Showing posts with label famous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label famous. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 October 2022

Would She Return? - Vani Pandey

Bob was a wise, elderly man with no family. He had his house in Dehradun, a peaceful and quiet place indeed. He was a famous writer in his town. People used to pay him a considerable sum to get their hands on his poems and stories. That morning was the clearest of all. The sky was blue. The grass was green and luscious. The perfect weather for writing a novel. But Bob didn't want to write a novel. In fact, he hadn't written one in years. The reason was his daughter. He had a daughter who was 18 when she disappeared. Her name was Stephanie. Bob and Stephanie were taking a stroll outside when Stephanie got a call from the woods, which she followed. She was expected to return in a while, but she never did. 5 years had gone by, and there was no trace of her. After a year of searching, Bob finally gave up the fact that Stephanie would never return. Bob used to spend each moment of his life as a melancholy soul. What could he even do? 

"Stephanie, Oh my dear, where are you now?

We were walking happily, but you went away somehow

 Please come back, my dear; I miss you so much

Play with me like before, and I'll give you a hunch."

That's the one couplet Bob used to speak to himself every second he was idle. He was so miserable. 

But maybe that day was the end of his misery. Because the next day, when Bob was reclining on his antique rocking chair, he glimpsed a young lady coming towards him. She was tall and fair. Her hair was long and straight. She has brown eyes and broad eyelids. Stephanie also had the same features as a teenager. Bob was more certain that she was her daughter when she called," Daddy! I am here at last." Bob stood up, corrected his spectacles and walked briskly towards her in joy. Stephanie ran towards him too. They reached a point and hugged each other tightly. Stephanie was about to give an explanation for her disappearance, but Bob cut her sentence and said," Don't say a word. I want to spend a peaceful time with you, my sweat pea. I will hear your story later on.'' Saying this, he grabbed her hand and took her inside.

Vani Pandey 
Gyanshree School 

Monday, 21 March 2022

Autobiography of an Autobiography - Rishona Chopra

Hello! I am an autobiography. People write in me when they feel like expressing their life to someone else, but I am unique. That is because the most valuable, intelligent, famous, and minor things I write in me. My author is Rishona Chopra, who is very kind for letting several people write in her book. Like my friend, fan, curtain, wardrobe, coin and several other people like that. 

I am the main lead here since I am who you are reading and seeing, and I am talking to you. So that's me, an autobiography and here is an autobiography of an autobiography!

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Autobiography of a wardrobe - Rishona Chopra

Hey there! Remember me? Wait, you don't! I am your beloved wardrobe. Where you keep your clothes! Remember? Oh yes.. now you do. So let me tell you a little more about myself. I mean, you all already know me. I am famous, but I will tell you a few secrets that no one knows. So if you are reading this, you are lucky!

So, I look gorgeous to have mirrors over me, but the thing is that I can't see my beauty. Only you can see yourself. Secondly, you selfish humans put those disgusting balls in my body, those stinky naphthalene balls. To some of my friends, they are fragrant, but they are so awful to me! 

To finish off, some ridiculous people keep dirty clothes in me! Like, does anybody even understand that I like being clean!

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Monday, 10 January 2022

Freedom - Avni Karmarkar

Once upon a time, there was a colourless tiger. All his shades were greys, blacks, and whites. So much so that he seemed like something out of an old black and white movie. His lack of colour had made him so famous that the world's greatest painters had come to his zoo to try to put some paint on him. None of them succeeded, as the colours would constantly just drip down off his skin.

Then along came Van Cough, the crazy painter. He was a strange guy who travelled all about, happily painting with his brush. It would be more accurate to say that he moved his brush about as if to paint; because he never put any paint on his brush, and neither did he use canvas or paper. He painted the air, and that's why they called him Can Gough. So, when he said he wanted to paint the colourless tiger, everyone had a good laugh. When entering the tiger's cage, he began whispering in the animal's ear and moving his dry brush up and down the tiger's body. And to everyone's surprise, the tiger's skin started to take on colour, and these were the most vivid colours any tiger had ever had. Van Cough spent a long time whispering to the animal and making slight adjustments to his painting. The result was stunning.

Everyone wanted to know what the painter's secret was. He explained to them that his brush was only good for painting real life and that to do that, he needed no colours. He had managed to paint the tiger using a phrase he kept whispering in its ear: "In just a few days, you will be free again, you shall see." And seeing how sad the tiger had been in his captivity and how joyful the tiger now seemed at the prospect of freedom, the zoo authorities transported him to the forest and set him free, where never again would he lose his colour.

Name: Avni Karmarkar
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane