Showing posts with label ghost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ghost. Show all posts

Saturday, 3 September 2022

I have seen a ghost and this is my story - Diva Gupta

Often we have been told that ghosts and spirits don’t exist. But I have, and here’s my story.
It was the darkest of nights. I was lying in my bed, wide awake. It was midnight, and I wasn’t able to sleep. The moonlight rose into my room brighter than sunlight, so I decided to shut the blinds. I got up, only to see the dark streets of Noida. Not even a soul seemed to be seen or heard. It was like the world had just stopped itself. Perhaps this was called the witching hour. I thought of getting a glass of water. So I shut the blinds, went into the hallway, and turned on the kitchen light. As I filled my glass of water, I felt something move. When I went to check if someone was there, I saw nothing. I went back into the kitchen, and my cup was gone! I quickly hurried to my room, forgetting about my water when the blinds were up again! What was going on? I had no idea, but I decided to sleep it out. And then there was the problem of not being able to sleep.  I lay there in complete darkness once more when someone entered my room. I heard a voice: ‘Diva? Are you awake?’. It was my mom. I told her everything. After my story, she laughed at me and told me to sleep. How could she! After all, it happened in front of me! Either this was another prank, or it was my imagination. After talking to my mom, I was finally able to sleep. But I still couldn’t get it out of my head about that ghost. This incident happened about four years ago, in second grade.  Well, this was my story, and many may laugh and say, ‘How funny! That could never happen!’ But it did, and I still remember the chills that night.

Diva Gupta

Grade VI

Gyanshree School

Sunday, 28 August 2022

Autobiography of a ghost - Rishona Chopra

Hey there! No, don't run away. I ain't gonna hurt you.

You ran away; that's the problem with these foolish humans. I just want to be friends with them. How come they don't understand that? 

I might be transparent, but I am gorgeous and have a heart of gold. Not to boast, but I am adorable. If only you waited and listened to me. You don't know how sad it is to be a ghost, no one wants to talk to me, and all are afraid. I feel so alone. My only friend is a book. Her name is "How a ghost became my friend". She is my only friend and my only family. I genuinely wish I had a human friend. There are advantages of being a ghost too. You can run super fast and never feel hungry, which is a good thing because I don't want to be hungry. People say I hide under their bed, but trust me, I just stay in your room so that you become my friend.

By any chance, would you like to be my friend?   


Sunday, 5 June 2022

The Bravery Test - Rishona Chopra

Being brave is simply overcoming your fears. It can be your fear of the dark or of a dog or ghosts or shadows by just doing it. If you are scared, you will fall if you climb a tree, then don't do it, but if you want to overcome your fear, just do it.

In the previous chapter, The Great Adventure, Totto-chan and Yasuaki-chan showed great courage. It took a lot of effort to climb a tree, but they did not give up and continued trying. In the end, climbed the tree and had lots of fun!

Totto-chan overcomes her fear of ghosts. Of course, you don't have to meet ghosts, but just through thoughts, you can overcome your fear. She soon was happy in her fear too! She thought that if we are scared of ghosts, ghosts are afraid of us too!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School