Showing posts with label duty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label duty. Show all posts

Friday, 29 December 2023

Life Lessons with Amardeep Singh - Tenzin Jambey

Tenzin Jambey of Pestalozzi Children’s Village India shares his reflections from the Sunday School on 24 December 2023, when we hosted a Meet and Greet with Amardeep Singh Rangar. Tenzin shares with us what being human is, how we yearn for peace, why money, perhaps the biggest sin for mankind, has made us lose our value system and much more. Please listen to his maiden podcast and share your love with him by posting your comments for the episode.

Saturday, 7 January 2023

Responsibility - Rishona Chopra

Responsibility is taking ownership of one's actions. It is to accept your mistake to help around and work hard. Responsibility is accepting that you are the cause and the solution to the problem. When we take responsibility, we should take it with total commitment and honesty. 

At my earlier school, we did an activity, in fact, not an activity but a daily exercise. Every day, after lunch, we had to clean the class. We got duties of dusting, sweeping and mopping. Whoever finished their duty would get to play outside. This taught us responsibility; my favourite task was to mop the floor. If you try it once, you'll realize it's fun to mop the floor, unlike sweeping. Even cleaning the bathroom is a cool duty, well, only if it's a small one!

Every relationship with friends or family brings a sense of duty and responsibility. Each family member has a duty, a responsibility to fulfil. For example, a child has the duty to help with chores, study and work hard; likewise, other family members must fulfil their jobs. A little compromise from everybody always results in something great or, in this example - A happy family. An important part is responsible for our actions. We all make mistakes and some wrongdoings, and instead of covering them up with thousands of lies, we could make it easy with one truth and take responsibility for our actions.

Sometimes we are insecure about handing over responsibility to others. We seek to keep responsibility for ourselves. Check if you hesitate to pass on duties to other people. Even I feel the same. I feel hesitation in giving responsibility to others. The only thought that helps me improve is, "What if other people start feeling the same hesitation? Won't I feel bad?"

Giving responsibilities can only be done with a bridge of trust and confidence. If you trust the person and feel confident about yourself, this bridge can be crossed.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 30 October 2022

Respect - Rishona Chopra

A bow to show,  
A thank you for say
That makes a person glow,
I respect you every day.

I smile to show,
An apology to say,
That makes a person glow,
I appreciate you every day.

With manners, I show,
What I want to say.
That makes a person glow,
I respect you every day.

Respect is a word of beauty,
It offers a sense of duty.
I respect you the way you are,
Respect makes us glow like a star.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 23 October 2022

The Hidden Key 🔐 - Oshi Singh

Image courtesy, used for representation only.

Climate change has troubled us to be lone, 

But all we humans do is just moan and groan. 

But why can't all humans see,

That soil is the answer; it is our key! 

Long ago, carbon was balanced, 

But the humans made it unbalanced. 

The soil that once held tight,

Had to be lifted from its site. 

Deforestation and desertification were the results, 

And most people didn't react to it, unlike good adults. 

But all we need to do is store carbon in the soil,

So that the carbon no more does its harmful spoils. 

We should restore the soil and the Earth, 

And in the end, all of it would be worth. 

Nature's loving technology was and always be there,

And protecting it should be the duty that we all should swear. 

The answer is right beneath our feet, 

We should always respect and further teach. 

The problem and the answer are simply a matter of balance, 

What we all did was simply a matter of out-balance. 

Will the Earth now heat up?

Or is it a storm in a teacup? 

Whatever we do, 

We shall always remember,

there is no other place like home. 

And there's no clone for mother Earth. 

Oshi Singh
Gyanshree School

Credits: I would like to thank my friend Riddhi Chopra for helping me write this wonderful poem to bring notice to the rising issue of the depletion of the soil. 
