Showing posts with label games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label games. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 November 2024

The Doon School Visit - Arthur Foot Academy

मेरा नाम नाहिद है मुझे  सब से अच्छा लगा वहा का संदेश और हेडमास्टर जगप्रीत सिंह सर के साथ खाना खाने का सौ भाग्य लगा |

मेरा नाम साना है। The Doon School  की ख़ूबसूरती और अनुशासन देख कर मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगा |

मेरा नाम आयुष है | मेरे को सबसे अच्छा लगा खेलने का मैदान और संगीत की क्लास|  Thank you The Doon School.

मेरा नाम दीपिका है | मुझे सबसे अच्छी वहा की लाइब्रेरी  और पढ़ाई करने का तरीका लगा | दून स्कूल को धन्यवाद |

 मेरा नाम रितिक है | मुझे  सबसे अच्छा लगा वहा की पढ़ाई , खेल के मैदान और वर्कशॉप, आदि | धन्यवाद दून स्कूल |

मेरा नाम अनित है | मुझे सबसे अच्छा लगा क्लबर कार और मिट्टी से बने बर्तन जो  दून स्कूल के बच्चों ने बना रखे थेदून स्कूल को धन्यवाद |

मेरे नाम विधि है | मुझे  वहां घुमने और हरे भरे पेड़ पोधे  बहुत अच्छे लगें| धन्यवाद दून स्कूल|

मेरा नाम अक्षी कौर है | मेरे को सबसे अच्छा लगा लकड़ी और मिट्टी से बनी वस्तुए और   हमे  सब बच्चों को  और अध्यापको के  साथ  घुमने का अवसर प्राप्त  हुआ | दून स्कूल को धन्यवाद |

मैं समद मुझें द दून स्कूल के अध्यापक अच्छे लगे और वहाँ के बच्चों की बनाई हुई कला आकृतियों पेंटिंग अच्छी लगी, तथा मुझे वहाँ पर संगीत नाच कक्षाएँ भी काफी अच्छी लगी, खेलने का मैदान साफ सुंदर लग रहा था | खेलने के मैदान को देखकर मैं ये सोच रहा था कि हमारे स्कूल में भी एक ऐसा ही मैदान होता तो हम भी अच्छे से अलग अलग प्रकार के खेल खेला करते । अभी तक मैंने अपने जीवन में द दून स्कूल जैसा विद्यायल नहीं देखा ।

मैं प्रिंशी कौर मुझे द दून स्कूल में पेड़ पौधे मिटटी से बनाई हुई आकृतियों और लकडी से वस्तुएँ तथा खेलने का मैदान काफी अच्छा लगा।

Saturday, 29 April 2023

My Good School Retreat 2023 - Shristi Khulal

On the first day, when I entered the gate of The Doon Girls School. I was excited and nervous and was experiencing a mixture of feelings inside my head. I thought about what it would be like to meet new people from different parts of the country, for which I was a little nervous, but now I have known them for a long time. I couldn't even believe that the four days we spent were so memorable and not just unique but precious too.

While I sit and think about those days, the flashback of the precious memories always strikes my mind. I cannot explain how beautiful they were. Meeting different people and learning so much about their places and schools from Powerpoint Presentations was an excellent experience. I felt amazed when I learned that the school from which Ram Charan studied was there with us. 

Whenever I sit and reflect on those four days first scene that comes to my eyes is our visit to Khalanga War Memorial. I enjoyed the trip and loved the smell of flowers from the Sal tree and the hill. I was grateful to meet mr Col Vikram Thapa and his team, from whom we learned many things about the war between Gorkhas and the British. As I am Nepali, I felt proud to hear about the bravery of Gorkhas. I enjoyed the walk up the hill, talking to the guiding sir. I felt thrilled to speak to the guiding team in my mother tongue and remain in my place. The view of Dehradun City from the hill was beautiful, in which I was trying to locate my school. I didn't know we could be so connected and share a precious moment in less time. 

I even smile when I think of the funny moments in the Khan Farm where we played fun games. Not only were they fun, but they also taught us many skills like listening, coordination, teamwork and other leadership qualities. Also, the o ji, o ji by sir from Blossom School was a lot of fun.

How can I forget the visit to one of the most prestigious schools in India for which I am really grateful? Before visiting The Doon School, I used to talk to my friend while going to school by bus on seeing the tall wall, and now I feel fortunate and grateful. Whenever I see the wall from the bus, the memories stike in my mind of taking around the school with curious minds. I loved everything about the school, from the beautiful buildings to the activities available there. 

I also miss the German Shepherd of the farmhouse, Max, Lily, and Dizzy, with whom I played. It was a beautiful moment. I was so mesmerized by the performance of The Doon Girls School students in the cultural show. I will never forget the motivational words by Monisha Ma'am. The morning walk on the Khan farm comes to my mind whenever I see the fields filled with crops and trees. On hearing the song Jeena Jeena, the moment came into my mind when the music teacher of Doon Girls School was teaching us guitar.

On the last day, when everyone was leaving one by one, I could see the beautiful memories we cherished together, and for a while, I felt sad. Before going to The Retreat, I never thought these four days would be this memorable. I am really grateful and thankful for getting this opportunity. Thanks to The Doon Girls School for being so good to us.

Shristi Khulal

Friday, 28 April 2023

Reflection on our Retreat - Tenzin Nyingsel

Many questions were spinning around my mind on the first day. Whether I'll be able to communicate correctly or not? Or will the presentation be good? All these questions raised anxiety and fear inside me, due to which I felt so hopeless. But I thought I was still in my hostel once I got there. Including all the educational and professional places we visited during the Retreat.

So at the start of the day, before going to the Khalanga War Memorial, we played many indoor games which taught many morals about teamwork, leadership and self-power. Then after that, we had our meals, which were so deliciously made and professionally served for us at the table, including the tasty sweets and cold ice-creams after every meal. After that, we went to the Khalanga War Memorial, where we learned about the importance and the history behind that place. Two to three people guided us while explaining the site's significance. Even with them, I had a great time. 

On the second day of the Retreat, we went to The Doon School, where we learned about the names of the buildings named after the great master of that school. Many of the masters who studied there and passed from there were under the lists of names of the titles who had many achievements in that school. Children learning there had many activities as optional, and the students had to move from class to class of teachers. They had a great big hall about which I liked the most and was shocked about the most! They conduct their assembly with talented students playing many instruments and making melodious music.

After The Doon School, we visited The Khan Farm in Uttar Pradesh. While going, we had many funny moments and sang many songs. Due to this, I enjoyed that time a lot. We also did many indoor games and activities when we reached there. We learned that whenever we lead a special team, we should first listen to every opinion suggested by our teammates. But we shouldn't do things in a hurry to always win; instead, we should take our time to think and do the activity with no load. At the farmhouse, we stayed one night and had a great time with the other people in the Retreat. We even had a talent show at night where everybody showed their various talents. Due to this, I got to know more about them. In the early morning, we had a nature walk. Even though I didn't see many animals, I got their presence due to the footprints and sound. Then again we were served many delicious foods and sweets at the end.

Back at The Doon Girls' School, we had our reflection time and a friendly basketball match. Since I didn't know much about the game, I joined them by cheering them up.

The days flew like thin paper in the blowing wind at the end of the My Good School Retreat. The great experience and funny moments with the people in the Retreat were about to end. On that day, we had a function held by The Doon Girls' School, where many talented kids came from different schools to sing on Earth Day. A few hours later, we bid farewell to our unforgettable friends with handshakes, hugs and promises to meet again. 

Like every chapter in the book has its own ending, our Retreat also ended with memorable experiences and friendly relations. But the chapter containing our memories will be the best I have read and experienced.

Tenzin Nyingsel
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Friday, 14 April 2023

Have you ever experienced the dilemma between the heart and mind?

A situation in which we have to make a difficult choice between two or more things is a dilemma. Everyone
 has to face such situations in their life.

When I was in Grade 3, a child who was really fond of playing games rather than studying, but I had never failed any examination as I used to study the day before the test. Once examinations were approaching, and my father told me to start studying instead of playing every day. I didn't bother as my heart told me to go out and play. At the same time, my mind continuously reminded me about my examination and to study as I may fail my upcoming examination. I listened to my heart rather than my mind, not thinking about the outcome. At the time of the test, I could not remember what I had learned the day before the exam; thus, I failed the exam.

Later on I regretted making the wrong choice, from that day onwards, I decided to listen to mind rather than my 

Jeni Sherpa
Pestalozzi Children’s Village India

Reading The Art Of Focus by Gauranga Das with Jugjiv Sir at the Sunday School

Sunday, 19 June 2022

Happy Father's Day! - Rishona Chopra

This is for my father,
Who always stood up for his daughter,
He cared for me,
Like family.
He told me to brush my teeth,
And stay tidy and neat.
He played with me all sorts of games,
He stood with me through my little pains,
We have lots of fun,
Yet I don't realize he loves me more than anyone.
We often talk about the unconditional love of a mother,
But in the world, there is the love of a father,
He often scolds me, and I sold him,
He allowed me to go to the gym and for a swim,
He was there with me to help me face my fear of dogs,
He is my father and my god.
I say I don't love him,
But really, I do love him more than anyone in the world, yes, I do.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 20 February 2022

Be the change - Yashraj Sharma

People always want change. They say, “I wish I could change this”, or “I wish I could change that, etc. To be honest, even I do think that sometimes. Many great personalities took the first step toward a significant change.

Let me tell you about one of my experiences-

A few years ago, I used to play online games and eventually became quite addicted to them. My society friends started calling me to play with them. Those games distracted me from my studies to quite an extent. When I got some idle time, I used to start playing games. 

But after some time, I started noticing that my younger sister also started playing some other games and got addicted to them. I told her to stop playing or at least reduce the time she used to play. She told me that even if I play for hours, why should she stop playing. I felt terrible for her and myself. So, I decided to reduce my gaming time and only play on weekends. I started doing that, and my sister followed too! That day I imbibed two life lessons “Youngsters do indeed learn from elders” and “To be the change I want to see in others.” 

In conclusion, as they say, “Charity begins at home”, so we need to take the first step towards making a change…

Yashraj Sharma
Grade: VII
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Friendship - Sia Nagar

In March I shifted to a new society I only had one friend Tvisha. When I played a game with her, we were looking for someone who could play with us. We found a girl named Pankti, we played with her. The next day I played with her and lots of kids were there with her. While we were playing, I found a girl named Aarya. She joined us too, and we were good friends.

One day I was went to the park there was nobody except Pankti and Aarya then I got to know they both are also good friends, now we are best friends, and we have picnics and parties etc.

Sia Nagar Grade III Gyanshree School

Good Schools Of India