Showing posts with label fish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fish. Show all posts

Sunday, 15 October 2023

The Ocean's tales - Rishona Chopra

Photo by - for representation only

The ocean has many tales to tell,
From a seashell to a fish’s farewell.
All the stories have a uniqueness,
Each is enriching and fresh!

So why not take a break from our day,
And hear the ocean say.
The whales go jumping upside down,
The school moves together in their town.

A salmon’s funeral takes place,
They all grieve and cry, calling humans a disgrace!

On the other way,      
The penguins find their prey.

The seagulls run after the small fish,
Eager to make them their dish.
Haddocks swim as far from the Shark’s home,
Wishing they were in Rome!

The underwater world is indeed as adventurous,
As the world above is tedious.
These stories are what make it so pretty,
And yet so witty!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII B
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 30 July 2023

Is it right to do mercy killing? - Rishona Chopra

Mercy killing is killing a person or animal to relieve their suffering. 

When fishermen fish, they bring the fish out of the water and kill it. When out of the water, it suffers, and we kill it to "relieve" it of its suffering. 

If an animal is wounded and in deep pain, we kill it to "relieve" it of its misery. 

I believe that there is simply no mercy in killing. Mercy killing should strictly only be done when a person or animal is in extreme pain and suffering and mentally accepts that it has to depart. 

 Imagine if you are sick and someone comes to you and says he/she is doing mercy to you by killing you. Does that even make any sense? If you are ready to leave all worldly desires and go, it would only seem alright to you.  

I think mercy killing, when done for no extreme reason, is straight away wrong. If you wish to "relieve" an animal's suffering and have such good intentions, why do you kill it anyway?

Most of the population depends on fishing. Fishing should be banned as why put a fish through so much pain. But that would also cause several issues. So, we can't do that, but there are humane ways to catch a fish. 

Even if we depend on animals to survive and we have to kill them, there are less painful ways to do so. 

You can learn more about this matter here:

I believe there is a difference between euthanasia and mercy killing, especially in India. Euthanasia is killing an animal when they are suffering from extreme illness, and the illness has NO CURE. And if they live any longer, it will hurt them all the more. But mercy killing, especially in India, is killing animals for our own advantage. 

You can see the proof here from an article from Hindustan Times:

There is another headline that says:

*This was back in 2017 and early 2018, but now mercy killing is banned.*

Even though it is banned, I believe that until 2017, mercy killing was allowed even for a mere reason like "space". Why not kill humans to make space for animals, then? I am sure they would need it. 

Each animal has there own rights, their own family, and their own life. Just in a second, it all ends for them. Why is care for humans, kindness towards humans and humility towards humans? Let us now show the same towards animals. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Monday, 19 June 2023

A cause that is dear to me - Aria Gupta

Parents often make their children study in school and get into a prestigious college so that they become successful. Initially, it might not seem much of an issue, but they pressure children to study in school and ace all exam papers. If the child fails one exam, it’s game over for them. They are probably also judged like this regarding their other skills, such as sports. This can affect youngsters’ mental health and make them feel worthless because they think their parents will never be proud of them even once. They’re also compared to other children like ‘The three - year old living nearby who has supposedly already completed college in IIT and runs a business with his left leg and another business with his right leg’.

Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating.

But you can’t deny that children are compared to other children by their parents. “Why can’t you be like him?” and “Learn something from her” are some statements that can shoot a bullet straight into a child’s mental health. Then they start trying harder than ever to avoid failure at all costs.

We all can agree that failure is inevitable. I don’t need to write an entire paragraph on that, right?

Returning to the topic, it’s okay if a child fails one exam; it doesn’t define their entire life.

Boy: Dad…

Dad: You got your exam results today, right?

Boy: Yes, Dad.

Dad: C’mon, spill it out

Boy: I failed my maths exam 😭!


That is not how life works; your future isn’t something you can determine based on a couple of tests.

To sum it up, the cause that is dear to me is that parents shouldn’t force their children to become Albert Einstein at age 13, which can significantly affect their mental health.

Albert Einstein only said, “If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it’s stupid.”

Aria Gupta
Grade VIG
Gyanshree School

Saturday, 1 October 2022

Quality - Rishona Chopra

"If a judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid."
- Albert Einstein 

We all have a beautiful quality about us. Something that makes us happy and makes us feel alive. There may be 1 bad thing about us, but there are 10 good things about us too. We all have a quality that we can never get tired of. Writing makes me feel alive, and I believe it is my quality that refreshes my mind. 

Today let us close our eyes and think, what do we wish to do that we could do all day? Reading, writing, playing an instrument, drawing, painting, or even doing nothing is a quality. I have noticed that most people can't stay still and want to do something, even if I can't. So if you can stay still doing nothing for even 15 minutes. I say that's beautiful quality!

Take out a day to do whatever you want without any hesitation!

Apart from these hobbies, it is essential to have God's seven qualities in us:
Wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.

Begin Your Day With A Close Meeting With God - During the early morning hours, when nature is silent and pure and human beings are quiet and detached from their physical existence, experience yourself as a soul and enter the soul world and float in it, touching and absorbing the pure vibrations of God. These vibrations will fill you with God's 7 qualities.

Rishona Chopra
Grade 6
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 20 March 2022

A day in a Bird's life - Aanya Kumar

Hello, world! I am Tutu and I am a bird. Have you ever wondered if birds went to school? We do and participate in activities that most humans do in their schools. We have to wake up at six and reach school by 7:00 am every morning. It is located in the gardens. The clock strikes 7:15, and we are off to music class. I think I should be in the school choir. Anyways, humans find it disturbing, which is why our music classes last for only ten minutes. 

We move to our respective classes at bird school and take out twigs and sand (pen and paper). We need to take endless notes. We don’t learn English and Maths or other such subjects at bird school. We learn cool stuff like flying and chirping and making nests. I have many friends at school. Tweetee is my best friend. She is the best flyer in the whole school. We call her Miss Pilot. I ace at my language skills, though.

Next comes PE class. We stretch our wings and warm up a bit for sports. We have races and more such fun activities. Then we make nests. We collect twigs, roses, leaves, and so much more stuff that humans mostly abandon. We make a circle with them and then make our walls. Once again, Miss Pilot stole the show and made the perfect nest. Later, we have lunch. My mother sends me with worms. Sometimes if she gets lucky, she catches fish.

Did I not tell you what kind of bird I am? I am a Seagull. I have a huge beak. Helps in finding and hunting fish. Survival class is the next class. Not to brag, but I am like a pro in it. We learn how to escape from human dangers and fly on the wind’s back. Then we head back home at 2.00 pm. After that tiring but adventurous day, I take a warm bath and get ready for homework.

We need to practise making nests and study some survival moves. Then, I watch some TV with my sisters, Lyra, Tyra, Samaira and Mayra. We fly downstairs and play for a while… well, maybe a lot of time. We get carried away. Lyra and Tyra are twins. Although their choices clearly tell us who is who.

Now, about Mamma. Mamma is an excellent chef. She is a master at about… everything! Soon after, our tummies start to grumble. We fly and gather the food that humans waste. Sometimes we catch that yummy brown thing. Ummm… Chico… no chocolate. We talk about our day at school and eat our yummy snacks. Later we have a family game night… evening. Finally, we slept after having some dinner. While I do not want to give my father credit… he snuggles us in with a beautiful bedtime story.

Aanya Kumar moves from Gyanshree Noida. However, she continues her learning experience at My Good School.
Podar International School, Grade 6 B

Good Schools Of India