Showing posts with label grateful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grateful. Show all posts

Friday, 2 February 2024

Being Grateful - Tenzin Nyingsel

If you talk about being grateful, there will be a whole book written about it and still, the list will not be finished. Being grateful for any small things shows our values and importance towards it. It can be felt or expressed by any person to a person or any animal to a person. Sometimes it happens that we are not able to show our gratitude towards one thing that means a lot to us. Still, it always remains in our hearts that we will always try to fulfil it. Whether by our affection towards it or by proving our hard work for it. Let me take an example of a situation that happened a few days back.

It was 8 in the morning when I was dressed in my school uniform, standing in the school assembly hall with the history book in my hand. It was the exam day and just a few minutes were left for the exam to begin. It was cold in the morning due to which the roof above my head was covered with dew. Suddenly a drop fell on the book. To my surprise, it fell exactly on the topic that said, 'JUDICIAL REVIEW'.

For me, I really believe in fate, destiny and luck. At that moment, I felt it might be a sign for me. So I revised it very well. It was not long before the bell rang for the exam. After some minutes, the question papers were laid on my desk. I checked the paper slowly, turning the pages. In the middle of the crowd of questions, I saw a familiar question that asked about the 'judicial review'. For that very moment, I felt really grateful towards that one drop of water that fell. Since that question carried four marks, I wrote the answer in a very happy mood.

That is why, being grateful can be felt at any particular time and for any particular thing because sometimes it is not always a 'person' towards which we feel grateful. 

In the end, I would conclude by saying that ' I am grateful for everything I have. The highs. The lows. The blessings. The lessons. The setbacks. The comebacks. The love. The hate. Everything.' 

Tenzin Nyingsel
Class 10
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society

Giving- Pasang Sherpa

Giving is not only an act, it's compassion for the one who is receiving it. When we give someone something, it's not a thing we give but love, care, joy, and affection to that person. 

There is joy not only in receiving but also in giving. But these days people hesitate to give because they have that mindset that if the things they are giving are not expensive or valuable it is not considered as giving but a shame to him or her. For these overthinkers, Mother Teresa had once well said "I cannot give great things but sm
all things with great heart". 

Expensive things are not what matters to the people you love but love and care. As an example, see your mother, she does not want anything valuable for what she did all these years but the same love to her which she gave you when you were young.

Pasang Sherpa
Pestalozzi Children's  Village Society

Being Grateful- Monika Singh Pundir

In my words, be grateful for a thing, no matter how small or big, we should appreciate it and make the best use of it. 

When somebody is in very need of something, we can help that person in need, it would be a very big thing for the person and can even change a person's life. The person may remember the thing done for him or her. The person will be thankful as well as grateful for the help.

But being grateful for someone doesn't mean one should always bow before the person to whom the person is grateful and do everything, wrong or right, for that person who is providing the things to you. 

Monika Pundir
Class 10

Wednesday, 14 December 2022

What makes us who we are - Monika Singh Pundir

The person I am today is because of my parent's hard work. If I didn't have parents like them to give birth to me, l would never be able to stand in this world.  

Not only my parents but there are also many people behind me in this position right now, like my teachers, who were always there to help me with my problems and teach me the right things to do. I am very grateful to them for whatever they have done for me. 

I am most grateful to Pestalozzi Children's Village Society, who provided us best to the best facilities in the field of education and wants us to have a brighter future. Finally, there are my friends who always supported me and trusted me. 
Monika Singh Pundir

Saturday, 26 February 2022

Gratitude - Arav Agarwal

Gratitude for me is to be thankful for everything thing I have. This is my gratitude wall hanging. Whenever I feel sad, I look at it and realize that I have so many things to be grateful for, and I feel happy and blessed.

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane

Sunday, 20 February 2022

Gratitude - Anvesha Rana

"Gratitude and Attitude are not challenges; they are our choices."

Most people find it very hard to thank you, yet others can be grateful for everything. We all live a life of peace and comfort, many of us consider food, clothes and toys as fixtures, but they might be a luxury for some others. Whenever we face challenges in life, we tend to complain to God and ask, "Why me ?" but we all should remember that challenges make life enjoyable and overcoming them is what makes them meaningful. Embrace the challenges you face; they are a part of the journey called life. 

The power of gratitude should be understood and implemented by all of us. When we want to have something rather than wish for it, we should thank God for it, and maybe we can even get it. Life is made up of success and failures, ups and downs. When we succeed, we often forget to thank God, but when we are ill or in a challenging phase, we always remember to blame God for all the troubles. When we did not thank God in the first place, why should we then blame him? 

When we are young, our parents teach us to thank everyone, but in reality, how many of us follow this until we grow older? Saying thank you does not diminish our reputation, but it destroys our ego; we should learn to free ourselves of arrogance and treat everyone the same. Whether it is our maid or our friend, we should thank both of them for everything they do for us. When I was young, I loved being appreciated, but seldom did I thank people for their appreciation, but as I grew, I understood that the least we could do for the people acknowledging us was to thank them. 

Cherish every person in your life for the role they played in shaping you and your life; it wouldn't have been the same at all without them. Thank them for the big and little they did for you. There is no word more powerful than a ' Thank You.'

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 9-B, 
Gyanshree School.

Monday, 10 January 2022

Appreciation - Rishona Chopra

Appreciation is to appreciate as in to be grateful and thankful for something. 
Most of us have so much to appreciate, but we still take time for finding mistakes and forget to embrace all the privileges we have and don't appreciate that. There shall always be greed for more, but it's on us to know how to control it, appreciate what we have, avoid finding what we don't have and stop this greed for more.

I know finding out mistakes is easier and catchy to talk about. I faced this problem myself! Although I have a lot to appreciate, I used to find what I didn't have. I have worked on that mistake and have stopped complaining and enjoying what I have. It's a little tricky but the moment you think about the things you have - a home, good clothes, education which most people might not even have you feeling happy and grateful for what you have. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade - V
Gyanshree School

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Making Everyday A Celebration - Rishona Chopra

You can make each day a celebration by being happy and by being kind to others!!

We usually celebrate on special occasions like festivals, birthdays, anniversaries and more. I’m sure you love celebrating and even I do. But why? Now your answers could be the following:-

  • Get time to spend with your family

  • Get to watch TV

  • Eat tasty food

In the above examples you can see that in these celebrations you watch TV, eat tasty food etc. But is it necessary that in celebrations you need to watch all those TV shows and eat  unhealthy food? No. A celebration is something when you spend time with your families and be happy and be compassionate to people. So what do you think? Can you make each day a celebration? Yes you can. You can make each day a celebration by being happy and by being kind to others!!

So be grateful and thankful everyday and it is itself a celebration!

Rishona Chopra

Grade - V

Gyanshree School

Good Schools Of India