowball and it was very well still in the same shape. I checked my pockets but didn't find anything. I held the rock/snowball in my hand and I had almost reached the campsite when the rock/snowball moved. It opened up and its short thin tail stuck out. It was only then that I realized that I had been carrying a snow dragon in my hand.

When I saw its face, I immediately dropped it to the ground as that creature had stopped me dead in my tracks. It was then that I noticed its frightened eyes and its adorable face. I felt like picking it up again and hugging it (who could resist hugging something as adorable as that?) but that was the moment I also noticed its scary teeth and that is what prevented me from holding it again.

The creature then sat up straight and looked at me expectantly as if it expected me to hold it and hug it and that is what I did. I held it with shaking hands and at that very moment, its mouth curled up in such a manner as if it was smiling at me. I warmed up towards it and held it close. Its little hands were held up and were hugging me back. It was quite a heartwarming moment. It would be best to take it home with me.

As I carried it to our tent, I thought of how the dragon could have come here in the middle of a rainforest when it belonged on the mountain peaks? The possibilities dawned upon me. I realized that due to climate change, the mountain tops are melting and as they melt, their homes melt away too. That is how they end up in different habitats where they can’t survive for long.

I then decided that I would keep the dragon close to me for quite some time and then we would have to take it back to where it belonged with its actual family. As much as I really don't want to leave the precious snow dragon, the little dragon deserves to be with its own family and live a happy life free from all worries. So yes, soon we will have to bid him goodbye but that isn’t the end of it; I will cherish all the time we have together and will make the best out of it.

Good Night!
Rishona Chopra
Grade 8
Gyranshree School, Noida

Monday, 19 December 2022

The Diary Of A Paper - Rishona Chopra

Dear Diary,  

I hope you have a day full of colours and joy because I do not have one! I was being made in the factory just yesterday, enjoying my life and relaxing until they put me in the suffocating packing of plastic. Goodness, it is so difficult to breathe; I think I might die!! I can't wait for someone to buy and get me out of the suffocating packing. Oh, there goes a customer! Yes, you please do pick me up!! And yes, that little girl achieved quite a difficult task, didn't she? 


Dear Diary,

I am out of that plastic packaging, finally!! It's a day to celebrate and enjoy. That young girl is so lovely. She even threw that plastic packaging in the dustbin! I bet she understood my pain and threw him as punishment. I can't wait to draw and paint with those bright colours. 


Dear Diary,

It's been two days, and the girl hasn't put a single stroke of colour on me. She just comes to look at me, draws a little and goes away. At least, she should place me in front of a mirror so I can see what she is making on me. I learned a few things about her - She has a family, one sister and two brothers. The girl's name is Lily, and her brothers' names are John and Alvin, just like Alvin and the chipmunks! The brothers are naughty but cute. Her sister's name is Sara, and she is truly a sweetheart! Seeing her just makes my day. I hope Lily is creating a masterpiece for me; I am missing the beauty of those colours!


Dear Diary,

It's been about 6 days, and she has finally put a little colour on me. Her painting should be good after all that waiting I did. I pray every day that she puts me in front of a mirror. I really want to see myself!


Dear Diary,

Sorry, I haven't written to you in a while; I have been swamped. Turns out, the girl did make a masterpiece. I am in the museum of arts, and several people look at me and embrace my beauty. I am famous now! This was quite a journey from plain paper to a masterpiece. One thing I learnt on the trip was that patience is always beneficial. Life is a journey. Every day has a different beat to it. Life unfolds itself. It's a journey we can't force.


Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Saturday, 27 August 2022

I am unique - Rishona Chopra

Before you read, this is not written by me, but by a girl (unknown) who wants to tell me about her life.

Dear Diary,

Yes. Today was tough, not the best, I was made fun of at school, but I got all A's on my English Test, so that's a good thing. I got the highest score in SSC but not a total score; I got two questions wrong. I don't know why but usually, the things that troubled me to seem to stay in my head and affect me a lot. I might be short; I don't know why. I like to cuddle with my mother, I don't know why. I want to spend my time with books, I don't know why. I am different, but I am unique. What matters is that my heart is beautiful. If I study too much,  people call me a nerd. If I don't, they call me a fool. I can never stand up to one's expectations, but I can always stand up to my dreams and expectations. I am not perfect. I am satisfied with who I am.

You might be thinking, why am I talking about such sentimental things, but these thoughts perhaps refresh your mind. Maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but I am just sharing some of myself with you. Yes, you find it useless now. You may shut the book and keep it aside.

It's easy to say all these words, but these simple words have a deeper and more difficult meaning to them. They don't always make you happy. We all feel the urge to stand up to our teachers, parents and friends' expectations but are we living our life for them? If someone calls me nerdy, will I stop studying and enjoying my life? Of course, I feel like changing to become friends with them but why when I am unhappy?

I just don't know how to express this happiness of mine. Happiness? How on Earth can I be happy? Well, I am so glad because I am different. I am unique just the way I am!

We all seek answers to these questions we can never know about, like" Why am I different? Why has God made me like this?" All this is just fate, and fate is always good. Being a little alone is always good because it helps you know more about yourself. No matter if anyone is there for you, you are always there for yourself. Ask yourself a few questions about yourself:
What is your favourite hobby?
Where do you love to spend your time?
Who is your best friend?
Who does you like spending time with?
If you took time to think about these questions, perhaps you don't know a part of yourself. We spend so much time thinking about others that we forget that there is much more to explore in ourselves. There is a part of us we don't know; how many of us know our ambition in life? Yes, maybe a doctor, an author, or even a good human, but can you answer this in a second? You don't have to be a narcissist but perhaps a bit more self-confident about yourself.
The best time you can ever spend with someone is with yourself. This made me feel better... Good Night! (somebody)

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Journaling: My Little Book Of Feelings - Rishona Chopra

Journaling is keeping a diary. You don't have to write long letters. A few drawings, page tearing, or even a few sentences can say it all. I like to call my journal - My Little Book Of Feelings because, in a day, I have so many feelings. In the morning, I am all happy and bright, and by the end of the day, all gloomy and sad. You never know! I am very unpredictable if you talk about my feelings.

You don't need to have a proper diary, just take a piece of paper and vent all your feelings. But then, when you have an excellent journal, and at the end of the week, you look at what you have written, you can reflect on your situations in a better way. I think expressing yourself by writing is much better because when you tell them with a person not necessary, they would actually understand your feelings, but that's just my way of doing it!

On the cover of my diary I have written - Open if you dare, don't you dare try to do that and of course have used lots of stickers and decorations to make it look beautiful. If you open my diary, you'll see torn pages that I pulled out of anger (and sometimes happiness). Even though you know I didn't mean it when I said, "Don't you dare open my diary", I am requesting you not to open it!

Every day is a new day with new feelings,
By writing, you feel you are healing.

Keep a small diary,
Tell all your thoughts about society.

You can boast,
And teel how you burnt a toast!

You can talk about all your friends and the things they did,
And how you want a best friend who is a friendly kid.

Share everything you want,
With no worry about the handwriting or font!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Friday, 4 February 2022

Expressing Yourself - Rishona Chopra

Every day is a new day with new thoughts and feelings. Most of us feel that we should share them with someone. But with who? Some of us like writing or painting. The best way to express our day is with a journal. You can express your day and opinion through pictures or writing. If you are angry, you can even scribble on your diary to express your feelings, just don't tear the pages!

The perfect time to write a journal is at the end of the day, just before bed. I write a journal, at it is good to express your feelings. Although, I forget to write it sometimes! Sometimes, when I'm tired, I draw. 

You don't need to have a proper diary, just take a piece of paper and vent out all your feelings. But then, when you have an excellent journal, and at the end of the week, you look at what you have written, you could reflect on your situations in a better way. I think expressing yourself by writing is much better because when you tell them with a person not necessary, they would actually understand your feelings, but that's just my way of doing it!

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

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