Showing posts with label goodness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goodness. Show all posts

Saturday, 22 July 2023

People are more important than things - Tenzin Jambey

Reflection from Sunday School

Some people will choose expensive things, luxury items and valuable commodities over human beings, and some will give more importance to humans than any other things, even over the bag of gold and diamond. We all know very well that everyone is not the same. And therefore, one person can not change or bring goodness to others. First, we should be one to improvise our mindset, and we should be the ones to bring a good change in ourselves.

It is so true that people who have been close to death always give importance to other humans. These people respect all classes of people- from young to old and from poor to rich. I still remember the tragedy of my uncle, who once almost lost his life after being stuck under a rock while working. Nowadays, he is earning his life by serving as a driver. He has a very kind heart. He respects everyone. And sometimes he gives a free ride to the labours and workers as he has also been a labour and he knows their conditions of working and the level of physical hard work they do. 

If we are kind to others, then goodness comes to us through 'Karma'. When we give others love, care and importance, we get it all back from others. Having a great affection towards earthly things like gold and diamond would make your heart much like coal. But if you give importance and are affectionate towards humans, your work and contribution will always be remembered and told. It is not only the humans to whom we should give importance but also the animals, plants and our mother Earth, as in this world, everything is interconnected to each other in some way or the other.

At last, I want to bring up a powerful thought to acknowledgement- "When we were born the world rejoiced while we cried. Therefore, do a work that the world will cry when you die with rejoicing and happiness”.

Written by-

Tenzin Jambey

Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.

Saturday, 24 June 2023

A Cause That Is Dear To Me - Tenzin Jambey

Royalty Free Image from Pixabay.Com

Mahatma Gandhi had a cause because of which he started Quit India Moment, 

Mohammad Ali, the legend of boxing, also had a cause to become a boxer, and Mary Kom, a female boxer from India, also had a cause which led her to become a women's boxing champion. Every person has their own ambition and path created due to a cause. 

I don't know about the opinion of others on the cause which is important to them, but whatever happens to me in life, including both bad and happy times, is interconnected. One cause can bring a change upon oneself, and one cause is enough to create another cause. When I think of the journey from my childhood till the present age, all the causes are important and meaningful. 

My causes for something always bring goodness in me, therefore. I want to become a good person in life, and I want to become successful in future. I have a cause to achieve what I want, my causes will lead to finding my way, and the most important causes which always motivate me are my family, the Pestalozzi family and the My Good School family.

Tenzin Jambey 
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Burning the Ravan in our personality - Rishona Chopra

Dussehra is a festival that celebrates the victory of good over evil, shown in a battle between Shri Ram and Ravan, in which Shri Ram defeats Ravan and kills him by shooting an arrow aimed at him in his navel.

The navel represents the body's consciousness, the root cause of the 10 central vices. The 10 main vices are lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego, jealousy, hatred, deceit, stubbornness and laziness, which are represented by the 10 heads of Ravan. It is shown in the Ramayan scripture that when Shri Ram tried to bring down any of the 10 heads of Ravan, they came back. Ravan got killed only when Shri Ram aimed at Ravan's navel. Only when we become soul-conscious and remember God or the Supreme Soul and finish our body consciousness by doing that do all our vices get destroyed. 

Shri Ram is symbolic of God, and Ravan is symbolic of evil that rules over every soul's personality in the world today. When we imbibe God's goodness in our personality, we burn the 10-headed Ravan in our nature. Burning the effigy of Ravan every year is a symbolic representation of this process, which takes place when God performs the task of world transformation and establishes Ram Rajya or Heaven in the world by destroying Ravan or evil from and purifying all the souls of the world. 

Every year, the height of Ravan's effigy is increased compared to when it was burnt in the previous year. This is symbolic of the vices in the world, which are growing every year, and impurity and negativity in their different forms are taking control of human beings more and more with time. 

When God performs the task of world transformation at the end of every World Cycle, i.e. at the end of Kaliyug or the Iron Age, every soul who is the child and also the beloved of God is represented by Shri Sita in the Ramayan is in sorrow and under the negative influence of Ravan, imprisoned by him. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School, Noida

Monday, 7 February 2022

Giving - Ananya Bhatia


In my opinion, Giving is one thing that almost everyone performs every day. Giving can be in many forms.

Giving can be done by giving someone time, hope, food, clothes, work and even respect. Can everyone give every day? Yes, it is possible. For, e.g. A teacher gives their time to students every day; even our parents give us a new value every day from being a child to an adult by teaching us how to talk, walk, eat, study, behave with others other small habits.

We, as children, go to school and share our Lunch boxes with friends that are also giving. I have read a beautiful quote about giving in Bhagwad Gita, which says A gift is pure when given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return. In simple words, if you are giving anything to anyone, give it by heart and do not expect anything in return. Giving is also beneficial for the person who is giving. This is a fact about which it is mentioned in Sam Veda that One who gives in charity always gets happiness and a sense of self-satisfaction.

Ananya Bhatia, IX, Ahlcon Public School
I like reading books.

Sunday, 23 January 2022

Making others Happy - Shirin Kaw

Shirin Kaw, 8E, Ahlcon Public School

I am very passionate about writing stories and poems of what I imagine. Writing various stories and poems helps me express my thoughts on a piece of paper. It gives me a sense of calmness to my body and allows me to spend my free time productively. I also read many stories; I mainly enjoy fictional stories as I love imagination and creativity.

Making Others Happy -
Feeling good after doing a good deed,
Making one smile, the beatitude I perceive
Sunshine thrives over all the obstacles I face 

A second doesn't go by without thinking that face. 
It must have been a rough day, dealing with the strain 
A soul comes and hugs you, 
Makes your day an enchanting bouquet. 

Take a minute of your life,
There is something to redo, 
Make someone blush, and don't forget yourself too.

Sunday, 9 January 2022

Compassion - Sunita Mehta

3 feet everything! 

Hey! how old can he be...was the first thought that came to mind when I saw a  hooded three feet nothing walking down the road that cold foggy morning. My frantic eyes searched for an adult. Should I stop? Should I report the matter at the police post around the corner? Should I just wait there for a while?

This is no time for someone so young to be on this lonely stretch of road. I looked for a turn to go back. The rearview mirror adjusted as far as the eye could see, I slowed down. Suddenly, he was nowhere to be seen! 

Headlines flashed before me...I had to help. I turned and stepped on the gas. Everything sinister than I had ever heard of or read about came rushing by, only to come to a grinding halt. There he was, my little hooded runaway, nestling a pup under his jacket, returning the puppy to its mother. All of them, cocooned world of their own! After all, goodness still exists in this world.

Sunita Mehta Headmistress Gyanshree School Noida.