Showing posts with label granted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label granted. Show all posts

Saturday, 25 November 2023

Gratitude - Tulsi Karki

We all know that being thankful and being ready to show appreciation and return kindness is known as gratitude. Gratitude is when we feel grateful for the good things in our lives. This could be stuff people often take for granted, like having a place to live, clothes to wear, food to eat, clean water to drink, and friends and family.

Having gratitude can bring change to us. If we express our gratitude towards something, we feel positive. It can broaden our outlook, boost our minds, and help us face negative thoughts and challenges. People who purposely acknowledge and express gratitude feel more positive; their emotions are better able to relish good experiences and build stronger relationships.

Tulsi Karki
Pestallozi Children's Village Society

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Ce que l'indépendance signifie pour moi - Rishona Chopra


Language: French 

L'indépendance n'est pas le droit de faire ce que l'on veut mais le droit de faire ce qui est juste. L'indépendance est l'essence de la liberté, le sentiment que nous ne sommes gouvernés par personne d'autre mais que nous avons la possibilité, tout comme les autres, d'explorer et d'apprendre. L'indépendance est un droit qui est beru fondamental et notre besoin mais de nos jours ce besoin est devenu un désir. Beaucoup de gens n'ont pas l'indépendance nécessaire pour prendre leurs décisions dans la vie, faire ce qu'ils veulent, étudier et ne pas vivre sous la domination de quelqu'un. Alors ne prenons pas notre indépendance pour acquise car c'est quelque chose de spécial.


Independence is not the right to do as we wish but the right to do what is right. Independence is the essence of freedom, the feeling that we are not ruled by anyone but have the opportunity, just like others, to explore and learn. Independence is a fundamental right and our need, but nowadays, this need has become a want. Many people don't have the independence to make their decisions in life, do what they want, study and not live under the rule of somebody. So let's not take our independence for granted because it is unique.

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VI 
Gyanshree School