Showing posts with label different. Show all posts
Showing posts with label different. Show all posts

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Reflection Sunday 17th November 2024

Check out our brand new signboard—it's here, and it looks absolutely amazing!

Sunday School No. 163
Guru Nanak Docuseries-
1. What was your takeaway from the session today? 
2. What were the key points in the episode? 
3. Wisdom, Right Knowledge, and Intellect- How can you connect with these?

- From Hidden Life Of Animals -
1. Did the story connect with you today, and why?
2. Find out about-
a. biological automatons
b. Leipzig and what it is famous for?
c. magnetic resonance imaging
3. What is instinct according to you?
4. How can we compare animal emotions with human emotions?
5. How are humans different from animals?

Key Takeaways

  • The documentary series on Guru Nanak's travels highlights the interconnectedness of different philosophies and cultures across India.
  • Recent school visits, especially to Doon School, provided valuable learning experiences for students and teachers from rural areas.
  • There's an emphasis on regular reflections and sharing of learnings among the community members.
  • The group uses various WhatsApp groups and online platforms to facilitate communication and learning.

Guru Nanak Documentary Discussion

  • Explored Guru Nanak's travels through Assam, Nagaland, Bangladesh, and West Bengal.
  • Highlighted similarities between Guru Nanak's philosophy and local traditions in these regions.
  • Discussed the concept of oneness and the universality of emotions across species.

Recent The Doon School Visit

  • Students from Arthur Foot Academy visited Doon School, marking their first trip to an urban area.
  • The visit highlighted the disparity in exposure between rural and urban students.
  • Emphasized the importance of such experiences in broadening students' perspectives.

Reflection Practices

  • Encouraged regular reflections from all participants, including teachers and students.
  • Discussed various platforms for sharing reflections, including WhatsApp groups and online diaries.
  • Stressed the importance of consistent engagement and sharing of thoughts.

Community Structure and Communication

  • Explained the purpose and use of different WhatsApp groups:
    • My Good School: For general discussions and reflections
    • Teachers Academy: For teacher-specific content
    • Impact Team: For assessment and evaluation
    • Joy of Giving: Focused on Arthur Foot Academy project

Book Discussion

  • Reviewed chapters from a book discussing animal emotions and instincts.
  • Drew parallels between animal and human behaviors, emphasizing the universality of emotions.

Next Steps

  • Participants to send reflections on recent experiences, including the Doon School visit.
  • Continue regular engagement in various WhatsApp groups and online platforms.
  • Implement learnings from recent experiences in respective educational settings.
  • Improve the technical setup for future online meetings based on today's experience with new equipment.

Action Items

  • Create reflection piece with probing questions from The Doon School visit. Add to Joy of Learning Diaries. 
  • Write/send reflection on The Doon School visit to Manisha. Post in My Good School WhatsApp grp. 
  • Write/send reflection on Doon School visit to Manisha. Post in My Good School WhatsApp grp. 
  • Post announcements for upcoming sessions in My Good School WhatsApp grp. 

Students and teacher may create a school newsletter incorporating Joy of Learning content.

These are some suggestions. We're looking forward to your excellent and thoughtful reflections, which you can email to

In case you missed the session today, reply the video:

Sunday, 15 January 2023

How I am preparing to face the world - Tenzin Jambey

Everyone will come across people stronger than them in their lives. The day will come when we must look after our family and ourselves. Nothing is permanent in this world, everyone will have to leave this world behind, but we can have a good, memorable time by preparing ourselves right now to face the world in future.

Like everyone else, I am also preparing myself for the future. No one will do it for me; I will make myself ready for this world. The thought of how my future would look often comes to my mind, but that is the most exciting thought. Everything will turn out fine if I manage to prepare myself.

The outside world is both different and challenging. I am presently studying in a hostel where I am protected and in a safe environment and provided with all the necessities for which I am really thankful. I don't know about the difficulties faced in the outside world. You have to fight tough to get an opportunity, and you might fail when you get it. There will be times when you might be betrayed by your own people, so you must be extra mindful about all such things.

Therefore, I am preparing myself, observing things by interacting with many people, noticing what others think, trying to understand their mentality, being strong and tough and avoiding distractions. As I had mentioned, everyone is different, so my way of preparing myself is also other.

Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Sunday, 30 January 2022

Specially Abled- Aanya Kumar

Many people perceive disability if someone is -

  • blind
  • deaf
  • handicap etc.
But is this true? Obviously no! Many times, it has been proved that the disabled do amazing work, which probably an average person can't. One such example is Linda Riveros. She is an amazing painter and paints using her legs, and she has been doing so since she was 7. Also, our current prime minister has titled them as 'specially abled'. I feel the same because even if a person is differently-abled, they are no less than average. Our values teach us to have mutual respect towards each other, and following the same will lead us to a better and more hopeful tomorrow.

Aanya Kumar
Gyanshree School
Grade 5

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Hobby - Devanshi Ojha

My name is Devanshi Ojha. I study in Second Class. I have made happy and sad faces using colourful clay. I have many colours of clay. 

First, I made a circle and then used a bowl to cut it into the proper shape. I used black clay to make eyes and hair. Then I used red clay to make a smile and a sad face. 

I can make many other toys like cars, dolls, huts, apples, or other fruits and vegetables. 

I enjoyed doing this activity, and by this, I have learnt that all the colours are so beautiful and we can use them to make different things. 

Devanshi Ojha
Class II
The Fabindia School

Good Schools Of India