Showing posts with label failure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label failure. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 January 2023

How do I overcome the fear within? - Nishan Karki

Reflecting on my fears post the reading session at The Sunday School.

I fear many different things, but I fear the most is failing to do several things or failure. I get this fear when I do not feel like I am not doing well in exams or in several things.

To overcome the fear of failure, I try to be calm and do my work with dedication, focus and carefulness. I have good time management that can help me to overcome this fear.

Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Childrens' Village 

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Dealing With Disappointments - Oshi Singh

Dealing With Disappointments 


We all experience failure in our life. When we think our life has come to an end. The first time is obviously the hardest. You feel devastated, angry, jealous, and traumatized. You blame others for what has happened. In time you start blaming yourself. Don't think the time and energy you're wasting are worth wasting. These days when youngsters experience failure or when something doesn't go according to their plan, they start believing their life is ruined. They start thinking weird and foolish things. They don't worry about how their decisions will affect those around them. 

Ultimately life isn't supposed to go according to plan, even for those born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Failure is a risky stop where all our lives stop for a bit. We need to learn to deal with disappointments in life because we will face them not once, not twice, but throughout our lives. After all these disappointments lie some valuable lessons like gratitude, self-enlightenment and a better version of ourselves. Failure is inevitable, so instead of sitting and feeling sad about it, get up and try again. 

Like Albert Einstein said, "You never fail until you stop trying".      

Oshi Singh
Class 8th 
Gyanshree School 

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Countering Failure - RP Devgan

It is unfortunate to read about the loss of life among young teenagers who succumb to failure. Doctors and psychologists put it down to emotional stress and depression. If these be the causes, how can one help these children? The root causes are frustration, jealousy, loss of face and fear of failure.

To make children emotionally strong and fight against odds, they must be guided and mentored right from their early years. In Primary School, children are most impressionable. Most of the problems start with comparisons to brighter children. Not-so-bright children become conscious, which leads to jealousy, frustration, loss of self-esteem and lack of confidence. 

The way out of this web is to learn to compete with oneself - forget what the others are doing and concentrate on your improvement. One should set reasonable goals and try to do better one's performance periodically. This gradual improvement brings out the best in an individual. With patience, perseverance and hard work, one gradually rubs shoulders with the best. Concentrating on one's achievement leaves little room for jealousy and heartbreak; children from an early age need to be encouraged to believe in themselves. They need to be told that every child has some talent. It just is waiting to be discovered. Regular encouragement and understanding raise a child's confidence and self-esteem. 

As one starts on the journey to improve, it is crucial to reflect. Pause and look back to see how things are shaping up. Are the proper steps being taken? Too many people in this world repeat their mistakes daily, week after week, month after month and do not realise they are stagnant. They turn into robots.

Teenagers need to have a plan or a timetable they follow. The path to success is slow and, at times, painful. One must not give up. Failure leads to depression. To guard against this, one must learn to face losses and not give in. Most children who are weak emotionally have never participated in activities outside the classroom, be it sports or any extracurricular activities where they have faced disappointment and failure. Failure can be a great teacher. It makes you reflect, gather your wits and prepare for the next time. This makes you emotionally strong, an essential part of your character building.

The other day I was walking down the fairway on the golf course accompanied by a former student. He confessed that playing games and losing matches had taught him to face failure. He admitted that children who were just book worms lost out on building up their emotional strength and strong character. This is why our new NEP 2020 emphasises holistic education, which some call an all-around education.

I wish schools, for the good of children, start following the NEP 2020 guidelines, which will make children emotionally strong and prepare them to face challenges, not give up and not succumb to failure. This will help save the lives of venerable young children and make them happy. They can then look forward to a happy future with confidence and conviction.

Rajinder Pal Devgan
Chairman Learning Forward India
With nearly five decades of experience as an Educationist and serving as a School Leader for schools in India and overseas, Mr Devgan brings rich experience as an administrator, sportsperson, and teacher champion. His love for children further strengthens the My Good School philosophy of every individual's personal and social development with the active support of teachers and faith in experiential learning and learning outside the four walls of the classroom. Former House Master and Dean at The Doon School, currently Member Board of Governors at Welham Boys' School, has settled down at Dehradun to help build Learning Forward India.

Monday, 31 January 2022

Handling Pressure - Anusha Jain

Anusha Jain, IX, Ahlcon Public School
I am very fond of reading, and Harry
Potter is my favourite series.
Reflecting on Chapter 4, HandlingPressuree from the book Is Your Child Ready To Face The World? by Dr Anupam Sibal.


It’s no pressure. It’s a responsibility we put it on ourselves

-Abby Wambach    

Wambach’s quote describes pressure in my life. My parents are very understanding and supportive. They never forced me to score good marks or burn myself for winning. But, I always tried to excel and made them proud. If I failed, which I did many times, I would get upset. I don’t remember that my parents ever hit or scolded me for not securing full marks. ‘‘Better luck next time!’’ they would say.

For instance, even after working very hard, I had done terribly wrong in an exam. I cried and was disappointed. My mother gave me her comforting smile and encouraged me to try next time. This has taught me that if we don’t put unnecessaPressureure on children, they will take responsibility and give their best.

Sunday, 30 January 2022

Determination - Anvesha Rana

"Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting."

Life is about success, failure and more success. The key to facing all of it is the determination to rise after one falls and start right from square one. We may receive awards or we may not, but definitely at some point in life we will receive failure and when we do, we all should remember to embrace it. Failure is not the opposite of success, it is a part of success. Only after you fail, you succeed and only after you succeed, you fail but what matters most is that you continue your quest of accomplishing your dreams. 50 years down the lane you will be more disappointed about the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do and when you start fulfilling your ambitions, you may even realize that life is too short for everything. 

An ordinary person who demonstrated extraordinary determination was Steve Jobs. He dropped out of college and started Apple Computer, Inc. with Steve Wozniak in his parent's garage. At twenty-five, Steve was worth USD 100 million. Seven years after this John Sculley became the CEO of Apple, due to the difference in the work styles of Jobs and Sculley, Jobs was fired from his own company. This was one of the most creative periods in the life of Apple's creator, during this time he started a company NeXT and also bought a computer animation studio named Pixar, he played a hand in the success of Toy Story, Ratatouille, The Incredibles and Cars. Jobs was then approached to rejoin Apple, he made radical changes at the company and hired Tim Cook. This was very different from a younger Jobs. The employees were now excited and they felt a sense of pride in their daily work. The results were a host of innovative products and Apple not just being a company, but a legacy.

We all respond to failure negatively but in reality it is an awful tasting medicine that the patient needs. Rather than regretting failure, we should assess what went wrong and improve our chances the next time. No matter how many times we lose, we should not let loss undermine our strength or our determination in fact, failure should only make our will stronger.

Anvesha Rana,
Gyanshree School.

Monday, 20 December 2021

Making Mistakes, Accepting Flaws- Aanya Kumar


In the reading session on 19/12/2021, I understood that we humans tend to make mistakes. We are often told that making mistakes is wrong. But mistakes aren’t crimes. It was new learning to me that Thomas Alva Edison failed 999 times while spreading light across the world or inventing the light bulb. A journalist asked him how it felt to fail a bundle of times when he was finally successful. He replied that he had not been failing all that time, but he learned 999 ways by which a light bulb could not be made. So, it is okay to make mistakes but not to repeat them. 

I have made many mistakes, but my parents have always encouraged me to learn from them. I know that I will continue to make mistakes, but that will give me the wisdom to be a better individual. As the saying goes, “Learn from your mistakes”.

Name- Aanya Kumar

Grade- V

School- Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Success - Harshwardhan Parmar

Harshwardhan Parmar
Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence. Will power always has a successful shower. The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal; it lies in not having a goal. We must not look at our past mistakes but be courageous and keep moving ahead. Success is nothing but one’s happiness when we fulfil our desires. 

Most men have not achieved their destination because they had some talent or opportunity, but they presented what was at hand and achieved success. Fortune favours the brave. Many people who have waited for their luck to help them have won, and those who did their hard work by themselves had lost. It happens, but one shouldn’t lose hope. As rightly said, “Failure is the stepping stone to success". All great personalities and personages, who have left indelible prints of their lives on the sands of eternity, are the men and women who converted their failures into success. 

All successes originate in the mind. First of all, it makes its presence felt in the form of a vision, idea, inspiration, or a dream. Turning the mental concept into tangible reality requires a long effort and perseverance. The entire course that leads to the successful realization of one’s dream is ridden with obstacles, discouragements, failures, and setbacks. The person who wishes to be successful and is discouraged by failures can never taste the manna of success. The truth is our failures are our stepping stones by whose medium we reach success.

Harshwardhan Parmar
XII Humanities
The Fabindia School

Good Schools Of India