Showing posts with label falling off. Show all posts
Showing posts with label falling off. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 August 2024

Relections for the week - Sunday 25th August 2024

In brief we Discussion about Vikas Joshi's latest book, "My Name is Cinnamon," and discuss its themes of adoption, identity, and self-discovery in brief. Next, we highlighted the need for a more caring and supportive approach to tree care and upkeep while talking about the difficulties that urban trees endure. 

From My name is Cinnamon -
1. What is your takeaway from the author's session and book discussion?
2. Write a reflection on the book and characters
3. Is it proper to give names (like lambu, motu, etc) to your teachers or friends?
4. Why was Cinnamon trying to find his biological parents?
5. Write about the emotional challenge one might face when he comes to know that he/she is adopted.

- From Hidden Life Of Trees -
1. Did the story connect with you today, and why?
2. Find out about-
a. loutish behaviors
b. brazenly decadent
c. doped-up bodybuilders
3. Create podcasts or drawings about the plight of urban trees
4. Why does a good tree fall? What could be the impact of falling off a good tree?
5. Imagine being a tree in the city and write how it feels.
6. How do trees communicate with each other through "scent mail"?

These are some suggestions. We're looking forward to your excellent and thoughtful reflections, which you can email to

Session summary for My Good School (08/25/2024)

We celebrated Independence Day by Yashraj giving his spirited speech. 

In the session we opened a new book, "My Name is Cinnamon," written by Vikas Joshi, and reflecting on its themes of adoption, identity, and self-discovery. 

We discussed the challenges faced by trees in urban environments, emphasising the need for a more nurturing and supportive approach to tree care and maintenance. 

We shared personal experiences and interests, and encouraged everyone to reflect on the book and share their thoughts.

Next steps

• Students could write a reflection on the book and characters.

• Students to write reflections on their takeaways from the author session and book discussion.

• Students to consider creating podcasts or drawings about the plight of urban trees.

• Manisha to publish student reflections on the Joy of Learning Diaries blog.

• The next chapter "Burnout" in The Hidden Life of Trees for the next session.

• Students to imagine being a tree in the city and write about how it feels.

• Jugjiv to read the next chapter of My Name is Cinnamon in the next session.

• Sandeep to continue reading The Hidden Life of Trees in the next session.

• Students to consider creating a school newsletter incorporating Joy of Learning, as we will not produce a common newsletter for all the schools.

Good Schools Of India