Showing posts with label dictator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dictator. Show all posts

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

How does your mind process? - Reveda Bhatt

I sit down at my laptop today after months maybe, to write. Well, I don’t know what to write but let’s see where my pen takes me  (keyboard being the pen). The mind is very prone to distractions and when you go ahead with what your mind says, maybe you trap yourself in, somewhere. It seems as if that is what is meant for you to do at that moment. 

You’ll think that what I am saying does not make any sense but actually, it is your mind, not you. Herein, if you understand, the last line has a very deep meaning are different from your mind, your looks, and even your body-“You” are not them. If seen that way, technically, by following your mind, you are ignoring “yourself.” See, the mind is a very unstable thing that lures you into doing things you normally wouldn’t and makes it feel like half of your “meaning” lies in doing so. 

So, I believe, that rather than taking the mind to be as your “controller,” or “dictator,” taking it as an “advisor” is more advisable.

All this sounds weird but it is true. And when it makes sense to you, allow me to tell you that having control over your mind, when living in the materialistic world is next to impossible? How can that be when our “full-attention” span is nearly 8.25 seconds! Therefore, it might be difficult for reaching to even one of its levels is a time-taking process. However, it is just “next to impossible,” not impossible.

One can do so because as said in the poem ‘Invictus’ by William Ernest Henley,
“I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.”

Reveda Bhatt

The Aryan School

Good Schools Of India