Showing posts with label excercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label excercise. Show all posts

Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Something I want to change in myself and how ? - Pestalozzi World

My first thought was to change something physical – and magically drop some extra weight I had gained. But honestly, I think even more than that, I would like to become more organised. And if I could change that, I could finally start to exercise and lose weight, too! ☺️ - Januka Basnet

I would like to change my behaviour because I sometimes behave rudely to others when I get angry. If I change this habit, I will be more friendly with others rather than fighting with them over small things. It can only be done by keeping myself calm and ignoring the actions that make me angry.  - Manisha Rana

I always want to change my every bad into good, including my habits, goals, situation etc. I want to be more friendly with others and never misunderstand others. I want to be happier by searching for happiness in every moment, and also I want to live a simple and confidential life. I will do these things by cooperating with every worst situation and overcoming any obstacle that I face in my life.  - Nishan Karki

When I think about things I want to change about myself, I first think of my behaviour towards other people. I have asked my friends to describe me so that if there is something which needs to be changed, I can change it. So what they have said is that I make other people do my work, which I often do when I don't feel like doing it. I request the other person to do that work for me. And always asking others to do you isn't nice when you actually think about it, so I am trying to change it and be more independent. Though I am still determining how much time it would take me to completely change.  - Sonam Lhamo

I have many things I want to change in myself, like my habits and my behaviour. Sometimes when I am angry, I become very rude to people. I don't feel like talking to anyone, and when they try to talk to me, I speak anything without even thinking. I just can't control my anger and want to change that behaviour. I am trying to change it by thinking before I speak, and I will try to control my anger. One more thing I want to change in myself is to improve my studies. I will give more time to my studies. - Anchal Mehra

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