Showing posts with label forward. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forward. Show all posts

Saturday, 13 May 2023

My passing out speech at school - Veda Varshita Marrivada

Dear Graduates,

I am honoured and excited to stand before you today as we celebrate our graduation from this esteemed institution. As we leave this beloved institution that has been our home for several years, we take with us a wealth of knowledge, great experiences, and lots of memories, such as teamwork, helping others, good behaviour etc., that will help us a lifetime. 

Now I want to share some of the memories I experienced and will never be forgotten. One of my most memorable moments of schooling was when I got selected for the Prefectorial Board. It helped me learn new things and balance my studies and social and extracurricular activities. I had a great time and activities with my friends and enjoyed learning thoroughly and memories of our time-shared experiences.

I got an opportunity to attend My Good School Retreat at The Doon Girls School in Dehradun when I was in Grade 5. Although leaving my home and parents was devastating. I explored and learnt many pleasant and memorable things during the trip. I want to mention my teachers whom I would more and forget. They are the best in my schooling. Their way of teaching is unique, and their motivation inspired me to be innovative and learn new concepts.

As we progress, I would like to thank my family and teachers who supported me and my friends who helped me through this beautiful journey.

We have come a long way since our first day of school, and today we stand on the brink of a new chapter of our lives. In closing, I congratulate everyone for achieving the graduation milestone and look forward to staying connected with you all.


Veda Varshita Marivada

Grade 5

Listen in and experience the joy!

The Hyderabad Public School is a co-educational, day & residential school in Hyderabad. One of the oldest educational institutions in the country in the youngest state of the country – this range best defines The Hyderabad Public School.

Saturday, 6 May 2023

Meet and Greet with Nirmal Ghosh

Learning Forward Podcast Season 10 Episode 15

Nature has its way of calling upon us, but we often ignore those rare signs. We build homes in seclusion away from the abode of wildlife and nature; when we can live peacefully together, why are we so adamant about living apart? Consider this beautiful conversation where Nirmal Ghosh deciphers his book, ‘Blue Sky, White Cloud: Three Novellas’. Our anthropocentric behaviour has indeed broken the typical bond of friendship between nature and us. Learn and reinforce to reconnect with our roots.

Nirmal Ghosh  - Author of ‘Blue Sky, White Cloud: Three Novellas.’
Anvesha Rana - Host from Gyanshree School
Rishona Chopra and Sandeep Dutt join in as guests.

There was a lot to learn, and there is now a lot to reinforce, but the lifeline remains that beauty lies in simplicity; we might try to complex situations, but deep down, we are all the same man who used to live with nature to now the man who has built homes in seclusion away from the abode of wildlife and nature.

We are the only species with the power to share our feelings with the world, and we should use this power wisely.

Nirmal addresses some interesting questions:

It is vital to write about what we know simply for authenticity, so what was your process of writing these three novellas, what set off that spark, and how did you go about it?

What do you believe is the key to establishing a relationship with our environment, and how did you do it?

Blue Sky White Cloud is a heart-touching tale that echoes a powerful message of empathy and compassion. Amidst all you do, sir, how do you continue fostering your passion for writing?

Talking about ‘Blue Sky, White Cloud’ is a compilation of three novellas. A novella is a short novel, and this tale revolves around the lives of three distinct animals who live in varying geographies and current independent views. Still, somehow deep down, they are all interconnected.

There is more; this is a heart-warming podcast filled with empathy for nature, real life-changing moments and how humans must learn to respect nature.

Listen to the podcast on, Spotify or your favourite Podcast App.

Sunday, 29 May 2022

Share Your Joy

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Thursday, 11 March 2021

The future of education

The future of education will be built on immutable values alone: Appreciation, Caring, Co-operation, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Happiness, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Love, Patience, Peace, Quality, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Understanding & Unity.

Joy Of Learning (JOL) will inspire you by using examples of where the values are already being used by children in schools and share practical tools to stimulate discussion and philosophical debate.

JOL is an extensive and profound learning experience that immerses members in a model of inquiry and problem-based learning. Students work collaboratively to gain knowledge to solve their significant challenges, we champion peer-to-peer learning. #JoyOfLearning

"We live in a society consumed by materialism and the desire for more. Does this mean our next generation of children will grow up being literate and numerate greedy consumers whose lives are judged by their houses' size and the latest model BMW on the drive? Or can our society, along with educators' desire, teach our children the values they need to take responsibility for living and learning? It's simple; the children are our future. It's our moral duty in schools to provide a Values-Based curriculum." The Little Book of Values: Educating Children to Become Thinking, Responsible and Caring Citizens by Julie Duckworth and Ian Gilbert.

"Peer-to-peer learning is when one pupil leads another through a task or concept. A simple way of expressing this difference is that in collaborative learning, students learn alongside one another, whilst in peer learning, they learn from one another."

What do you understand by "Values"?
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