Showing posts with label friend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friend. Show all posts

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

JDS School Reflections - Sunday 24th November 2024

If you could have one animal with you forever, which animal would be?
I already have a kitten as a pet which I found it injured, outside my house. I named her brownie. Firstly Brownie is scared of us ,but slowly started connecting with us. Now I am greatly attached to her. Brownie always lays on my lap when I study. Brownie is my loving pet.
Name- Lavneet
Grade- 9th
Jhamkudevi Sen.Sec. School

If you could have one animal with you forever, which animal would be?
If I could have an animal with me forever, I’d probably choose a dog. They’re loyal, loving and form deep bonds with their companions. Plus, they’re great at providing emotional support and keeping life fun and active.
Name - Anjali
Grade - 9th Rose
Jhamkudevi Sen Sec School

Humans and animals :their relationship 
When a person adopts an animal, they love, care and give time to it. We can make a strong relationships with an animal. After all animals become our best friend, they also protect, love and care for us. 
Name- Harshpreet
Grade- 7th
Jhamkudevi sr. Sec. School


Friday, 31 March 2023

Reflection on the topic Peer Pressure - Nishan Karki

At any given point, you can release your most fabulous self. Don't let anyone hold you back. Don't let anyone dilute you. Don't be peer pressured into being less than you are. - Steve Maraboli

Reading The Art Of Focus at the Sunday School.

Peer pressure means a strong influence on a person by another person's behaviour and specific actions. It makes a person behave the same as the other, although the behaviour of the other may not be good. It is one of the significant problems of youth and societies. The primary source of peer pressure on students is their friends. A lousy friend may encourage his friend to fight, smoke, take drugs, smuggle, etc. These evil actions cause peer pressure on people.

The effects of peer pressure are:-
• Peer pressure hampers day to day life of people and creates hurdles in their lives.
• It can cause depression in case of performance of serious actions
• It creates a distraction from good works
• It leads to a change in the behaviour and attitude of people.

There are many measures to reduce peer pressure. Some of them are:-

• Avoiding fights and other serious actions
• Hanging around less with friends
• Making a reliable friend
• Concentrating more on self-work
• We should say no to bad things and yes to good.

- Nishan Karki

Monday, 20 March 2023

An example where I have shown patience - Sunday School Reflections 12th March 2023

Patience is the ability or quality of a person to bear and accept the delay of things without becoming angry or upset. It is a possession that every human has and resides in. But the thing is, we have to implore and find or discover it within ourselves. 

Music has its own way of convincing and pacifying others. It has always been my source of comfort, relaxation and calmness during life's hardships and stressful times. A moment in my life where I showed true Patience was when I had just started learning guitar. I struggled to play and hit the right chords and notes initially. I started taking learning guitar as a burden as it consumed most of my free time and prevented me from giving more time to my studies. But I still needed to drop it halfway. Eventually, in a few months, I felt more comfortable and enjoyable whenever I played my guitar. I learned from this event of my life that not only hard work, Patience, and determination are keys to success, and the result you get when you put all three together is always fascinating, magnificent, extraordinary and exceeds your satisfaction.

Tenzin Norsang

"To lose patience is to lose the battle."- Mahatma Gandhi.

Patience is the ability and capability of anybody to prevent anger and accept calmness when something takes place after a long time. It is the ability that everyone must possess and use at the right time, place and moment.

Patience is essential because we need to use it in our daily life. If we have the Patience to do things, it will be helpful for us, and if we do not acquire enough Patience to do something, we may face many troubles in our life.

These troubles may create barriers and problems in our daily life. I am a person who possesses many good qualities and abilities. One of ability is Patience. I use my best Patience at the right place and time for my benefit. I have shown my Patience many times. I am one of the incidents in my life where I have demonstrated Patience.

Before coming to Pestalozzi, I studied at a school popularly known as Umling School. I had many good friends there. One day my friend and I were coming back from school. On the way, my friend said he had some work in a nearby shop. He requested I wait for some time. I did as he told me to do so. I waited for a long time seeking his arrival. Finally, after half an hour, he came back from the shop. He requests my apology for being so late. He told me a long queue at the shop prevented him from doing his work and returning quickly. Without any delay, we continued to walk home after this. This was one of the parts of my where I showed Patience.

Tenzin Jambey

Pestalozzi Children's India Village

Sunday, 27 November 2022

How The Dog Found Himself A Master - Rishona Chopra

                                           There was once this dog who wanted a master,

He simply wanted to make things faster.
He first found a wolf,
But even if he held a stick, he would say “woof”.

He went to a bear,
But he wasn’t that fair.
He came to a lion,
Who he thought was as strong as iron.

He stayed with him for quite some time,
But things weren’t okay.
The dog thought he was the strongest,
At least in the forest!

But man was stronger,
At least better.
So he stayed with a man,
And that’s how his peaceful life began!

This poem is inspired by one of our English chapters, “ How the Dog Found Himself A Master”. It is said that the relationship between dog and man is indeed a unique one. This poem displays a dog’s journey to finding its true master.

“You may have many best friends, but your dog only has one.”

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Monday, 21 November 2022

How did it feel to be found again after being lost? - Tenzing Dhekyong N

This incident took place when I was just six years old. I went on a trip with my grandpa and granny to Bodh Gaya, Bihar. My grandpa made a plan and told my grandmother and me to visit the temple. Meanwhile, he would buy some presents for the monks. So when we reached the temple, my granny was super excited and was having an intense conversation with nuns about his holiness that she even forgot I was there with her.

I got really bored looking at the trees and flowers; at that moment, I noticed some children playing Kho-kho together, so I joined them. I didn't know I was lost until they announced that the temple would be closed. I searched for my granny, but I didn't get her. I cried and shouted for help, and one of my friends came and motivated me. Thankfully, after calling for a long time, we noticed one police uncle was there standing. We ran around for help and told him that I was lost. He took me to a child centre and announced about me. After waiting thirty minutes with my tiny little friend, my granny and my grandpa hugged me. I could see those tears in their eyes. They explained everything about this to the police uncle. I saw one aunty running towards the centre and saying that her daughter was lost, and at last, my little friend was only her daughter.

The police uncle was delighted to see that I had helped one girl (who was playing with me) because she was also lost and was very afraid of telling anyone. I got my granny and grandpa; she has also found her mommy in the child centre. Aunty thanked me and praised me. And it was time to say goodbye to each other. Even though I got honoured by someone, I got a scolding from my nana and Nani because "GRANDPARENTS ARE ALWAYS GRANDPARENTS 💗".

Tenzing Dhekyong N
Sun, 20 Nov, 15:26 
Pestalozzi Children's Village

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

दोस्ती और परिवार - रिशोना चोपड़ा

जब हम किसी से मिलते हैं तो अनजाने में हम लोगों को हमसे दूर धकेल देते हैं, भले ही हम उन्हें लंबे समय से जानते हों। मैंने इस तरह की परिस्थितियों का सामना किया है। हम सभी को एक ऐसा दोस्त चाहिए जो हमारे लिए संपूर्ण हो और किसी का दोस्त न हो। हम अक्सर उनके पीछे भागते हैं जो हमें नहीं चाहते लेकिन उन्हें भूल जाते हैं जो हमारे साथ रहना चाहते हैं। मेरा मतलब वह दोस्त है जो हमारा दोस्त बनना चाहता है; हमारे माता-पिता और भगवान हमेशा साथ हैं, और उनके पीछे भागने वाला कोई नहीं है।

इस दुनिया में हम अजनबियों और परिवार के बाहर के लोगों को ज्यादा मानने लगते हैं और परिवार में दोस्ती की उपेक्षा करने लगते हैं।

रिशोना चोपड़ा
कक्षा 6
ज्ञानश्री स्कूल

Sunday, 2 October 2022

Autobiography Of A Top - Rishona Chopra

Hello there! I am a top, and my life is spinning. I hardly ever stop. My balance is excellent!

I am a top, 
I am as small as a drop.
I spin very fast,
I will leave you aghast! 

I have my own spinny life, you see. I can't see anything correctly. I have two best friends - My Owner and my Floor. My Owner spins me so perfectly that I never fall and always do in on the floor because he knows he is my best friend. But now the only floor is my friend as my Owner lost me and threw me away, left alone wounded.

Now, I am sitting in the park, separated from my friends, and finding a new owner.

Rishona Chopra
Grade 6
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 4 September 2022

Friends and Family - Rishona Chopra

We unintentionally push people away from us when we meet someone, even if we have known them for a long time. I have faced situations like this. We all need that one friend who is entire to us and no one's friend. We often run after those who don't want us but forget those who want to be with us. What I mean is that friend who wants to be our friend; our parents and god are always there, and they have no one to run after. In this world, we start considering strangers and people outside the family more and start neglecting the friendship in the family. Family, a six-letter word, has 6 meaningful meanings: F -Fair A - Attentive M - Merry I - Impartial L - Loyal Y - Yours To spend time with your family and friends, you don't need friendship, a mother, father, or family day, but love and trust make you love them every day! This doesn't mean you neglect friends, but a balance is needed between friends and family. A fight that can only be resolved by words, I saw one of my friends crying yesterday because he had a fight with his friend, and then the next day, everything was water under the bridge, and the two friends were hugging each other. It sure is an inspirational story! Swami is a boy who loves making new friends and is very amiable; he loves Somu and Sankar, but when he becomes friends with Rajam, he unintentionally neglects them, making Somu and Sankar feel sad and jealous, and they think Swami doesn't care about them anymore. Even though Swami realized his mistake, his friendship with them couldn't be made again with their strong bond earlier. Even though he became friends with new people forgetting old ones isn't considered a good friendship. It hurts to see your best friend become friends with another one, but it is vital to clear misconceptions and patiently forgive. Rishona Chopra Grade VI Gyanshree School

Sunday, 26 June 2022

We Were Only Playing - Rishona Chopra

Playing is probably the best thing about childhood. I love playing, going out in the sun and running and having lots of fun; that is childhood. Here's a thing about playing - you don't need toys to play with. All you need is a friend, and that friend can be you.   

Making games to play with yourself is the art of playing. When I am bored, I make some slime and squish it with some chemicals and do experiments or while studying, I act as if I am a teacher and teach all concepts to imaginary children and sometimes to my parents too! 

Totto-chan had a pet. A pet comes with a lot of responsibility, but you always have a partner to share your feelings with. I sometimes wish I had a quiet puppy, but I am not ready to take the responsibility, and I think that if we keep a pet, we shouldn't keep it in a cage and bring it with its sibling or mother, so we don't separate the pet from their family.

The innocence of a child is all about their selfless compassion - In Japan, they call it - Omoiyari, a section of Ikigai. In the chapter, even though Totto-chan was bitten by Rocky, she cared even more and ensured he wouldn't be scolded.

Selfless compassion was mastered by Totto-chan at such a young age. But as we grow, we often start to think more about ourselves and not about others, but I bet when Totto-chan grows up, she will have mastered Omoiyari!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 17 April 2022

My best friend, Totto-chan - Rishona Chopra

My best friend is Totto-chan. She is a sweet, loving and adventurous girl. She wants to be a spy and a ticket collector too! She is funny and has a great sense of humour, and always makes me laugh. 

She is the most caring person I have ever met, and she knows how to make me laugh when I am not in the mood. She is so cute! My heart melts when I look at her, and I can possibly never say no to her wish. At the same time, she is naughty, too, but not in the wrong way. 

She is an innocent girl who looks at the world with eyes filled with love and care. Never has she broken anyone's trust or hurt someone. She is truly the best friend possible!

Totto-Chan's best friend - Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

If School Bells Could Talk - Aanya Kumar

"TRIIIIIIING! LUNCHTIME!" I would say this every day at noon. Neither a second before nor a second after. I am always on time. However, I am not taken seriously by my folks. I am there in schools so that children learn to be disciplined. Sometimes teachers need teaching too. I am more like a principal of the school. Strict, disciplined and most importantly, very (and I mean VERY) punctual. Here's how my days go. I wake up sharp at eight, and my first words are always "Morning, School!" Next, I talk to the real principal. "Second Period" and "Third Period" and so on till SEVEN periods!. That's how my days end. Moreover, I have to say the same thing every day just for punctuality in children. What a tiring job I have. "TRIIIIIIING! SIXTH PERIOD!" I may be found irritating to those who love the concept being taught during class timings and a lifesaver for those who are getting bored. But now you know… I am way more than that. I am the timetable of those who don't value my friend's time.

Aanya Kumar

Podar International School

Grade 6B

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Honesty - Rishona Chopra

Courage, Bravery, we all must have heard these terms, a question might come to our mind: What is the most significant act of courage? The answer could be: Climbing Everest? Being a soldier? Well, it is actually none of is honesty. Let us see how with the help of a story:

Being Honest

Once there was a young girl named 'Mina'. She was taught to always be honest. To her, honesty seemed simple, just tell the truth. 

Once playing in school, she pushed her best friend 'Lily' so hard that it started to bleed. Mina didn't mean to do that at all. She went to her, and along with her other friends, they took her to the infirmary. 

Luckily it wasn't that serious, and the next day she was much better but wasn't able to play. 

Lily was furious at the person who pushed her. She was unaware that it was Mina who did that. She told Mina that she was angry at the person who had made her. That was so rude.

Mina, too, was hurt; she knew what she did hurt her friend. She just didn't dare to stand up and tell the truth. It was tough. That moment she realized how hard being honest could really be. 

Then she remembered telling her mother how simple being honest was, and now she didn't have the courage, to be honest. She thought that she might as well try telling the truth and tell Lily the truth. 

Lily couldn't believe it! 'Did you actually do that?' she said, surprised. 'I didn't mean to at all. I am really sorry,' said Mina. 'You aren't mad at me?'. 

'Why would I be? You were honest. And I believe you. I am sure it was a mistake.' said Lily with a smile.

It was courageous of you to stand up.

Like Mina took the brave step of telling the truth, it did look difficult. Imagine you being in such a situation. Would you speak the truth? The most significant act of courage is to, without fear, be honest! 

The terms honesty and integrity are often used interchangeably, but they are pretty different. They can be honesty without integrity but no integrity without honesty. Honesty is being truthful and upfront, while virtue is doing right without worrying. Or I both are equally important are one of the most essential values of life.

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Friday, 18 February 2022

Friendship - Bhakti Gupta

"Though miles may lie between us, we are never far apart, for friendship doesn't count miles; it's measured by the heart." – Pratham Bhansali. 

I came to Gyanshree School at four in the nursery for the first time. I made a friend whose name is Khwahish. I made more friends, but Khwahish and I shared a special bond. And even now, we do things simultaneously, think the same thoughts, and read each other's minds! But the most important thing is that we both rely on each other and trust each other. We can share all our secrets and never feel insecure about it. We have different likes and dislikes, and we have different opinions, but we don't care for we love each other. From the age of 4 till today, when we have turned 9, we continue to be the best of friends, and I am sure we will always be. I would like to end by sharing a quote on friendship by Helen Keller that applies to our relationship - "True friends are never apart, maybe in the distance but never in heart."

Bhakti Gupta
Grade IV
Gyanshree School

Monday, 14 February 2022

Anger & Affirmations - Rishona Chopra

Often we get angry at the most minor things. If someone says something to us like ' You are rude', those three words can hurt you a lot. One of the ways to calm down is through affirmations. When I am angry then I like writing down and repeating affirmations:
I am a peaceful soul  
I am a happy soul
I am a mindful soul
I am a knowledgeable soul
I am an emotionally powerful soul

Another way to calm down is thinking that every situation you come across, even like the one above, is simply a challenge that makes you a more substantial, mature and better person.

Whenever we feel lonely or disheartened, we should remember that we have a best friend with us, and that is God. He is someone who always listens patiently to us and is truly a friend that we can never forget.

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Friendship - Ruhaan Chawla

I have a lot of friends among all Dhruv is my best friend. We have both been best friends since childhood. We both study in the same class and same school. In physical school, we used to sit together and share our tiffins. We also used to share our pencils and erasers. We both are of the same age. Our moms are also good friends. We went to picnic together. During the online session, if due to an internet problem I miss any class, Dhruv helps me by telling me what all did I miss in my class. I also help him if he misses any session. We both are lucky that we are best friends.

Ruhaan Chawla Grade III Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Friendship - Yashraj Sharma

 “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still understands you.” - Elbert Hubbard.

Friendship! If someone asks me about the most important people in my life, I will say my family and friends because these two relationships have always kept me optimistic in my unhappy times and taken care of me.

But, unfortunately, in today’s times, our non-verbal communication has gained much ground. Now, priorities have changed to some extent. Sometimes, things commonly make us fume. When we send our best friend a message through Whatsapp, they have seen it, and we have the double blue ticks to prove it. Yet, they haven’t replied.

A sense of hesitation and discomfort starts to tingle in us. We start thinking before sending texts to our friends. We start overthinking and thoughts like, will our friendship grow after this or will they not talk to us? Start coming to our mind. But my experience with friends is thankfully different !!

A wise saying says no one knows the importance of water until the well dries; this applies to friends also. We never realise the value of friends until we are separated.

Before this pandemic, during offline classes, we met our friends daily, we used to chit-chat with each other, work as a team, exchange our thoughts and views etc. Though we were good friends for a long time, I never realised that is such a strong bond. So during this time, we are connecting through video calls on weekends. It refreshes my mind. I feel elated and ecstatic. It would be true to say that friends are valuable treasures of life.

I pray to God and look forward to meeting my friends in person very soon. 

Yashraj Sharma

Grade: VII

Gyanshree School

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Giving - Avni Kochhar

Hi, My name is Avni Kochhar, and today I will be sharing my experience of giving.

My best friend, Myra, was sick. Her doctor said that she would be fine after 4-5 days. I called her up and talked to her for 15 minutes; 2 days later, she had recovered. I gave her 15 minutes a day of my time, and she recovered fully. I read the lines where Dr Anupam Sibal had given a few inspiring stories in the chapter on Giving. After reading them, I would like to change too.

Avni Kochhar
Gyanshree School

Reflections Since 2021