Showing posts with label existence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label existence. Show all posts

Monday, 16 October 2023

I am the master of my fate - Sakshi Singh

I am a composer and conductor in the Grand Symphony of Existence. Each decision is a note; every action is a melody. With unwavering purpose, I sculpt the contours of my destiny, crafting a masterpiece uniquely my own. The score may challenge, but I wield the baton, guiding my life's composition onward a crescendo of fulfilment and purpose.

Sakshi Singh, 
Class 9, Gyanshree school

Image Courtesy- Lazuardi Medium

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Appreciation - Kiran Vehniwal

Picture Courtesy-

Appreciation is a simple word that means 'to tell others that you are thankful for their efforts towards you'. Just a 12-letter word that can brighten up someone's day or make someone feel good about themselves.

We, being humans, tend to show appreciation only when someone does something for us.

Have you ever paused and thought about how people make a difference in our life just by being a part of it? Even if they are doing nothing extra to add value to our life?

I assume the answer will be no.

At points, we try our best to do better to make someone proud because that one person matters to us. That someone may not be doing anything in particular, but their existence drives us to achieve more.

Don't they deserve the most appreciation for giving us a motive in life. Definitely, they do.

Let's not only be appreciative just for showing a gesture in return for something but appreciate every living soul we come across, as they will definitely leave an impact on you to make your life better. 

Kiran Vehniwal 

Prita Lee Lesson School, Kapurthala 

Monday, 7 November 2022

Science and it's journey- Rishona Chopra

We all believe in science and its established facts. Did you know that the knowledge science has was found long back in the era when people could actually connect to god!

Here are some well-known, established scientific facts compared to the spiritual knowledge found in the 1800s.

1. The non-existence of absolute rest. This is a well-understood consequence of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle: the final temperature of zero Kelvin is impossible to reach. In other words, nothing remains at rest, and motion defines all things:

Divine and all-encompassing - Wisdom hath ordained that motion be an inseparable concomitant of existence, whether inherently or accidentally, spiritually or materially. – Abdu'l Baha, Tablet of the Universe, provisional translation.

2. The non-existence of a void. Current quantum field theory stipulates no empty space. Scientists now know that freedom is not open; it is a field from which particles pop in and out of existence. Actually, a vacuum can never reach absolute zero energy, which means no void can possibly exist:

..a void is impossible and inconceivable. – Ibid.

3. A non-physical continuum mediates the propagation of electromagnetic waves. Scientists call this intangible reality the quantum field, while the Baha’i teachings call it the ether:

Even the ether, the forces of which are said in natural philosophy to be heat, light, electricity and magnetism, is an intelligible and not a sensible reality. – Abdu'l BahaSome Answered Questions, newly revised edition, pp. 93-94.

4. This continuum gives rise to both matter and electromagnetism. Science now understands that the “solid objects” we think of as real and the electromagnetic fields we can measure have no actual existence. The Baha’i teachings agree:

… the substance and primary matter of contingent beings is the ethereal power, which is invisible and only known through its effects, such as electricity, heat, and light — these are vibrations of that power, and this is established and proven in natural philosophy and is known as the ethereal substance. – Abdu'l Baha from a tablet of , provisional translation by Keven Brown.

5. Gravity drives stellar formation. We now understand that the force of gravity, long thought of as simply a force of attraction, actually plays a significant role in the creation of the universe itself:

By the operation of this attractive force those holy and resplendent suns, with their luminous worlds, satellites and planets, circling and orbiting in their heavens, at once exerted attraction and were subject to it, induced motion and were themselves moved, began orbiting and set into orbit other bodies, shone forth and caused others to shine. – Abdu'l Baha, Tablet of the Universe, provisional translation.

6. The universe originated from a singularity. Because of the cosmic microwave background in space and because the universe continues to expand, most scientists now believe that a single body—a singularity—once contained all mass, energy, and spacetime. Compressed to an infinitely dense point, that initial singularity gave birth to our universe:

When He purposed to call the new creation into being, He sent forth the Manifest and Luminous Point from the horizon of His Will … – Abdu'l Baha

Baha’u’llahTablets of Baha’u’llah, p. 101.
- Wikipedia

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Reflections Since 2021