Showing posts with label find. Show all posts
Showing posts with label find. Show all posts

Thursday, 12 October 2023

The Moon - Saikiran Sahu

Mond-Wo kann ich dich finden?

Oh! Mein lieber Mond, wo kann ich dich finden?

Die langen schlaflosen Nächte, in denen ich nach dir gesucht habe,

Die dichte Decke aus schwarzem Nebel, die mich verfolgte, als ich mit dir sprechen wollte 

Weder kann ich den großen Bären sehen, noch kann ich dich sehen 

Oh! Mein lieber Mond, wo finde ich dich?

Oh, mein lieber Mond, wo kann ich dich finden?

Ich kann die strahlende Schönheit und die bezaubernden Züge, die dich beschreiben, nicht übersehen,

Der Hoffnungsschimmer in der dunklen Nacht, der von dir ausgeht,

Du stehst allein in der Dunkelheit wie ein tapferer Soldat und der

"Ein-Mann-Armee", die dich treffend beschreibt. 

Aber mit Traurigkeit sage ich 

Oh, mein lieber Mond, wo kann ich dich finden?


Moon-Where Can I Find You?

Oh! My dear moon, where can I find you?

The long sleepless nights I spent searching for you,

The thick cover of dark and black mist spooked me when I wanted to talk to you 

Neither can I see the great bear nor can I see you 

Oh! My dear moon, where can I find you?

Oh! My dear moon, where can I find you?

Can never unsee the radiant beauty and the enchanting features that describe you,

The ray of hope in the dark night that is showered by you,

Standing alone in the dark like a brave soldier and the

the phrase"One man army" that rightly describes you 

But with sadness, I say 

Oh! My dear moon, where can I find you?

Saikiran Sahu
IX-C Gyanshree School 

Sunday, 2 January 2022

Find Your Calling - Rishona Chopra

Based on the chapter Find Your Calling from Is your child ready to face the world by Dr Anupam Sibal.

We all are here to play our part. We are born to discover, create and learn. We are born to dream, but

we must not choose it under pressure to turn to our profession. We must stick to our true calling.

People might say even our parents might say, “ Be a doctor.” But you actually want to be an engineer. 

When people don’t do what they want to do, they are not happy and might fail too! 

Everybody takes time to decide some at high school others at a very young age, but we must choose

our true calling...

Now I’d like to present a story..(not a true story but can be)

                                        Choosing my calling  

I was pressured to be an engineer as the growing technology amazed people as a child. 

I wasn’t really interested in technology. I wanted to save lives and be a doctor. Although this made

people impressed, my parents said, “ For years, people have been engineers in the family, and we need

this to continue.”

I knew being an engineer would not make me happy at all, and that was not my calling. 

That night, I told my parents that I genuinely wanted to be a doctor that helps people more; screens damage

eyes and I could cure that. Listening to that, I thought my parents felt proud and disappointed

at the same time, but they supported me!

Now I am a successful neurosurgeon! Imagine if I didn’t choose my calling would I be happy? 
I don’t think so.

Although we might be pressured, we must choose what really makes us happy.

Rishona Chopra

Grade V

Gyanshree School

Good Schools Of India