Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts

Friday, 28 April 2023

Reflection on our Retreat - Tenzin Nyingsel

Many questions were spinning around my mind on the first day. Whether I'll be able to communicate correctly or not? Or will the presentation be good? All these questions raised anxiety and fear inside me, due to which I felt so hopeless. But I thought I was still in my hostel once I got there. Including all the educational and professional places we visited during the Retreat.

So at the start of the day, before going to the Khalanga War Memorial, we played many indoor games which taught many morals about teamwork, leadership and self-power. Then after that, we had our meals, which were so deliciously made and professionally served for us at the table, including the tasty sweets and cold ice-creams after every meal. After that, we went to the Khalanga War Memorial, where we learned about the importance and the history behind that place. Two to three people guided us while explaining the site's significance. Even with them, I had a great time. 

On the second day of the Retreat, we went to The Doon School, where we learned about the names of the buildings named after the great master of that school. Many of the masters who studied there and passed from there were under the lists of names of the titles who had many achievements in that school. Children learning there had many activities as optional, and the students had to move from class to class of teachers. They had a great big hall about which I liked the most and was shocked about the most! They conduct their assembly with talented students playing many instruments and making melodious music.

After The Doon School, we visited The Khan Farm in Uttar Pradesh. While going, we had many funny moments and sang many songs. Due to this, I enjoyed that time a lot. We also did many indoor games and activities when we reached there. We learned that whenever we lead a special team, we should first listen to every opinion suggested by our teammates. But we shouldn't do things in a hurry to always win; instead, we should take our time to think and do the activity with no load. At the farmhouse, we stayed one night and had a great time with the other people in the Retreat. We even had a talent show at night where everybody showed their various talents. Due to this, I got to know more about them. In the early morning, we had a nature walk. Even though I didn't see many animals, I got their presence due to the footprints and sound. Then again we were served many delicious foods and sweets at the end.

Back at The Doon Girls' School, we had our reflection time and a friendly basketball match. Since I didn't know much about the game, I joined them by cheering them up.

The days flew like thin paper in the blowing wind at the end of the My Good School Retreat. The great experience and funny moments with the people in the Retreat were about to end. On that day, we had a function held by The Doon Girls' School, where many talented kids came from different schools to sing on Earth Day. A few hours later, we bid farewell to our unforgettable friends with handshakes, hugs and promises to meet again. 

Like every chapter in the book has its own ending, our Retreat also ended with memorable experiences and friendly relations. But the chapter containing our memories will be the best I have read and experienced.

Tenzin Nyingsel
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

No love like Sibling Love !

Love in a Comic Strip! 

A sibling is a lens through which we see our childhood. They may be close to you or miles apart, but they will always be in your hearts; they are your siblings. So, share about the bond between you and your siblings as My Good School celebrates 'Love', and Sibling Love is the most hilarious kind of Love!  

Comic Strip Team @ My Good School
Please meet the comic strip team for August:  Rishona, Anvesha, Simar, Arav and Gaurangi. Thanks to all the interns, they have worked hard to create comic strips on Love. 
Arushi Goswami, a teacher at Gyanshree School, is our guide for the project.

Monday, 27 June 2022

Totto-chan's Life - Anvesha Rana

Totto-chan has taught me many things, from selflessness to compassion, curiosity to care, pity to love. She has taught us innumerable life lessons just through her mischievous nature and jovial personality. 

Totto-chan had participated in a sports event and that single event had the most profound effect on her. Similarly, even the sports day at my school is not only a day full of fun but also a day submerged in learning. 

The sports day taught me acceptance, that even though I did not win anything, I needed to accept that fact. It also encourages appreciation for others, I learn to acknowledge the rewards of my mates even when I don't have any. It teaches me to care for those who might have hurt themselves while playing, but the most important lesson on the sports day is cooperation, understanding and following your team and leading them in the right direction. The sports day is a day oozing with fun, learning, sports and values. 

Totto-chan had a fun pet, Rocky, who was a German shepherd. Rocky and Totto-chan are best friends, but their favourite pastime together was to play the game 'Wolf'. In wolf, you had to roll down on the mat and face each other only to make the scariest, wolf-alike face possible. Rocky and Totto-chan were simply playing this game, but Rocky, a German shepherd, raised its animal instinct and bit Totto-chan on her ear. It was awful, the ear was dangling down but the only thing that mattered to Totto-chan, while at hospital to get her ear mended, was that her parents should not scold Rocky. This incident demonstrated the pure form of love that Totto-chan and Rocky share. It showed how deeply they cared for each other but after all Rocky was her pet, only Totto-chan considered him a friend.  

We all want to have a pet, even I want one but I think we should not keep these animals caged in our homes, far away from their families. Moreover, owning a pet requires time, honesty, humility, love, care, patience, cooperation, appreciation and quality, and if we want to have a pet then, we should take full responsibility for it. It should not be that we got a dog home and then just got stuck in our everyday life only to forget our pet. We should respect our desires, and if we want to have a pet, then we should also acknowledge our pet. 

Totto-chan is indeed a unique girl. Her enthusiasm is contagious and full of love and passion, and her inquisitiveness is simply enchanting. She found a great interest in creating haikus. A Haiku is a kind of a Japanese poem where 5-7-5 syllables are applied to express daily situations with a unique twist. 

Here's a Haiku I tried to create: 

                 The Joy is found, 

                     Love is spread at the MGS, 

                           Meet us now at 11:00!

Anvesha Rana, 

Grade 10-B,

Gyanshree School

Sunday, 19 June 2022

Totto-Chan - Anvesha Rana

I wish I could be a little more like her, 
for Totto-Chan would be a true dreamer, 
Her incidents can make you laugh out loud, 
and her innocence can create love around. 

Totto-Chan is so much fun, 
      She can pass through barbed wires without a grunt, 
  She makes up her own crazy games, 
and plays them without any aims. 

I have never seen another like her, 
So sensitive and empathetic, 
and yet so succumb. 

She can make anyone a friend, 
from Takashi to Yasuaki-Chan, 
all of them are mates. 

Totto-Chan is truly a gem, 
living the way she loves to, 
by sliding down a cesspool, 
or standing in the sand for a
time too long!

I wish I could be a little more like her!

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 17 April 2022

My best friend, Totto-chan - Rishona Chopra

My best friend is Totto-chan. She is a sweet, loving and adventurous girl. She wants to be a spy and a ticket collector too! She is funny and has a great sense of humour, and always makes me laugh. 

She is the most caring person I have ever met, and she knows how to make me laugh when I am not in the mood. She is so cute! My heart melts when I look at her, and I can possibly never say no to her wish. At the same time, she is naughty, too, but not in the wrong way. 

She is an innocent girl who looks at the world with eyes filled with love and care. Never has she broken anyone's trust or hurt someone. She is truly the best friend possible!

Totto-Chan's best friend - Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Good Schools Of India