Showing posts with label dimensions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dimensions. Show all posts

Saturday 26 August 2023

There are many dimensions to every person - Tenzin Jambey

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"We people don't look at the things how they are but we look at them how we think". An object or a thing stays how they are! But people look at them from a different perspective. 

Once, a teacher asked two students while showing a picture of a mountain - "What do you see?" The first one said, "It's just a mountain." The other one said, "It's not only a mountain but also a home for the birds that sing and the animals that spend their time playing around." The teacher was surprised to hear about the two different thoughts. 

We humans have the same physical attributes. We all have two hands, two legs, one heart, etc. But the brain, being one, has a different way of functioning. And everyone on this earth has a different mentality. The good thing is that everyone has special knowledge, which will make the future a better place. 

If we look from a positive side, we will see that having diverse dimensions in every person has resulted in the working of our society. Neither every person wants to become a doctor, nor every person wants to become a pilot. 

Therefore, our dimensions have led to the development of our economy and society. Our different thoughts and views are different from each other but not separate. They are inter-connected with each other. 

Finally, it is always a great experience to listen to the other people. And it also helps us to understand the working system differently. We all get different knowledge from different fields of science, art, music, politics, etc.. Interacting with the new people with new thoughts is always a wonderful experience.

Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.

There are Many Dimensions to Every Person - Anvesha Rana

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When we meet a man or a woman
Or it might be a child,
We jump to see what we can
And assume their lives in a way very mild

We don’t think before we speak
For answers that are bleak.
We draw vague conclusions 
And later create fine lines.

We bombard the space
Without knocking on the door.
And then create a false world
Of our own.

We have to be quick and smart.
But where does the subtle man go?
Does he hide in forever, 
Or wait for us to leave?

Well it is not the man held wrong
But our fault till long.
For it was we who did not see his inner beauty,
And decided to name him ugly.

We did not get it then, 
But maybe we do now.
There are multiple dimensions to every person,
Just wait and read 'how'.

Anvesha Rana
Grade 11 || Gyanshree School

There are many dimensions to every person - Tulsi Karki

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There are different dimensions - to a physicist, it simply means direction or, to be very precise, a pair of opposite directions at right angles to another dimension, as stated in reports. 

Likewise, cultural dimensions summarize the extent to which cultural groups are found empirically to differ in terms of psychological attributes such as values, beliefs, self-construals, personality, and behaviour. 

The cultural dimensions are constructed to track value shifts across generations when society goes through modernization and post-modernization - as a result of interaction between cultures, political entities and economies. If we talk about dimension for a person, it means - he has to reach his goal. 

Everyone has a dream. And we need to work hard and achieve many things to make those dreams real. 

And thus, we have to face many difficulties to get our dimensions right. 

Tulsi Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.

There are many dimensions to every person - Aria Gupta

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You might be wondering - why I haven't written this article in story form. It's because this topic has many details to consider. And I think that it's hard to convert it into a good story.

Moving on to the topic, we first need to define the meaning of dimensions. Dimensions may imply different things to different people. It could refer to their life responsibilities (mother, friend, etc.) or personality characteristics and traits. Ultimately, the dimensions of a person cover the numerous qualities that comprise a person. 

In my opinion, every role has a dimension that includes attributes. A student's role, for example, may involve characteristics such as procrastination or being studious (the traits vary from person to person). These characteristics and dimensions - create and define the individual's identity and contribute to their unique personality. People's dimensions can also include their talents and abilities, such as creative or intellectual ability. attributes

I won't say that our physical appearance is counted as a dimension; in reality, a person's true worth lies within their character and capabilities. These dimensions shape how individuals interact with the world around them and influence their behaviour and decision-making. 

Moreover, they play a crucial role in determining one's personal and professional growth, as they impact one's motivation, resilience, and overall well-being. Therefore, it is essential to recognise and nurture those dimensions to embrace and express one's true self.

To sum it up, dimensions refer to various roles of a person, including different life responsibilities, personality traits, talents, and abilities. They shape behaviour, decision-making, motivation, resilience, and overall well-being and are crucial for personal and professional success. Recognising and nurturing these dimensions is essential.

Aria Gupta
Grade VI || Gyanshree School

Friday 25 August 2023

There are many dimensions to every person - Nishan Karki

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"Life has its dimensions in the mysterious." 
-Jesse Jackson

There are many dimensions to every person. People possess their qualities and abilities. These qualities are not singular but numerous. Here, dimensions refer to the inner and outer capacities of a person. 

Everyone has their unique qualities and experiences. Engaging with new things adds to a person's extent. It helps them gain knowledge and learn new things. The more experience a person has, the more dimensions they possess. 

A person's dimensions determine their value. Each individual has their way of doing things and interpreting situations. They all have different perspectives and views. It is about their approach to tasks. 

Some people take the world very seriously, remaining sad and bleak. They do not attempt to emerge from their sorrowful nature. They conceal their thoughts and feelings. They do not endeavour to explore their outer dimensions, instead becoming absorbed in their inner dimensions. Thus, people should strive to think outside the box and not remain confined to their inner thoughts.

On the other hand, there are people of an open and joyous nature. They share almost all moments and experiences with others. They consistently think outside the box, learning and experiencing new things. Others enjoy the company of such individuals.

However, there are exceptional people as well. For instance, some remain quiet but think outside the box. And explore their outer dimensions and potential. In contrast, some people are very talkative and joyful by nature. Yet, they do not think outside the box and explore their outer dimensions and potential. 

In concluding these observations, we understand that a person's definition is not solely shaped by their external nature and behaviour. It also encompasses their inner nature, thinking process, and communication skills. Each approaches things differently. Hence, every person has various dimensions that make them unique. 

Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.

Wednesday 23 August 2023

There are many dimensions to every person - Kiran Vehniwal

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'There are many dimensions to every person'.

The statement in itself holds different meanings and perspectives. To some, it may be in physical dimensions and to some in the context of psychological aspects. 

Every individual has their own experiences. Some come from his inner self, and some from the outer world. Sometimes it matters the most to one person, but it may not to another. That does not make one right and the other wrong. It's just their insight to see things. 

The mind plays the most role in demonstrating different dimensions of a person. It has its logic and reasons to interpret a situation. Some see life as full of choices and risks to take and live it to the fullest. 

For some, life is just an assigned challenge they take and pass on to make it to the other end. They fail to enjoy and cherish little moments in their journey when they get too busy making a life than living life.

And sometimes, the outer world changes the inner self. That's where the two dimensions collide, and the individual moves to a different personality dimension. 

The question that arises is how to understand an individual's needs to make them comfortable with him when a person has different extents and at some point fails to interpret what he wants.

Kiran Vehniwal
Prita Lee Lesson School