Showing posts with label extraordinary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label extraordinary. Show all posts

Saturday, 3 September 2022

The Friendship of the Oven and The Fridge - Rishona Chopra

Hello my friends! Oh wait, don't hug me just now, you see I am very hot, I might burn you and then you would never talk to me again. Well, why am I so hot that no one can touch me? I was born this way and I am not proud of it! I hate it, I need more coldness in life, I deserve to be colder and not warmer. Because of this very extra ordinary blessing, which is really not a blessing, I don't have many friends but I have one best friend and that is Fridge. Now this was my side of the story, let's hear it from Fridge!

Hey there! As you might have guessed, I am very cold and I truly need more warmth.Even though I am cold I do not have a cold heart but I very warm and caring one. It's lucky that our owners kept oven and me together. He gives me warmth and I give him the touch of coldness he needs. Our lives have been extraordinarily twisted but we made the best of it!

Fridge and Oven

Sunday, 14 August 2022

Ordinary Lives - Anvesha Rana

Let's not strive for extraordinary lives, 
Let's not make success a goal, 
but let us make Spreading Happiness
our role. 

Let it be ordinary but ensure it is happy, 
Let it be simple but ensure it is fun, 
Let it be calm but ensure it speaks tons. 

Help others find the wonder and 
a marvel of the ordinary life, 
Discover pleasure in tasting 
apples, plums and tomatoes. 

Show others how to cry, 
when pets and people die
and show them how to laugh, 
when we lose after a tie. 

Let it be how you want, 
or let it just go with the flow, 
Don't change it for anybody else's rant
for it is your life when it is high
or when it is low. 

Make the ordinary come alive for them, 
and the extraordinary will just go. 

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School

Monday, 2 May 2022

Totto-chan: The Little Girl At The Window - Rishona Chopra


She looked out of the window,
She is a cute little fellow,

Opened the desk drawer again and again,
But she had a smart brain!

She called the street musicians,
Talked like a bold magician.

She was extraordinary indeed,
And did everything at top speed

Talked to Swallows,
And she was smart enough to find hidden barrows!!

This extraordinary girl is none other than Totto-Chan,
She is always ready with a plan! Rishona Chopra Grade VI Gyanshree School

Good Schools Of India