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Showing posts with label expectations. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 April 2023

How do I develop self-control? - Januka Basnet

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Monday, 27 December 2021

Handling Pressure - Savyata Rijal

The world has come where 5-year-old children complain about pressure. 

Pressure comes from others that's external, and at times we pressurize ourselves that's internal- self-created. Many children are the victims of such force in today's rat race. Also, in this race of excelling, parents are the ones who give children that pressure most of the time. They want their children to be the best at everything, but nothing can be done perfectly. Their children try to keep up with their parent's expectations, and in this process, they are super stressed and feel the pressure. 

Parents should not compare their children with others; instead, they should ask their children if they are under pressure and try to reduce it and counsel them. Moreover, parents aren't the only ones responsible, it's their own friends too. There's peer pressure to do stuff like weight loss, looks, class performance, etc. 

To conclude, I would like to say that parents have a significant role in their child's life. Instead, they should not give them pressure; rather, interact with them, take their teachers to help, and in partnership should motivate their child to do their part in a stress-free and friendly manner- act as the philosopher, friend and guide, allowing them to bring out their best.

Savyata Rijal
Grade 8
The Doon Girls School

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Holding on my Head - Meenakshi Choudhary

I am holding on to my head
Mountain of expectations
Walking on the path of my life
With boundaries of relations
My balloon of love was ruptured
By religion and culture
My life is pointless and boring
With nothing to nurture
The world is running
For the rain of the fame
For their own mistakes
They just want someone to blame
I just ignored them all
When I should have fought with them
But I wasn't knowing
They play this filthy game
Within no time
I was now left in shame
No one even bothered
To come and feel my pain
Now I am jobless
Waiting for a hopeful ring
What's left in me
Is just a confused being
This world to me
is like a roofless home in summers,
At nights I feel peaceful,
and whole day sun hammers
It has windows, walls doors
To divide me from others
Nothing we talk rather
Then just useless matters
With jealousy of others
my windows shatter
I don't have a lover,
so I don't care about the haters
I end my beer bottles
Till I burst my bladders
I sing all songs in blabbers
Coz for me, nothing matters.

Meenakshi Choudhary
Class - XII Science     
The Fabindia School        

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Happiness - Arjun Vaishnav

Happiness is an emotion, enjoyment, joyfulness and contentment. Many people have feelings for happiness. Then happiness is enjoyment and entertainment for me. Some people are happy when they receive gifts, while some are happy when their dreams are fulfilled. I also get so glad when I receive a gift on my birthday.

There are many incidents in my life when I was happy. I want to share one of the best incidents of my life when I was happy. I went for an outing with my family members at Tungareshwar. We enjoyed many things there. We enjoyed the natural beauty and the forest area where we saw many types of trees, rivers and animals. I was thrilled when I crossed the river by paddling through it. There is a temple of Lord Shiva there. It is a vast temple. We ate many things there. It was a memorable and happiest day of my life. I was thrilled on that day. My family members and I enjoyed the picnic a lot.

In my eyes, happiness is not only enjoying with our family members, but it could be with others also. I have had many happy moments. Playing with my friends at school or in a colony is also happiness for me. When I go on a school tour, it also makes me happy. Enjoyable moments with friends and attaining the expectations of our parents are also happiness for me. Happiness is anything that makes us happy. So we should be satisfied with any uncertainty.

Arjun Vaishnav
Class IX
The Fabindia School
Image Courtesy:

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