Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

JDS School Reflections - Sunday 24th November 2024

If you could have one animal with you forever, which animal would be?
I already have a kitten as a pet which I found it injured, outside my house. I named her brownie. Firstly Brownie is scared of us ,but slowly started connecting with us. Now I am greatly attached to her. Brownie always lays on my lap when I study. Brownie is my loving pet.
Name- Lavneet
Grade- 9th
Jhamkudevi Sen.Sec. School

If you could have one animal with you forever, which animal would be?
If I could have an animal with me forever, I’d probably choose a dog. They’re loyal, loving and form deep bonds with their companions. Plus, they’re great at providing emotional support and keeping life fun and active.
Name - Anjali
Grade - 9th Rose
Jhamkudevi Sen Sec School

Humans and animals :their relationship 
When a person adopts an animal, they love, care and give time to it. We can make a strong relationships with an animal. After all animals become our best friend, they also protect, love and care for us. 
Name- Harshpreet
Grade- 7th
Jhamkudevi sr. Sec. School


Monday, 6 May 2024

Dogs and their emotional connection with humans - Sambhav Kumar

Dogs often form strong emotional bonds with humans due to their social nature and evolutionary history.

Here are several reasons why dogs are emotionally connected to humans:

Domestication History: Dogs have been living alongside humans for thousands of years, and they've evolved to understand human behaviour and communicate with us. This long history of coexistence has fostered emotional connections between humans and dogs.

Social Pack Animals: Dogs are pack animals by nature, and they view their human family as part of their pack. This social structure promotes bonding and emotional connections within the pack, including with humans.

Attachment and Dependency: Dogs often become emotionally attached to their human caregivers, relying on them for food, shelter, affection, and companionship. This dependency fosters a strong emotional bond similar to that of a parent-child relationship.

Sambhav Kumar
Grade- IX
Sunbeam Laharatra Hostel

Friday, 21 July 2023

Imperfectly perfect! - Bob


Hello, Dearies!

I hope you remember me! It is me, Bob, from the EBD book cafe, Dehradun. Just when I thought my life was perfect, everything changed. Everyone in the bookshop takes my dear friend 'Speaker' away from me. Why? Why on Earth? How can people be so cruel and heartless? Can they not listen to music with me? They took my happiness and companion away from me. Oh, how I miss my friend 'Speaker'!

I have realised that humans are up to no good. They are useless. So now, I have decided to take things into my own hands and have adopted Toblerone (not the chocolate!). Toblerone is a sweetheart. He is kind and a great companion. He stays right in front of me , supporting and helping me sit up straight, resolving my back pain. He is also really cute.The only drawback is that he steals the spotlight from me. But still, he is a wonderful companion. 
He is a really great person and companion! I believe this change was good, not the best but good. Now, Toble is under my guidance. And I am sure he will grow up to be a man just like me, brave, humble and kind. I wish he never has to face the back pain that I do. I wish the best for him. And I know that he will do wonders in life. After all, under my guidance, no one can be any less.

And dear 'Speaker', if you are reading this, you must know I miss you every day. I know you are here in the bookshop, just a mile away. Please don't fall into the trap of envy. You must know that Toble is a wonderful person. When you meet him, you will know that too. I am always there for you, just like you were there, for me, in my pain. I know you haven't gone by choice, you wanted to be here, but every cloud has a silver lining. And perhaps things in the bookshop are just imperfectly perfect!


[Written by- Rishona Chopra (School Captain, My Good School)]

Thursday, 6 July 2023

The Bookshop is my happy place! - Bob

Hello, my dear friends! You would know me if you have ever visited the EBD Bookshop in Dehradun. After all, I am the main reason you come there. My name is Bob, and I am the cutest dog you will ever see. There came this girl in the Bookshop a few days ago, she called me a "soft toy". Now, that is sheer disrespect. I am very soft and sweet, but I am not a toy at all. In fact, I have a life of my own; I know how to talk and express my feelings. I know how to write and read; that is why I am in a bookshop in the first place. I am one of a kind. I love relaxing, calm, loud, and clear music. Oh please, don't be surprised; dogs have preferences too. 

Lately, I have been facing some back problems. Oh, how it hurts! I have to sit with a bent back and a sad face. I have been passing hints for a few days, but no one noticed until today.

One of the fellows at the Bookshop finally noticed my back pains, so they gave me the perfect remedy! They helped me stand up straight with the support of nothing else but a music system! Oh, how happy I was! And it was also my favourite colour, red! They fixed my problem and made me sit closest to the music system. The people are so caring and friendly. The Bookshop is indeed my happy place. Everything is perfect now, and I can relax again, enjoying the music and the bittersweet smell of coffee!

EBD Bookshop Dehradun
( written by Rishona Chopra, School Captain My Good School)
Check out the bookshop

Sunday, 27 November 2022

How The Dog Found Himself A Master - Rishona Chopra

                                           There was once this dog who wanted a master,

He simply wanted to make things faster.
He first found a wolf,
But even if he held a stick, he would say “woof”.

He went to a bear,
But he wasn’t that fair.
He came to a lion,
Who he thought was as strong as iron.

He stayed with him for quite some time,
But things weren’t okay.
The dog thought he was the strongest,
At least in the forest!

But man was stronger,
At least better.
So he stayed with a man,
And that’s how his peaceful life began!

This poem is inspired by one of our English chapters, “ How the Dog Found Himself A Master”. It is said that the relationship between dog and man is indeed a unique one. This poem displays a dog’s journey to finding its true master.

“You may have many best friends, but your dog only has one.”

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 26 June 2022

We Were Only Playing - Rishona Chopra

Playing is probably the best thing about childhood. I love playing, going out in the sun and running and having lots of fun; that is childhood. Here's a thing about playing - you don't need toys to play with. All you need is a friend, and that friend can be you.   

Making games to play with yourself is the art of playing. When I am bored, I make some slime and squish it with some chemicals and do experiments or while studying, I act as if I am a teacher and teach all concepts to imaginary children and sometimes to my parents too! 

Totto-chan had a pet. A pet comes with a lot of responsibility, but you always have a partner to share your feelings with. I sometimes wish I had a quiet puppy, but I am not ready to take the responsibility, and I think that if we keep a pet, we shouldn't keep it in a cage and bring it with its sibling or mother, so we don't separate the pet from their family.

The innocence of a child is all about their selfless compassion - In Japan, they call it - Omoiyari, a section of Ikigai. In the chapter, even though Totto-chan was bitten by Rocky, she cared even more and ensured he wouldn't be scolded.

Selfless compassion was mastered by Totto-chan at such a young age. But as we grow, we often start to think more about ourselves and not about others, but I bet when Totto-chan grows up, she will have mastered Omoiyari!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Making Others Happy - Anoushka Vinod

To get true happiness, you need to make someone feel it. Life is full of twists and turns. You are bound to see a
dark time in life. That's okay! All you need to do is turn on the light. In our session, we learnt about making others
happy. I realised that if we want to have pleasure in life, we need to fill happiness in someone else's. I read how
Walt Disney was always trying to make people happy. I adore Disney movies. Getting to know the story behind
them was very intriguing. 

A personal incident that I had with making others happy was very heartwarming. Whenever I used to stand at my
bus stop, I always saw this dog who used to come sniffing everyone's lunch boxes for food early in the morning.
This continued for days, and I started feeling pitiful about it. I came back home that day and asked my mother to
give me extra food for the dog. From that day onwards, I thought about offering food every day.

I want to make a change in the world. I want everyone to experience contentment instead of anxiety, sorrow and
rage. You can only feel joy when you are determined not to fall into anger's trap. To finish off, I would like to
write a well-known quote stated by Charlie Chaplin - "A day without laughter is a day wasted."
Anoushka Vinod
Grade VI
Gyanshree School